COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Author: Prof. Matthew C. Lange (Page 6 of 7)

Discussion 3b: Language in Advertising

This week’s asynchronous discussion will focus on the use of language in very recent advertising. Your objective will be to choose one Super Bowl ad, and comment on the role that language plays in the ad.

You can find every ad that aired during the Super Bowl via this LINK.

Pick an ad that interests you, then create a new Post telling us which one you chose and why you chose it. Write a few sentences describing how language or the use of signs are used to sell a product, tell a story, or create an unexpected situation. Embed a link to the video in your post. Remember to categorize your post as a Discussion.

Comment on at least 3 of your peers posts.

Note that this does not need to be a thorough analysis; just a few brief observations. (I talked for way too long in the video, so the rest of the discussion can be a little shorter.)

Week 2 Checklist

February 7 – 13
Here is the checklist for Week 2. I hope everyone is starting to get the hang of our weekly workflow. Again, please try to complete these tasks in the order listed below. Please also note that you should check back on steps 2 and 5 throughout the week to follow-up on the conversation.

Our goals for the week are as follows:

Asynchronous Class Materials
1. Watch the presentation for Week 2: Why Theory? Video
2. Comment on that post in response to the question posed in the first half
3. Consider the questions posed in the second half, and review them in this POST
4. Create a new Discussion Post with your ideas and answers – remember you can type this, draw it, design it, or talk it through in a video
5. Comment on at least 3 of your peers’ Discussion Posts

Assignment / Homework:
6. Read the two excerpts listed in this week’s Assignment.
7. Respond to the prompts in a new Post, categorized as Response.
8. Post any questions you may have by commenting on the Assignment Post. Feel free to comment on your peer’s responses as well

Assignment for Week 2

Our second set of readings are excerpts from two books; Ferdinand de Sausurre’s Course in General Linguistics and a collaboration between J. Abbot Miller and Ellen Lupton entitled Design Writing Research.

The Saussure reading consists of the first two chapters from Part One of the Course, which are in this PDF:

The  Ellen Lupton & J. Abbot Miller reading includes 3 short essays – Counting Sheep, Modern Hieroglyphs and Language of Dreams – which can be found in this PDF: 

Here are some questions you might consider in relation to these readings:
What is language? What distinguishes a proper language from other forms of communication? How are symbols or icons related to language? How are signs, signifiers, and the signified employed in general communication? Or in graphic communication? What role does language play in design? What does design do that language cannot? How are language and design related to one another in today’s culture?

Discussion 2b: What is Design?

The premise for this discussion was outlined at the end of my Presentation. You should only attempt to respond after you have viewed that presentation.

The really central question that we would like to answer is a deceptively simple one: What is Design?

Many of us have ideas of a few things that are included in the world of design. And we probably have some thoughts on what makes design different from other fields. But offering a very concise definition of Design in general might be surprisingly tough.

Here are a few additional questions that might complicate your ideas or answers:
What distinguishes the field of design from fine art? Or engineering? Or programming?
Which other fields of industry should or should not intersect with design?
How is design related to language? What separates design from language? And what connects them?
What are the social responsibilities of a designer?
Why is design important to culture or society?
What constitutes good design?
What constitutes bad design?
What, exactly, is design?

The goal of this exercise is not to answer these questions one-by-one. And it is most definitely not to ask Google, Wikipedia, or anyone on the internet for an answer. The goal is to develop a working definition for yourself and your peers, that can be put to use in your own work.

You can respond with a written post, an image, sketches that you photograph and upload, or a video of you talking through it.

You must also comment on at least 3 of your peers’ posts.

Please remember to categorize your post as a Discussion.

Week 1 Checklist

January 31 – February 6
Hello All, this post will serve as our first Weekly Checklist. A similar post will be created every week for the entire semester. In these posts, you will find all of the requirements for the stated week, with links to the relevant assignments and discussions. All tasks will be listed in the recommended order for completion. Unless otherwise stated, all work for that week should completed and/or submitted by the final day of that week, which will be Feb. 6 for the following:

Asynchronous Class Materials:
1. Introduce yourself. Creating a video following these Guidelines.
2. Watch your peers’ introductions on the Discussion page.
3. Watch the Course Overview / Syllabus Review Video.
4. Comment on that Post if you have any questions or concerns.
5. Watch the OpenLab Intro Video for specifics regarding how you should use our course page.
6. Again, post any questions you may have.

Assignment / Homework:
7. Read the two essays listed in this week’s Assignment.
8. Respond to the prompts in a new post, categorized as Response.
9. Post any questions you may have by commenting on the Assignment Post, creating a new Post categorized as Discussion, or emailing me.

Then look out for next weeks materials on or before February 6!

Assignment for Week 1

Our first reading assignment consists of a couple short texts. Each can be found at the links below. Your response should be 3-4 paragraphs, which can be typed directly into a post or handwritten in a notebook. If you decide to hand-write please just snap a picture and post that image into a new post.

Here are the readings:
Helen Armstrong, “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde” from Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field (2009):

Bruno Munari, selected chapters from Design as Art (1966):

Here are some questions to which you might respond:
According to these authors, what role should design play in our lives and culture? What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other types of creativity? Why should designers concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions? What are the most urgent problems facing designers today? How, and why, is a designer responsible for solving these problems?

Please complete your response post by the end of the day on Sunday, February 5, and categorize it as Response.

Note: I will send an invitation to a group in the coming days. If you are familiar with its functionality, or would like to try it out, please do so. It is not required for this week.

And please let me know if you have any questions or issues. You can comment on this post, create a new discussion post, or email me:

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