Here is where you should reply to the activities in the Weekly PowerPoint or if you are Synchronous but for cannot actively participate due to technology challenges, in order to receive attendance/ participation credit:

  1. Either reply to this original Week 1 Assignment Tuesday post or create a new post (my preference is for you to reply to the original post!)
  2. Write a  general response to the PowerPoint (what did you think, what did you learn, what questions do you have, etc.) AND a response to ALL of the activities in the PowerPoint. 

HERE is where you should write your Introductory Post  

Use the questions the questions here as a guide! You don’t have to answer every question, just let them help you get the writing juices flowing! Introduce yourself to us! 

    • Tell us about yourself!
      • What are your favorite hobbies, activities or things to do?
      • What do you like about reading? What is hard for you when you read? Be specific.
      • How long do you usually read before you stop or lose your focus?
      • What genres do you prefer to read (mysteries, adventure, science fiction, humor, informational texts, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Explain. 
      • Who is an author you have enjoyed reading?
      • What language to you prefer to read in?
      • Where is your favorite place to read (bed, floor, chair, subway, etc)?What is your favorite reading environment (quiet, music, etc)?
      • What is your favorite genre to write in? (Poetry, journals, songs, notes, letters, essays, stories, mysteries, etc). Is there a new genre you would like to try to write in?
      • What language do you prefer to write in?
      • What are your favorite writing utensils (pen/pencil and paper, computer, tablet, phone)?What is your favorite writing environment (quiet, music, etc)?
      • What is your favorite place to write (desk, floor, table, bed, etc)?
      • What do you like about writing? What is hard for you when you write? Be specific.
      • How long do you usually write before you stop or lose your focus?

Make sure to check back in on the class website and see what other people are saying, and to receive full credit reply to a couple of people. It’s nice to know we’re not alone!