Category: Major Projects (Page 3 of 4)

Project 3 – Writing in a New Genre

Choose a Genre and an Audience Due :  Monday Nov. 15th

Project Proposal Due: Wednesday Nov. 18th

Draft Due: Monday Nov. 29th

Final Project Due: Wednesday Dec. 6th

The Assignment

At the end of Module 2, we asked the question: What is the most important thing you learned and what audience do you think needs to know about it? In  Module 3, we ask ourselves: what is the best genre to use to tell that audience the information you want them to learn?

In Project 2 you analyzed and evaluated 4 sources, you kept your opinion out of the Reflective Annotated Bibliography, well NOW is the chance for you to share your opinion on the topic!

In this Module, you will write about the subject you researched in Module 2 in the genre of your choice (within reason!) Whatever you choose, the most important factor is that it is the genre that best reaches the audience you think needs to hear about your topic. It also needs to showcase your research!

How are you going to get your target audience to listen to your message? Will they listen to a political speech? Watch a video essay? Read a magazine article? Read/watch a scene from a play/film?  Read the lyrics to a song? You can use pretty much any genre, as long as it’s one that’s new to you and appropriate for the audience you choose. No middle school kid is going to sit still for a 30-minute political speech even if it’s about how to keep from being bullied. Wrong genre, poor analysis of your audience. All I ask is that you make sure it isn’t offensive (racist, sexist, homophobic, religion-intolerant). Also, no PowerPoint Presentation.*

Once you’ve written your new genre text, you’ll also write an Artist’s Statement to go along with it, something that tells us what you intended to do, who your intended audience was, what you went through to get it done, how well you think it turned out, and where you think it might be published/shared with that audience. There will be a handout on the Artist’s Statement when that time comes.

So, to recap, in Module 3, you will:

  • Write about the research you did in Module 2
  • Address the audience you think needs to know what you learned in Module 2 (just the most important parts)
  • Write in the genre that you think will best reach that audience
  • Write a one-page Artist’s Statement that explains your process

What you’ll be graded on:

Genre: Whatever you choose must actually fit in that genre. A video that’s just a single picture for two minutes isn’t a video because it doesn’t move; it doesn’t engage us the way a video/film should. When you do your proposal, you’ll have a chance to set up what the rules and conventions are for that genre.

Appropriateness for audience: If you’re doing something for 4th grade students, it shouldn’t be full of graduate school words. Appropriate means word choice, approach to topic/issue, use of visuals if you use them – does the way you “wrote” your genre piece fit what would work best for this audience?

Effectiveness of message: We’ll share these in class so you’ll get a chance to see if you got your point across. Did it fulfill your purpose?

Length/Timeliness: The genre piece can be whatever length it needs to be based on the conventions of the genre, but it should be substantial in total (like at least 1000 words!). One meme is not really enough for 15% of your grade in a major English class.

Artist Statement: Did you thoughtfully reflect on your process, even if things didn’t turn out quite how you wanted?

*Why? Because first of all, Power Point isn’t a genre, it’s a tool. You use Power Point to do something, like make a presentation or give a talk. Second of all, you’ve probably done a Power Point before, and the purpose of this assignment is for you to learn to write something new.  Third, there have been a lot of studies done on the most boring forms of delivery, and Power Point is consistently at the top!


Explaining the rationale behind our actions and decisions is an important kind of reflective writing because it makes visible what is otherwise invisible. You can choose to write an e-mail in Comic Sans font, but unless you explain why, the choice may seem mysterious and odd to readers. Composers of all sorts often write an Artist’s Statement for their audience that explains their inspirations, intentions, and choices in their creative and critical processes. It helps the reader understand the process that led to the final product by providing insight into what the author set out to do, how they did it, and what they might do to further improve the piece.

In an Artist’s Statement, you step back and consider what you did and what you might have done differently and might do differently in the future. That’s what you’ll do in this reflection about the genre project you’ve just completed: the choices you made, why you made them, what happened, how you feel about it now.  So for this 750-100 word document, you’re going to create your own reflection about your project, and do it in a way that tells us what happened and when — the chronology of thought and actions that took you from your first ideas about it all the way to the completed project.

There are three sections in your Artist’s Statement:

  1. Before I began: Think back through everything you did – every choice you made and why – before you actually got to work on the genre project. Here are the things you need to talk about:
  • Context: Give us the background for this project. Remind us how you became interested in the topic.
  • Rhetorical Situation and Related Choices: Tell us the “why” of your project. What was your purpose for making this project? What audience did you want to direct this information to? Why that audience specifically? Where did you see your piece being shown or distributed to your audience? What appeals did you decide to use (which, of course, may have changed later): facts (logos), emotion (pathos), the credibility of you or someone you talk about (ethos)?
  • Genre Considerations: Why did you choose the genre you did? What made you think that genre would be the best one for your audience? For example, if you did a brochure, what made a brochure the best way to get the information to your chosen audience — that is, you knew you had a place to distribute it so that seemed logical?
  1. Doing the project: Walk us chronologically through the process you went through to get it done: this then this then this… What went well? What didn’t go so well? What did you have to change and when? Did you throw out your original idea altogether, and if so, why? Who/where did you turn to for help? When did you panic (if you did) and what did you do about it?
  2. Now that it’s “done”: How do you think it turned out? Did you change the kinds of appeals or see them evolve as you went along (it happens)? Why?  What, given all the time and money and expertise in the world, would you have done differently? What works great, what are you happiest about? How easy or hard was it? How do you feel about having done something like this as a college project — can you see using any of this in the future (tools, analysis, etc.)?

*Note: This should be a fluid, cohesive document that reflects on and justifies the rhetorical choices in your New Genre Project. Do not just merely answer each question in list form.

Module 1 Reflection

Write a 250 Word Reflection on Module 1.

Please include the word count on the top of the page.

The reflection should be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Questions to Consider:

Metacognition is what we call reflection: an awareness of our learning process—both how and what we learn.

 Transfer: Is the concept of how we can transfer this knowledge/ awareness/ learning into other aspects of our lives. For example, how can we use this learning in other classes (math classes, architecture classes, fashion classes) or in the world outside of City Tech (our careers, etc). 

 We have talked a lot about our learning process as readers/ writers/ speakers. Now, it is time for us to reflect on this learning!

 A Module Reflection asks you to reflect or look back at the module and think deeply about the readings, the major project, and the short writing assignments you completed.

First, let’s think about what each of these mentor authors taught us:

  • Donald Murray “All Writing is Autobiography;”
  • Amy Tan “Mother Tongue;”
  • Jose Antonio Vargas “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant;”
  • Malcolm X “Learning to Read.”  
  • Jamila Lyiscott “Broken English
  • Mike Bunn “How to Read Like a Writer”

 Next, let’s think about what we learned from all of our different writing assignments, both short and long!

  • Short daily prompts,
  • Micro Autobiography,
  • Reading Responses,
  • Brainstorming,
  • Note Jotting,
  • Reading/ Writing Questionnaire,
  • Literacy Narrative 

 Guiding Questions

You do not have to answer each question, but rather use them as a guide or inspiration as you reflect or look back on the unit!

  • Discuss what you learned about yourself as a writer and a reader in the process of writing this Literacy Narrative. For example, what part did you find the most challenging? Or the most successful? Did you try anything new like using a narrative technique or revising with a specific focus?
  • Which of the readings, if any, influenced you or inspired you? Explain the influence, USE SPECIFIC examples. [Donald Murray “All Writing is Autobiography;” Amy Tan “Mother Tongue;” Jose Antonio Vargas “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant;” Malcolm X “Learning to Read.”]


  • The focus of the unit was on Genre and Literacy Narratives, what did you find interesting? What did you learn? What would you still like to learn more about?
  • What are your thoughts on the experience in general? Was it a useful learning experience? What specific skills or perspectives did you acquire as a result?
  • How could you transfer something you learned in this Unit to other aspects of your life both in City Tech and outside of City Tech?
  • Is there anything else you want me to know about you as a writer or reader or your work in this class?


Project 2 – Roadmap



A lot of people have never written an annotated bibliography before, especially a reflective annotated bibliography! This is here to help guide you if you get lost. Please think of it as a road map, not a cage– that is, don’t feel like you’re going to get in trouble if you don’t get the exact number of words in paragraph two of your source entry, for example.  This is here to help you know where to start and how to proceed if you feel lost!  

Intro (at least 300 words)

  • Introduce your question
  • Explain how you got interested in your question/ Why you are interested 
  • Explain what you expect to find in your research (a hypothesis)
  • Explain what you will do if you find something that doesn’t fit your hypothesis


Write this in paragraph format (1-3 paragraphs) 

Source Entries (at least 300 words each). You need FOUR! 


  • You will have 4 sources
  • You will have an entry for each source
  • Each source will be a different genre
  • At least 300 words each
  • Each entry will have all four parts (see below!)

How do I write a source entry?

Part 1:

The first part of your entry will be the “bibliographic entry.” This entry gives the publication information, author, date, title and so forth. There are many websites (like that can help you do this.  Here is one example:  

Fitzgerald, Jill. “Research on Revision in Writing” Review of Educational Research. 57.4 (Winter 1987): 481-506. 

Part 2: Summary and representative quotes (1 substantial paragraph)

In the second part of your entry, you will write a summary. This will be useful to you later, because it will give you the rundown of what you’ve read (just in case you forgot.) Your summary should convey what the author states in the article and not your opinions. Here is a good time to capture what you think are the author’s most important points, quoting directly if possible. It’s also a good time to make note of what data, facts and evidence the author uses to support their claims, and how they use this evidence to arrive at their conclusions.

Part 3: Reflection and rhetorical analysis (2-3 paragraphs)

In the third part of your entry, you will respond to the text you’ve read.  This is important, as it is where your voice comes in. Avoid simply agreeing or disagreeing with the author; explain your full reaction. You can quote particular sentences to which you are responding. What questions do you have? What don’t you understand? What other information do you need to look up to better understand this article? If you could say something to this author, what would you say? How does this document inform your research?

Also consider rhetorical factors here like the genre of the writing, the author’s credentials, and the publication venue. How do you feel the author’s writing style, awareness of audience and purpose (reason for writing), and choice of genre affect the meaning and credibility of the document?

Part 4:

Quotables. This last part doesn’t count toward your word count, but it will help you in Module 3.  Here, you will make note of at least one direct quote from the author that you feel really exemplifies the document’s claims or interpretations. Or, you might want to choose a sentence that you really agree with (or really disagree with) that you want to refer back to later. You don’t need to repeat something you’ve quoted earlier– this is just a place to take note of quotations you feel you may want to use later.  Put it in quotes– and don’t forget the page number (if applicable). 

Conclusion ( at least 400 words):

  • You will summarize what you found in your research
  • You will tell readers what surprised you, or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed. (Spoiler: if the answer is “not at all”, you did not do enough research.) 
  • You will explain why what you learned is important
  • You will explain who you think needs to know about it and why (Another spoiler: be specific!  The answer can not be “everyone.”  That is too big of an audience.  Narrow it down to who needs to hear about it first!) 

So, to clarify, your finished product will have:

  • Intro 
  • Source Entry 1
  • Source Entry 2 
  • Source Entry 3 
  • Source Entry 4
  • Conclusion 


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