COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Author: Yiqiang Wang (Page 2 of 3)

Yiqiang Wang- Week 7 Response

With the development of the times, people invent more and more things to help them live better. When an invention is born, a new invention will be born on the basis of the old invention. For example, after the birth of language, words will be born according to the characteristics of language. This is that the “content” of the media is always another kind of media. Media is helpful to mankind, because after mankind invents new things, it will bring greater opportunities to mankind. For example, in the beginning, people may just invent the railway to transport goods to a distance, but after the invention of the railway, in addition to transporting goods, it can also bring a lot of labor and development opportunities to the cities passing by.

Although the media has helped mankind, it still “harms” mankind because the evolution of the media is non-stop. Almost every moment technology is advancing it will not only give birth to new jobs but also make some jobs disappear, so I think technology and media progress is a double-edged sword, while giving human opportunities it is also eliminating people who can’t adapt, so we have to keep learning and improving to “survive” in the new world.

Single media is meaningless. It needs content to convey information to people. For example, if there is only one electric lamp, it is difficult for people to be attracted and understand its meaning, but when many electric lamps are combined into a message, it can attract people’s attention and convey information to people. Artists and designers are the people who use “electric lights” to combine information. They use different media to create information. This information forms a new media, attracts people’s attention and makes the media meaningful.

I mentioned earlier that artists and designers use different media to create media. However, new media will bring unknown influence, so designers may not be able to predict the impact of their work. So the work of designers is subordinate to the media they use to create or distribute information. Although designers are subordinate to their own design, I think designers can accumulate experience to make their creation achieve some influence, so designers need to constantly create works and accumulate experience to make themselves work influential.

Yiqiang Wang- Week 6 Response

After reading the three readings this week, I think the three designers are influenced by internationalist design style. In the article, they put forward different design rules from three aspects: typesetting, letter design, and text typesetting, so as to pursue clear, clear, practical, and objective quality in design.

In the article, Müller-BrockMann proposed that designers should use grid system in typesetting, because “working within the grid system means submitting to laws of universal validity”. Using grid system in design can more clearly and objectively show the content that designers want to express, integrate the elements in design, and avoid many wrong designs.

Gerstner also mentioned grid system in his article. He thinks the grid is a program in design. The grid can be a proportional regulator. The designer can adjust the size of the text and picture in the grid to find the balance point. In addition to his views on the grid system, Gerstner also believes that not every problem has an absolute solution. What designers can do is to find the most appropriate elements in the changing conditions and standards, and then combine them. Gerstner also mentioned “the morphological box of the typogram.” developed by Fritz Zwicky. This box summarizes the parameters and relative components that need attention in letter design. Designers can design letters according to this box or create their own “box”.

In his article, Tschichold mainly criticized that in the old layout, the designer focused on the decoration of the surface and arranged all the words on the central axis. Tschichord believes that beautiful fonts cannot express the content clearly and objectively in the design, and the text arranged in an axial direction is also illogical, because it is not in line with the reading habits of most people. Designers should abandon the design idea of old layout, and clearly express the relationship between words through font size and weight, line arrangement, color use, photography, etc. Tschichord also proposed that in the new version, the asymmetric form can form different laws through external changes, so as to realize the possibility of wireless.

Yiqiang Wang-Discussion 5

Paul Rand, IBM, 1982

The design object I chose was Paul Rand’s 1982 redesign of the logo poster for International Business Machines Corporation. The readings I will be using in this paper are Course in General Linguistics by Ferdinand De Saussure and Our Book by El Lissitzky.

Offset lithograph

36 x 24″ (91.5 x 61 cm)

Yiqiang Wang- Week 4 Response

Grapius mentioned in the article that the ‘Academy’ completely isolated artists from the community, which made artists’ aesthetics worse. In addition, at that time, the country believed that art was a profession that anyone could master through learning, which led to many people learning art, but it was not so easy to become a professional artist. It needed talent, talent is cannot be taught to students in academy, so many people without artistic talent cannot contribute to society and become the bottom of society. Therefore, what the past art and education lacked was a planned, practical and comprehensive art teaching system

Moholy-Nagy wrote in his article, “the typophoto governments the new tempo of the new visual literature.” Typophoto is a combination of typography and photography. It can visually convey the most accurate communication. On the basis of typography, adding photography can convey more accurate information to readers.

Herbert Bayer mentioned in his article that the printing method, alphabet and visual information restrict the development of language and communication. He believes that only by breaking through this constraint can language and communication be changed, but because there is no great progress in modern printing methods, and the solidified alphabet limits the progress of typesetting so language and communication can’t make progress.

Art always changes with the development of the times, and what artists need to do is to constantly learn, not be afraid of being abandoned. Artists even have to envision future art forms. For example, Moholy Nagy and Herbert Bayer both wrote their conjectures about future art in their own articles, Doing so can expand your thinking and make artists’ works innovate constantly.

I think the focus of education is to teach students according to their aptitude. I believe that everyone has their own talent in art, but this talent is sometimes difficult to find. What education needs to do is to provide students with primary education in all aspects, so that students can gradually find out what their strengths are, and then continue to learn their strengths.

I think the reason why the Bauhaus ideas are updated remains relevant in the 21st century is because of the emphasis on practice. Art is constantly changing, so theoretical knowledge may become obsolete, but when artists practice, they can well adapt to the changes of the times by combining theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Yiqiang Wang – Discussion 4

My designer Manifesto is

Designers need to have a healthy body and plenty of physical strength
Designers are not an easy job. In addition to thinking about design, they often need to be sedentary and stay up late at night. This also leads to a lot of occupational diseases for designers, so a designer should have a healthy body and plenty of physical strength to better complete the design work.

Designers need good emotional control
Designers often encounter maddening things, such as unreasonable requests from customers, works being rejected and forgetting to save work. These things may make the designer emotionally collapse, leading to rejection or failure to complete the work in time. Therefore, a designer should have good emotional control ability to enable the designer to complete the design work in the face of maddening conditions.

Designers need to have the spirit of exploring new things
The history of design has existed for a long time, so it has changed a lot. From the beginning of using pen and ruler to design on paper, to now using mouse and keyboard to design on computer. In addition to the change of working methods, the mainstream culture and people’s needs are also changing, so designers need to have the spirit of exploring new things in order to keep at the forefront of the times and design better works.

Designers need to have the ability to observe and feel.
Design is not born out of thin air. Designers need not only rich design knowledge, but also inspiration. In daily life, designers can get inspiration by observing and feeling the details of life. Sometimes these inspiration can help designers design innovative designs.

Discussion 3b – Yiqiang Wang

I chose Budweiser’s ad. This advertisement is very interesting because Humans didn’t say a word and the text also rarely appears. Only Budweiser’s logo appears at the beginning and the slogan appears at the end, but it still makes the audience understand the meaning of this advertisement. At the beginning of the advertisement, the running horse can represent football players or someone who works hard, while the dog next to the horse represents the audience or friends. When the horse is about to cross the fence, the camera does not depict whether the horse has successfully crossed, but depicts the broken wood. This shows that the horse did not cross the past, which also means that the horse’s leg may have been broken. In the middle part, the scenes is obviously darker, scenes with bad weather and people’s sad expressions, which further shows that the horse’s injury is very serious. In the latter part of the advertisement, there are many scenes of the horse trying to stand up, which creates an atmosphere of “Hope” for the audience. Finally, the horse stood up and ran. The slogan of the advertisement “in the home of the brave, down never means out” appeared on the screen. This step highlighted the theme of the advertisement.

I think it is very difficult to shoot an advertisement without language or with little language, because people often understand a thing through language. If there is no language to tell a thing, it may become very vague. However, Budweiser’s advertisement was shot very well. The director metaphors horses and dogs into athletes and friends without directly telling them in language, which can make the advertisement have deeper meaning and make people more impressed.

Week3 Response-Yiqiang Wang

The authors of the three readings this week have envisaged that the future art, design and technology will develop in a new direction and will bring great changes to the world. The three authors are founders of Futurism, Suprematism and Constructivism. Their new ideas provide different directions for the development of art and contribute to the development of art.
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti is the founder of the concept of futurism. In “the Futurist Manifesto”, he advocated to fight against old and evil ideas, resist all things of the old era, and people should have the courage to pursue innovation and scientific and technological progress. El Lissitzky is one of the founders of Suprematism. In “our book”, he discussed that if a new invention is born in a certain aspect, the invention will achieve the highest level of achievement in art, even if the invention may be very crude and primitive from the present point of view. In addition, he also wrote in the book that new inventions will replace old inventions. When an invention is born, people’s attention will be attracted. As the invention is used by more and more people and can no longer meet people’s needs, a new invention will be born to share the pressure of the old invention. Aleksandr Rodchenko is one of the founders of structuralism. He discussed in “who we are” that artists can be engineers and engineers can also be artists. He believes that artists or engineers should not only look at the appearance of things like ordinary people, but look at the real essence of things beyond the appearance in order to better create art.
The articles of the three authors have well explained their views on art, but Filippo Tommaso Marinetti advocates fighting everything in the form of violence in “the Futurist Manifesto”, which I don’t agree with very much, because this era is different from the past. Violence will not change art, but will only bring more violence and death.

Discussion 2b: What is Design?

I think design is born to meet the human nature of liking “beauty”. After human beings meet the basic needs of survival, they will begin to pursue “beauty”. People begin to see beautiful things, use beautiful objects and even eat beautiful food. Design exists to make beautiful things. After the birth of design, the new profession of the designer was born. The responsibility of the designer is to make design works in line with the public’s aesthetics according to the requirements of customers. However, I think an excellent designer needs to have his own values and should not work only for money. If a designer does everything for money, Then I think he is not a designer, but more like a tool.

There are many kinds of designers, but I think they can be divided into two categories. One is the designer who designs based on the public’s aesthetics, and the other is the designer who designs based on personal aesthetics. Now most designers design according to the public’s aesthetic standards, and their works will be loved by the public. Another kind of designer who designs things based on personal aesthetics is to design from his own point of view of art and beauty. This kind of designer may not be liked by the public in a short time, but the public may accept this “heterogeneous” design after a period of time and finally promote the development of the design.

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