Category: Weekly Assignment Response (Page 3 of 10)

Week 8 Weekly Assignment (Tues. March 23rd)

1. Write a BRIEF analysis and evaluation for EACH of your FOUR Sources.

ANALYZE your sources with a focus on genre, rhetorical situation (audience and purpose), rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) and authors craft (HOW they presented the information such as tone, style, etc). 

Analysis Step 1: Summary / Description 

Analysis Step 2: Identify and Analyze Genre and Rhetorical Situation (audience/ purpose)

Analysis Step 3: Identify and Analyze Rhetorical Appeals (ethos, pathos, logos)

Analysis Step 4: Analyze Author’s Craft (how the author presents the message-tone, style)

EVALUATE your sources for credibility.

Use the 5 Ws and 1 Hs to help evaluation your source’s credibility! WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY,  and HOW!

2. Be prepared to present your research to the class on Thursday!

DUE Thursday, March 25th

Weekly Assignment Week 7 (Thurs. March 18th)

PROJECT 1: STEP 2: Gather Your Research

  1. Find 3 additional sources for your project.  For EACH source write down:

  • The title and author of your source
  • The genre of your sources (be VERY specific)
  • The proper MLA citation of your source
  • The reason you think this source might be helpful.

2. Write down 5-8 research questions (they can be based on the questions you wrote on your     KWL chart!).

DUE: TUES. March 23rd

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