Law and Cultural assignment

 A cultural source that I have chosen is a movie. The movie title is  Jolly LLB 2. It was released on Feb 9, 2017. It was written and directed by Subash Kapoor.

As I summarize this movie.  The movie is about a lawyer who Tricks a video into giving him money so that he can start his own law firm however he is filled with guilt and shame. when he learns that she has committed suicide and that her husband was a victim of injustice. Therefore then the lawyer submits a case about his husband and tries to win the case so that he can get justice for her. Also in the way of getting justice. The lawyer gets a lot of threats because A lot of big people blood involved in this prophecy. The lawyer get shot by some goons. Although he survived and come back again to fight the case. In the end, the lawyer discovered that a police Inspector is involved in this Fake encounter at the end the lawyer discovered that a police inspector is involved in this fake encounter. The inspector released the real culprit and encountered the other innocent boy. After finding out the truth the lawyer wins the case and justice gets served after finding out the truth the lawyer wins the case and justice gets served.

In the civil law and procedure course, we learned about various provisions of law. According to me, I deem that this movie is a great preview of civil and criminal law case. In this case, I saw that how victims suffered till they get justice. Also, I hold that the court system should be fast Because as I saw in the movie and in real-life the court cases took many years. Therefore The cases should be solved first so that the people can move on with their life as they want.  Furthermore, as I saw in the movie that at the end when the witness called in the box. The witness gave the right information to the police however when he gets in the box and just ask him who you are then he said something else. The information that he gave to the police was totally different than the information that he gave to the judge. Therefore I learned That the things say to the police is not advisable in the court. However, somehow the lawyer approved the witness wrong and that’s how he won the case.


My reaction to the cultural source is that this movie portrayed a real sense of civil and criminal cases. I said that because in this movie both civil and criminal things are involved. Like the widow who attempted suicide and her husband who got killed in a fake encounter by an inspector. It has affected my view of law and my interest in the legal profession because these cases happen every day somewhere in the world. Therefore whenever I see something like that it really pushes me to become a good lawyer and help those people as much as I can beyond then I can.

Court Observation

 First of all, as I start watching a court case. I quickly realized that whatever I saw in the movies like how The case get started in the court and How the lawyer present themselves. Furthermore, as I was watching it was very complicated. However, I tried my best to observe what happened in this case. Therefore as I observed that this case is about the adoption of intellectually disabled adult women. This case took place on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, in the New York state court of appeals. A woman who is disabled and she do not have the capacity and not capable of providing consent. According to the doctors she is considered As not able to give consent. Although petitioner could submit an application in the court for adaptation. 


I observed that they were talking own each other. Like they didn’t stop when one is speaking and then when the person is done then another person can speak. One thing that I find interesting is that if she can’t give her consent verbally then why can’t she give in the writing. In addition, there was no witness therefore I think there should be at least one witness. One thing that is not worthy is when the judge asked A question to a lawyer. Then a lawyer was unable to answer it. Why is that? The question was that the judge asked Wass to explain the operation of the legislature?


FYLC Assignment #3


1- I learned from Stedman’s essay that The writers Neglect sometimes to keep the reader on track about the book. In addition, it gets more harder when readers think that you’re unaware. Primary sources of law are authoritative and state law. They come from official parties. They include treaties, decisions of courts etc. Furthermore, a memorandum is a written paper that used in a company. In these papers, we can include the vocabulary words spelling correct format etc. The most important thing that a writer should give is to keep The reader connected to the point of you of the book. 

2- In the article “WHOSE CHOICE? PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION AND THE ARMED FORCES”. In this article, the author talks about the soldiers that they have to take drugs and different kind of medicines to stay on the field. As given in the article “In military combat settings,1 the use of psychotropic medications can be highly desirable for myriad reasons: for performance enhancement; to stay awake and alert for long periods of time; as a way to calm nerves in *202 highly stressful situations; to ease the symptoms of depression or anxiety disorders; or to preserve the mental health of the service members2 in combat. Service members experience various coercive pressures in their relationships with mental health treatment and psychotropic medications”. This quote states that the soldiers need different kinds of medicines to stay alert in the Warfield in addition even if they want to sleep they have to take some kind of drug to sleep. I used I can’t find the stupid link because I just jump right into the topic are you used I can’t find the stupid link because I just jump right into the topic.

Legal News

Brady, James. “Remarks by President Trump on the Election.” The White House, The United States Government, 5 Nov. 2020, 6:48 pm, 

In this article, the president of the United States of America Accused the democracy by saying that this election is a fraud. He himself declared his victory by saying that he won most of the states and the words that came late are illegal votes. 


In this response, I strongly disagreed with the president because he considered the democracy of the United States as a fraud and he accused them without having any evidence. In addition, Trump Represent the United States all around the globe, and obviously, he’s a big man with big responsibility therefore he shouldn’t have said that to the democracy and blaming them without any clearance his arguments were baseless.

Legal Source Entry

 My analysis question is about how a soldier fights with him in self? I am interested in this query because I noticed that being a soldier it’s not simple. 


Mahoney, Kara. “WHOSE CHOICE? PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION AND THE ARMED FORCES.” Whose Choice? Psychotropic Medication and The Armed Forces Kara Mahoney, Kara Mahoney, 2013, winter, 


In this Legal article called who is the choice? Psychotropic medication and the Armed Forces. The soldiers encounter many obstacles while performing a Mission a Soldiers face a lot of health issues in every mission especially for a long-term mission they use medication that can help them stay alert and focused on the mission. A Soldier is trained To ignore every kind of situation that affects the mission however if a soldier can’t ignore his pain or health issues then he has to take some medication like a drug so he can stay active and perform his mission effectively.  As evidence, the author states that as evidence the author states that “ If mental health problems become impossible to ignore, there are pressures to quietly take psychotropic medications in lieu of any other mental health treatment, such as psychotherapy.4 There are also coercive pressures to take medications like stimulants to perform missions lasting twenty-four hours or longer”.They are for being a soldier it’s not easy however it takes a lot of courage and strength to be the one different person from all other than in the world.  


After reading this article I strongly agree with the author that the soldiers Suffer a lot not just on the battlefield although with their own selves as well for example as I read it in the article suffer a lot not just on the battlefield although with their own selves as well for example as I read it in the article “Walk into any of the larger-battalion-aide stations in Iraq or Afghanistan today, and you’ll find Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft to fight depression, as well as Wellbutrin, Celexa, and Effexor. You’ll see Valium to relax muscles (but also for sleep and combat stress) as well as Klonopin, Ativan, Restoril, and Xanax. There’s Adderall and Ritalin for ADD and Haldol and Risperdal to treat psychosis; there’s Seroquel, at subtherapeutic doses, for sleep, along with Ambien and Lunesta. Sleep, of course, is a huge issue in any war. But in this one, there are enough Red Bulls and Rip Its in the chow halls to light up the city of Kabul, and soldiers often line their pockets with them before missions, creating a cycle where they use caffeine to power up and sleep meds to power down.” Therefore as my research question being a soldier, is not being an ordinary person therefore as my research question being a soldier he’s not being an ordinary person. In addition, soldiers miss their family in addition soldiers miss their family and they can’t go back until they don’t perform their duties given by their country. The rhetorical factors that I learned in professor Hall’s English class are about genre like my purpose of writing this legal source and other genres about my research question are to spread awareness to the youth of this country so they know that being a soldier is not obvious. 


A quote that triggers me and it exemplifies the document claim  “ The military has acknowledged the problem and, as will be discussed, has made recommendations for dealing with the overmedication of its service members. Yet in practice, individual service members continue to bears the full weight of choosing to take care of their health while risking stigma and their careers, or choosing to hide their mental health concerns while risking their long-term health, their safety, and the safety of their fellow service members”. This quote explains that being a soldier is not easy it demands perfection strength courage this quote truly triggers me that what are soldiers what are the obstacles that a soldier face furthermore soldiers have to take pills medication so that they can restore their energy. And to sleep, they still have to take medication that will help them to sleep. 


Election 2020



This article talks about the results so far in the 2020 election right now Donald Trump is leading with Joe Biden. Getting votes is a Long and harsh race however Joe Biden still has the options to win the elections because The key states not yet have been closed for voting. This article also tells us about the pandemic has an impact on elections. I think if   Joe Biden got the California electoral vote will win this election or vise versa. In my opinion, this election will win by Donald Trump because of the pandemic the money that he gave to the people will help him to get a vote.

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Amy Tan paralegal Issue

 After reading in Amy Tan One paralegal issue that I found  “ I know this for a fact because when I was growing my mothers limited English limited any perception of her I was ashamed of her English I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say That is because she expressed them in perfectly her thoughts were imperfect and I had plenty of empirical evidence to support me” that quote explains racism with her mother and according to first amendment called racial discrimination.