My designer Manifesto is

Designers need to have a healthy body and plenty of physical strength
Designers are not an easy job. In addition to thinking about design, they often need to be sedentary and stay up late at night. This also leads to a lot of occupational diseases for designers, so a designer should have a healthy body and plenty of physical strength to better complete the design work.

Designers need good emotional control
Designers often encounter maddening things, such as unreasonable requests from customers, works being rejected and forgetting to save work. These things may make the designer emotionally collapse, leading to rejection or failure to complete the work in time. Therefore, a designer should have good emotional control ability to enable the designer to complete the design work in the face of maddening conditions.

Designers need to have the spirit of exploring new things
The history of design has existed for a long time, so it has changed a lot. From the beginning of using pen and ruler to design on paper, to now using mouse and keyboard to design on computer. In addition to the change of working methods, the mainstream culture and people’s needs are also changing, so designers need to have the spirit of exploring new things in order to keep at the forefront of the times and design better works.

Designers need to have the ability to observe and feel.
Design is not born out of thin air. Designers need not only rich design knowledge, but also inspiration. In daily life, designers can get inspiration by observing and feeling the details of life. Sometimes these inspiration can help designers design innovative designs.