Week 12: Hands Up, Donā€™t Shoot: Photographs from #Ferguson (Leah M)

While reading the two articles, I can understand why a certain group of people can hate. Personally I believe that some of the forced used in Ferguson was a bit to extreme. In the article,Ā Behind the Best Pictures From Ferguson, With Getty Photographer Scott Olson I tried imagining first hand what it felt like being there in person. In my opinion it seemed like a war zone. It brought me back to the memories of operation Iraqi freedom with all those photos popping up on my television. It certainly is not a nice feeling. AfterĀ reading that article,and seeing all the news coverage, the photos being posted on social media made me believe that down in Ferguson was aĀ war zone. “Ferguson the war against Americans”. Now to compare the incident which took place at Kent State on May 4th 1970 there was so much similarity and that of all the rioting taking place in Ferguson. The body of Michael Brown laying on the ground after being shot by police and the body of Jeffrey Miller which laidĀ in the streetsĀ from a single bulletĀ he too meet his fate at the hands of a national guardsman.Reading the two articles brought me right back into history. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Considering the photos taken by Scott Olson during the early days in Ferguson and that of John Filo famous Kent State photograph and the events of May 4, 1970 brought us back to what our forefathers fought for. Martin Luther must be rolling in his grave. Ā On the other hand the I can understand why such a stance was taken in Ferguson by the police and national guardsmenĀ after the verdict was given in the Michael Brown case. The police department and all knew that without a guilty verdict there would be a lot of blood shared. I don’t agree with the manner in which they tried restoring peace over thereĀ (tear gas, rubber bullets etc.) The looting in Ferguson by the protesters was uncalled for. One can protest without breaking any law and still get their point across. We continue to live in a world of injustice. Black lives sure does matter.

Outrage In Missouri Town After Police Shooting Of 18-Yr-Old Man



Hands Up, Donā€™t Shoot: Photographs from #Ferguson

Scott Olson’s took a risk to captured these memorable photographs of Ferguson protest. He thought the consequences that the protestors received for not complying with the authorities were harsh. Protestors were attacked by tear gas, rubber bullets and even arrested like the photographer Scott Olson. The photographs from Ferguson and from the Kent State captures the power of the authority against the crowd. It captures the scenario of the protest that became controversial that it raised numerous questions regarding of what happen when this picture was captured.


The New American Dustbowl: Documenting Californiaā€™s Drought

The photographs from the drought and the Dust Bowl is similar to the FSA photography because it is taken during the same era. These photographs capture the gloomy scene of the tragedy during the 1930′ during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. I think few Americans are unaware of the drought conditions in California becauseĀ  Central Valley was a place where farmers grow their produce to feed the mass population. The drought unfortunately was not expected to turned the conditions around.

Robert Capa and the Greatest War Photograph

Whealan’s argument is convincing and in fact is relevant to the scenario during in the photograph. The photographer Gallagher who questioned the authenticity of Capa’s photo probably mistaken Capa for another photographer. The war photograph I believe is authentic because it was shot from a distance and the movement of the falling soldier seems impossible to stage. I do think authenticity matters because a photograph like this captures the attention of the mass should not be deceiving.


Week 10, Robert Capa and the Greatest War Photograph

Capa’s work look a little bit stage but in my opinion I think they are not, he work hard to show the people the struggle of the Spanish war and what the soldier when through. his arguments were convincing to me; photographers need to have authenticity in their work so people can trust their picture. also authenticity matter in all professional work not only in photographs.

week 6, breakfast around the world


I think that all the kids that were on the article eat more healthy than an american kid. american breakfast are too sugary in my opinion, kids need vitamins,minerals and proteins that you cannot find it donuts or muffin, i also think that kids can learn more or less in school depending in what are they eating at home. a good breakfast to me should include fruits and milk, does are really good and rich in vitamins.

why does it look delish?

I think this tres leches look delish because of its shiny color and because the tres leches cake melts in my mouth as I try it, sticky with fudge frosting on my tongue. The bitter and simultaneously sweet smell of it puts me in a serene mind state. With the rich deep shades of the frosting on top of delicious layers of condensed milk. this cake acts as a slice of happiness on a white styrofoam plate.Ā the beautiful frosting tastes as great as it looks.

Rock Star Food Behind the Scenes

Henry Hargreaves took an interesting approach towards each photography reflecting each celebrity’s tour request and led us to a glimpse of their life on tour. Each photograph reflects the celebrity’s personality based on the photo’s backdrop, set ups and caption. I enjoy this topic of discussion because it is food photography related and Henry Hargreaves took food photography to the next level. I like the creativity that was shown because each photograph tells a story not just through food but from the celebrities’ non- food necessities as well.

Photography and Special Effects in Early Film

The film resembles to the practice of The Moving Image. I am very impressed with the special effects that were put into the moon and the overall production, consider the fact that it was made in 1902. The film camera made the movement on the screen seems sped up. Not every movement was clear in fact it seems like the actors were walking and acting funny. The similarities were of course the effects that the photographic and film camera produce and the difference is that the film camera gets to record everything live.