This is where you will find your Weekly Assignments for Module 1: Discourse Communities. 

Please come to class prepared having reviewed the PowerPoint and ready to participate! You may either post your responses to the PowerPoint on OpenLab or actively discuss the content on the Zoom. If you choose to post your response, write one response for each day (Tuesday and Thursday) that includes a general response to the PowerPoint (what did you think, what did you learn, what questions do you have, etc) and a response to ALL of the activities in the PowerPoint.  


Day 1: Tuesday, Feb. 16


  1. Week 3 PowerPoint and Activities  (Tuesday)– Here is the link to the Week 3 PowerPoint: Week 3 PowerPoint
  2. Introduce Project 1 – Discourse Communities
  3. Discuss “Understanding Discourse Communities” by Dan Melzer (either in synchronous small groups on Zoom or in asynchronous groups on Discussion Post)

Please  reply to all of the discussions and activities in the PowerPoint by posting a response here: DUE Feb. 19th


  1. Choose a Discourse you are a member of and post it on our Google Sheets. Here is the link:
  2. Read “Don’t Eat Before Reading This” by Anthony Bourdain and write your response on OpenLab. Respond to each other. Engage in a conversation! Due Feb. 18th

Here is the link:

  1. What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you like it? Explain! 
  2. Who do you think might be the intended audience of this piece?
  3. Why do you think the author wrote it?
  4. What is the tone of the piece (formal, informal, humorous, serious, academic, etc.) Why do you think the author chose this tone?
  5. What Discourse Community does the author describe? Explain!

DAY 2: Thursday, Feb. 18th


  1. Week 3 PowerPoint and Activities  (Thursday)– Here is the link to the Week 3 PowerPoint:  Week 3 PowerPoint
  2. Review and discuss “Don’t Eat Before Reading This” by Anthony Bourdain  (either in synchronous small groups on Zoom or in asynchronous groups on Discussion Post)
  3. Begin Project 1: Task 2: Prove It! 
  4. Listen to “We Come From Small Places: Drums, Oil, and Early Morning Devil Horns – Act 2”  and Watch: “Op-Docs: What if He Falls? The Terrifying Reality Behind Filming “Free Solo”. Break into small groups. Discuss how drumming and/ or climbing meet the criteria of a DC. 

Please  reply to all of the discussions and activities in the PowerPoint by posting a response here: DUE Feb. 19th


  1. Prepare for submission Project 1: Task 2. You must write a 250 word introduction that proves that your Discourse Community is in fact a Discourse Community. Post your response on OpenLab under Student Posts/ Weekly Assignments/ Week 3-Thursday Feb. 18th. 
  1. Read ‘Navigating Genres’ by Kerry Dirk. Write a Response to the question on OpenLab. Respond to each other. Engage in a conversation.

Here is a link:

  • What is the genre of this text? How do you know?
  • Who do you think is the intended audience? What is the author’s purpose?
  • How does the author try to accomplish her purpose and reach her audience? Is she successful? Explain.
  • What are some genres you have enjoyed in the past (writing AND reading)?
  • Do you prefer having a structure or form to follow (like a specific genre) or do you find that to be limiting? Explain.

DAY 3: Tuesday, Feb. 23rd


  1. Week 4 PowerPoint and Activities
  2. Discuss Dirk reading (either in synchronous small groups on Zoom or in asynchronous groups on Discussion Post)

Here is a link to the Week 4 PowerPoint:

Week 4 PowerPoint


  1. Project 3: Step 3-Artifact Analysis Worksheet. Here is the link: Step 3: Analyze Your Artifact!

DAY 4: Thursday, Feb. 25th


  1. Week 4 PowerPoint and Activities
  2. Review your Artifact Analysis in small groups

Here is a link to the Week 4 PowerPoint:

Week 4 PowerPoint


  1. DRAFT of Project 1 DUE Tuesday, March 2nd. Upload to Dropbox! Here is the link: Link to Dropbox

Day 5: Tuesday, March 2nd


  1. Week 5 PowerPoint and Activities
  2. Revise and edit your Project 1 Draft in class

Here is a link to the Week 5 PowerPoint:

Week 5 PowerPoint


  1. FINAL of Project 1 DUE Tuesday, March 9th. Upload to Dropbox! Here is the link: Link to Dropbox

Day 6: Thursday, March 4th


  1. Week 5 PowerPoint and Activities
  2. Draft Module 1 Reflection
  3. Let’s share and celebrate! We have worked SO hard on our DC projects. Let’s take some time to share with our classmates what we have learned! (introduce protocols for sharing!)

Here is a link to the Week 5 PowerPoint:

Week 5 PowerPoint


  1. Final Project 1 Due MARCH 9th
  2. Unit 1 Reflection Due MARCH 9th