COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Author: Prof. Matthew C. Lange (Page 7 of 7)

Discussion 1a: Video Introduction

Our first objective, which is part of our asynchronous class time, will be to create a short video introduction.

While the asynchronous, remote classroom will keep us in different places at different times, the quality of our discussions will depend on our willingness to speak openly with one another. The goals for this exercise will be to tell the class a little bit about yourself, and meet everyone that you’ll be working with through the semester.

Please record a short video providing the following information:
– Your name, preferred name, and pronouns
– Your “relationship” to City Tech and COMD; meaning a bit about why you decided on COMD, how far along you are in the program, your primary field of interest, and goals for the future
– A description of a recent project, or project-in-progress, that you are particularly proud of or excited about
– A theory that you have, or have heard recently…it can be about anything, but should ideally be impossible to prove.

You’ll need to record your video, upload to YouTube, Dropbox, Vimeo, etc., then embed the link into a New Post by clicking the + box in your block, locating Video, then selecting “Link”. (See the OpenLab Intro video for additional details.

Also very important: Categorize your video as Discussion.

Finally, the most important part of the assignment: Watch all of your peers’ videos! You may need to check back a couple times throughout the week if you upload yours early. And feel free to comment on them.

Welcome to Communication Design Theory!

This is the OpenLab Course site for COMD 3504, Section OL69, Spring 2022. We will use this site as our central resource for engaging with course content, accessing readings, and responding to the ongoing discourse of the class in a variety of ways. 

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