Week 6 Discussion Topic: Picturing Breakfast Around the World

Typical kid's breakfast in Istanbul with brown bread, hardboiled egg, olives, tomatoes, cheese, jam, and honeyed butter.

Typical kid’s breakfast in Istanbul with brown bread, hardboiled egg, olives, tomatoes, cheeses, jam, and honeyed butter.

Last week the New York Times Magazine published a slideshow about what children eat for breakfast around the world. Read the article and share with your classmates your thoughts on breakfast as a meal. Do you think its essential? Are American breakfasts too sugary? In addition, please post a picture of something you think is essential for breakfast. If possible, please take a photograph with a smartphone or digital camera, resize and upload the photo along with your post. Follow the directions to resize your photo to smaller than 600 x 700 pixels here.

Read the NYTimes article “What kids around the world eat for breakfast.”

Please post your responses by Wednesday, OctoberĀ 22nd.