INTRO, Day 1: Mon, Jan. 31st

Homework 1 – DUE Wed. Feb. 2nd

  1. WRITE an introductory post using one or two of the prompts below as a guide. You do not have to answer each prompt, just let them help you get the writing juices flowing!
  2. RESPOND to at least one classmate’s post!

**To respond, go to the bottom of this post, you will see a blank box, that that says ‘Comment’ write your response in the box! Push the button that says, Post Comment. Your comment might not post immediately. Sometimes I have to approve them! Don’t worry! If you have any questions, email me at!


Tell us about yourself! Choose 1 or 2 of the prompts below and write a response to them! Your response does not have to be long, but it should be complete, meaning, write more than just a few words in response to the question. Really think about the prompt and write a meaningful reply. Then, don’t forget to respond to your classmates!

      • What are your favorite hobbies, activities or things to do?
      • Describe a book or a person or a movie or a game that has had a profound influence in your life.
      • What’s a current issue in the news/on social media that you have strong opinions about?
      • Describe a goal you have for your future—what is your plan to achieve it?
      • Describe a life event from which you learned a lesson that changed you forever
      • What are you hoping to achieve as a result of taking this writing class?



  1. mahdi ahammad

    one of my favorite hobbies is to grab my friends grab a car go really far upstate or out of state turn off the gps get lost and start exploring and just have fun till we get tired or get too far, as well as look for nice fishing spots

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Love this Mahdi!! That sounds like such fun! Where have you ended up before?

  2. Alisa

    One of my activities to do is going to the gym. It’s not just about going there and working on yourself , it’s about going there and releasing your stress and anger . It’s one of the most satisfying feelings leaving the gym after a good workout in the end of the day as I completed a certain task .

    • Rickey Bryant

      Definitely me when times when i get mad and anything that bothers me i will go for walk but when going to the gym it helps me let out aggression but also help me learn from my mistakes and think about not to do it again.

    • Nastassia Molicheva

      Hi Alisa!
      I agree with you that going to the gym is very beneficial for both physical and emotional health. Movement brings relief and release to our feelings. I also find that it’s a form of meditation in a way – when you only focus on your body, the thoughts tend to disappear.
      I would love to go to the gym for some strength training, but there are no gyms near my place in Staten Island, so I just stick to home workouts. Hoping to find something close to the campus this semester. Where do you work out/What’s your sworn for routine?

      • Henry03

        There is a couple of gyms around the campus, there’s a blink and a planet fitness not too far from the campus.

    • Mushfiq Alam

      It’s cool that you use the gym as a way to express yourself, would say that you also go to the gym before big events like an exam to get yourself in the right head space?

      • Alisa

        I would definitely say so.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      I love that! So fun!

    • Camila Torres

      I agree with you on that because I also enjoyed going to the gym especially on the break we recently had. It helps alot with your mind and for you to maintain being healthy.

    • josue

      Totally agree on this one. Going to the gym and relieving stress and leaving with a good pump is what makes it so good.

    • Henry03

      This is how I see the gym as well, it helps me clear my mind and relax after a very stressful day. I was wondering what type of training you do, for example, do you do Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, or just for your physical health?

  3. Mushfiq Alam

    Hey everyone my name is Mushfiq but don’t stress trying to pronounce that and call me Mush instead. Currently I’m majoring in computer systems technology and something I enjoy doing is going to cafe’s during the colder seasons. It’s a great way to destress and take a break from things as the atmosphere around it just puts you at ease. Especially during this season as having a hot drink during this colder weather just brings a certain level of comfort that you can’t find during the summer. With that being said I look forward to working with you all.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      I love going to cafe’s too and having a coffee or tea and a good book!

    • Tehmina Imanat

      Hey Mishfiq, your name is so unique!
      I also enjoy going to cafes and trying out new cafes to try out, it really does get my mind off things. I still get cold drinks /coffee in this cold weather lol.

  4. Steven Galushka

    Hi, my name is Steven Galushka and I am planning to become a Mechanical Engineer for my career and I’m hoping that these 4 years will be great and productive. A few things you should know about me is that I tinker a lot with 3D printers, cars, remote controlled crafts, etc. My favorite past time is biking and hiking with friends, and occasionally play games if it’s too cold outside.
    My goal right now is to become a great engineer, my end goal is to reach space and hopefully help at SpaceX or Tesla. Big dreams, but if I can’t reach those goals, the steps I take to get there will satisfy the engineering desires.
    I feel like English is overlooked for Engineers, specially when it comes to descriptions of parts, there is never a clear sentence on how other engineers want it done. I want to one of those engineers, ones that are thorough with their work.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Love this! I also love biking and hiking! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Kaylee Castaneda

    What are you hoping to achieve as a result of taking this writing class? As a result of taking this class, I’m hoping to become a better writer. If I can work on these skills they will be more efficient. I enjoyed the first semester of this English class and I know that in this class I will learn a lot as well. I’m looking forward to getting better at comprehending different types of texts and articles along with summarizing what I have read as well. I also want to get better at expanding my vocabulary and incorporating it into my writing pieces.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent! Love to hear what you hope to gain from this class!

    • Alisa

      I definitely hope I’ll become a better writer by the end of the semester and this class already is giving me high hopes.

  6. Tehmina Imanat

    My favorite hobby is to bake. I enjoy creating and finding different recipes to bake. I enjoy making cakes, cookies and brownies in all different ways. Baking is a way for me to express myself in creative and unique ways.
    One life event that had changed me forever was when I lost a family member that I was very close with. This made me realize many things and I views life differently.
    In this writing class I hope to achieve better writing skils and I hope to write or read a piece that I have not done before.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Yum!! I also love baking! Can’t wait to chat recipes!

  7. Rickey Bryant

    Hello everyone my name is Rickey you can call me a Rickey or Rick however you want name it.I’m also majoring Construction engineering technology/technician Im going for 2 years to see how it plans out and if I like most I will up another 2 years. My hobbies is playing video games and going to gym on my free time to make my day positive energy.My goal is from now until next year when I graduate is to not give up get help for professors go to tutoring for help get a passing grades for all my classes and keep a positive mindset if you give up it’s not gonna get you anywhere.What I’m hoping to archive better my writing skills more some vocabulary I can use in the future and to read thing I want to know more about. I look forward meeting you guys I love making new friends and having positive vibes.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Sounds like great goals! I can’t wait to hear more about what construction engineering is!

  8. Nastassia Molicheva

    Hi everyone!
    My name is Nastassia (pronounced [na’ sta’ see’ uh]). I am a junior with a Major in Communication Design and a Business Minor.
    In my free time, I enjoy reading books and learning about personal finance & sustainability.
    Another passion of mine is exploring new cities and countries – though I do not get to do it as frequently lately. I usually travel with my friends from other states/countries and meet on “neutral” territory. I last traveled to Austin, TX in August 2021.
    I’m hoping this class can help me propel my skills and get more comfortable expressing my ideas through writing.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      I love exploring and traveling too and I wish I could do it more now! What’s a favorite book?

    • Diana

      I like traveling and exploring new cities before the pandemic I was expecting to spend around 2 weeks in Europe with my brother. We had hoped that the pandemic would be over by august and that never happened.

  9. Christopher

    My favorite hobby and things to do is working on finding peace and happiness to evolve and become a better person in life. I am trying to achieve this goal by being honest with myself and expecting the unexpected. A life event I learned from is losing someone I cared truly about and realizing that my relationship with this specific person has broken which really left a hole in my heart. I believe being honest with someone to fix problems can help build relationships/friendships which can decrease stress and anxiety.

  10. Camila Torres

    One of my favorite activities to do are baking and cooking , but mainly cooking. What I mainly like to prepare are Peruvian dishes since my parents are from over there . I find it interesting and entertaining to learn and do since there are very few Peruvian restaurants here in Brooklyn and overall New York. It’s something I like doing because it reminds me of the times I would go over there before the pandemic hit. I find cooking and baking (with music playing ) a good way to get things off my mind and to just enjoy the time.

  11. Christopher Lopez

    I don’t know exactly want I want to do with my life but I do know that I want to be successful. To me success isn’t just money, it’s enjoying I what I do. If I get a career where I get paid to have fun I would be happy. I plan to achieve this by finishing school and doing whatever it takes to be successful.

  12. Diana

    One activity that I like to do is going to the gym. Going to the gym makes it so that I am able to release any stress that I am feeling. I like being able to put my headphones on and take my mind off what is causing me any stress. It feels good being able to get up in the morning and go to the gym even if all I do is run on the treadmill.

  13. josue

    Hey everyone, my name is Josue (ho-sway) or Jose. One of my favorite hobbies is watching basketball and soccer. I’m a really big sports fanatic and a really competitive person. As a result of taking this class, I hope to be a better writer and be able to write really long papers.

  14. Karen Mantilla

    Hi everyone!
    My name is Karen and my favorite hobbies are to go to the gym and clean. I live on my own and now I understand why my mom likes to clean so much. The gym is where I get to clear my head and it’s me time. I don’t have a lot of free time or maybe I’m still not organized enough to have free time. In the writing class I want to achieve better grammar because English isn’t my first language and I’m not a good writer. I’ve always struggled with writing and it’s something I need on the daily basis. I also hope to ask for help and not be afraid to do so.

  15. Henry03

    Hello everyone my name is Henry, I’m a first-year and I’m majoring in Electrical engineering. In my free time, I like to go to the gym and do powerlifting the reason being that it helps relieve the stress that is built up throughout the day. Going to the gym has forced me to grow as a person both in a physical and in a mental aspect, as each training session was challenging and I would work with heavier loads forcing me to step out of my comfort zone. A fun fact about me is that I constantly step out of my comfort zone as I want to grow as a person and become better than the day before. I look forward to meeting and chatting about things we have in common 🙂 .

  16. Abdul Ikhlaq

    What I like to do for fun is read. Growing up I was always encouraged to read. A daily of 30 minutes of reading was forced on me when I was younger. I never liked it because if the books I was reading. Always a book my parents or aunt picked out and I would yawn through each page. Sometimes I would act like I’m reading. Now that I’m older and recently got introduced to inspirational books, I make it part of my morning routine to read 10-20 pages. Reading off a hard copy or on the internet is the best way to feed and keep your mind healthy.

    After taking this writing class I hope to be a stronger writer. I had professor Coleman last semester and I don’t doubt that she’ll be able to change my perspective on reading and writing. The way she gives us the ability to freely choose from topics and write is what I like about her.

  17. Tania

    Hi my name is Tania. I am a transfer student majoring in computer programming. During my free time I enjoy baking and painting but mostly shopping. One of biggest passions is traveling with my family and friends. I try my best to go on several trips yearly but at minimum three. Throughout this semester, I hope to meet new peers as well as get to know more about the English language and literature.

  18. Tania Natali Cedillo

    Hi my name is tania. I am a transfer student with a major in computer programming. During my free time, I enjoy baking and painting but mostly shopping. One of my biggest passion is traveling with my family and friends. I try my best to go on at least three trips per year. This semester, I hope to meet new peers as well as get to know more about the English language

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