
Hi, my name is marycruz Gavilanes but everybody calls me mary. I’m from Ecuador and i came to the united states when i was 11 yrs old. I graduated from high school when I was 15 I’m a sophomore, but my first year in hospitality. My hobbies are drawing and cooking. One goal is to graduate with a master degree. In the future, I want to become a private chef or an executive chef and open my own restaurant. I chose hospitality management because I love everything about cooking or baking.

6 thoughts on “E-portfolio

    1. Mary Post author

      I realized that when i was 4 yrs old. I used to help my grandma to cook and I used to have a little kitchen toy in which I used to imagine that I was able to cook so many different plates and desserts

  1. Rocio Molina

    Hey Mary, nice to see a familiar face in this class since we had one class together last semester. I also want to be a private chef but I’m dtill trying to figure it out.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hi! there are so many dishes that I know but it’s really hard to explain the names of each one of them. But one of my favorites is rice with mash potatoes and breaded chicken. I don’t know if you know what breaded chicken is?


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