The article that I picked is Kids as young as eight are using social media more than ever, study finds. This article caught my attention as during the peak of the pandemic even I was on my phone and social media a lot more than ever, especially, when TikTok was growing famously. As a person who gets easily influenced by seeing what other people have I have spent an insane amount of money on makeup and perfumes a lot. Not just spending money, people post their ‘get ready with me’ or ‘my health journey’ which shows girls of my age having perfect and really nice bodies than me, and I can’t help but feel jealous because of it. So there won’t be any surprise that younger kids will get influenced by being on social media a lot. The article shows an increase of 17% in screen time than ever on kid’s phones.

Article link:,Kids%20as%20Young%20as%208%20Are%20Using%20Social%20Media%20More,in%20the%20four%20years%20prior.