COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Author: Prof. Matthew C. Lange (Page 5 of 7)

Week 5 Checklist

February 28 – March 6
Here is the checklist for Week 5. Note that your first 2-3 page paper is due at the end of the week.

Asynchronous Class Materials
1. Watch the presentation for Week 5: Bauhaus
2. Comment on that post if you have any questions regarding the texts that we’ve read for this week (not required)
3. Watch the video with Guidelines and Examples for the First Paper
4. Create a New Post stating your topic for the First Paper.

Assignment / Homework
5. Read the two pieces listed in this week’s Assignment
6. Compose your first paper. Attach a PDF of your paper in a new Post, categorized as a Response

7. As always, let me know if you have any questions…especially if you have any questions regarding the paper!

*Assignment for Week 5*

This week’s reading assignment includes two texts on form and perception in design. The written portion will be the first 2-3 page paper that you’ll complete during the semester.

The readings are as follows:

Beatrice Warde, The Crystal Goblet, or Why Printing Should be Invisible (1930): 

A selection from György Kepes’ Language of Vision: Painting, Photography, Advertising-Design (1944):

Requirements for the written assignment are as follows:

First Paper – Due March 6
Select a design or design object created after 1972 in which the influence of the theories considered thus far can be seen. Begin with a brief description of the object, the designer who created it, and the historical circumstances under which it was made. Considering these factors, examine the ways in which the creator was responding, directly or indirectly, to theories related to linguistics or semiology, avant-garde art movements or the psychological perception of forms (ie. any of the ideas that we’ve covered). Discuss the manner in which the design you’ve chosen embodies these theories. Provide direct references to relevant passages from our readings. Locate additional writings using library resources to substantiate your comparisons.

Your goal is ultimately to provide a critical examination, not an account of historical details.

This response will be submitted as a 750-1000 word typewritten paper, double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman. Include images of the work under consideration and any other relevant illustrations. Cite all materials researched for historical context, any related writings, and image sources. All sources, references and quotations should be cited in MLA format. You’ll upload your paper as a PDF, attached to a new OpenLab Post. Categorize your post as Research Paper.

Remember, you can explore the following sites for inspiration…

Cooper Hewitt Design’s Museum’s Blog â€¦you can also just browse their collection.

AIGA Eye on Design

Filter by Graphic Design or Design in MoMA Collection

or browse the MoMA Design Store

Exhibitions and the Collection at Museum of Art and Design

Designboom for a wide variety of design

Design Observer also features conversations and articles

or Print Magazine

Discussion 5b: Paper Examples

This video reviews guidelines for the first paper, and offers a couple examples for how to address the design object of your choosing.

Please comment on this post if you have any questions regarding requirements or expectations for this paper.

Note that full guidelines and several good links for ideas and inspiration are included in this week’s Assignment Post

Please create a new Post, categorized as Discussion, stating the design object that you would like to address for your paper. Include the name of the designer, and the year in which the design was created. It is helpful if you post an image of the design. Feel free to also mention the readings that you will relate to the design, and to pose any questions you may have about the specific topic.

I will be happy to offer feedback and suggestions. Please try to post early in the week, to allow time for me to do so.

Week 4 Checklist

February 22 – February 27
Here is the checklist for Week 4. Once again, please work through these tasks in order, and check back on the Discussion (Steps 4 and 5) throughout the week.

Asynchronous Class Material
1. Watch the presentation for Week 4: Manifestos
2. Comment on that post if you have any questions.
3. Consider the manifestos we’ve read, and the questions posed in this week’s video, then consider them according to the prompts in this POST.
4. Create a new Discussion Post, containing action points for your own manifesto
5. Comment on at least 3 of your peers’ Discussion Posts

Assignment / Homework
6. Read the three pieces listed in this week’s Assignment
7. Respond to the prompts in a new Post, categorized as a Response
8. Post any questions you may have and feel free to comment on your peers’ responses.

Please also note: I’ve also included details for the first 2-3 page paper in that Assignment post. I will post a video with additional information for next week. Any questions you have before then are welcome and encouraged!

Assignment for Week 4

Our next reading assignment includes 3 texts from architects, designers & artists affiliated with the Bauhaus. They are as follows:

Walter Gropius; The Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus (1923): 

LászlĂł Moholy-Nagy; Typophoto (1925): 

Herbert Bayer; On Typography (1967): 

Some ideas and questions you might consider:
According to these  authors, what was lacking in art and education from the past? What role should typography and photography play in shaping a new art?  What role does language or communication play in art and design? How should artists approach the creation of future art forms?   What should education or “the academy” teach artists about their field? How might Bauhaus ideas be updated to remain relevant in the 21st century?

Please also note that your first 2-3 page paper is due at the end of Week 5, on March 6. You’re encouraged to start thinking about this assignment. The question and requirements will be as follows:

First Paper – Due March 6
Select a design or design object created after 1972 in which the influence of the theories considered thus far can be seen. Begin with a brief description of the object, the designer who created it, and the historical circumstances under which it was made. Considering these factors, examine the ways in which the creator was responding, directly or indirectly, to theories related to linguistics or semiology, avant-garde art movements or the psychological perception of forms (ie. any of the ideas that we’ve covered). Discuss the manner in which the design you’ve chosen embodies these theories. Provide direct references to relevant passages from our readings. Locate additional writings using library resources to substantiate your comparisons.

Your goal is ultimately to provide a critical examination, not an account of historical details.

This response will be submitted as a 750-1000 word typewritten paper, double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman. Include images of the work under consideration and any other relevant illustrations. Cite all materials researched for historical context, any related writings, and image sources. All sources, references and quotations should be cited in MLA format. You’ll upload your paper as a PDF, attached to a new OpenLab Post.

I will provide example topics in a video for Week 5. In the meantime, you can explore the following sites for inspiration…

Cooper Hewitt Design’s Museum’s Blog …you can also just browse their collection.

AIGA Eye on Design

Filter by Graphic Design or Design in MoMA Collection

or browse the MoMA Design Store

Exhibitions and the Collection at Museum of Art and Design

Designboom for a wide variety of design

Design Observer also features conversations and articles

or Print Magazine

Discussion 4b: New Manifestos

This week’s asynchronous discussion will look back at the manifestos we’ve read, and look forward to the future of design.

The objective for this discussion is to compose your own design manifesto (or at least some pieces for it). Use short declarative statements to define the philosophy, intentions and requirements for the designer of today. State the social, political and ethical questions that are necessary for a designer to consider. Identify the technological concerns that designers must embrace or reject. Don’t shy away from poetics or abstraction. Feel free to re-write passages from the Futurist and Constructivist manifestos that we’ve read.

If you’d like some additional inspiration, I highly recommend Mike Monteiro’s recent piece, A Designer’s Code of Ethics, which is something of a manifesto for today, and can be found HERE.

Try to compose at least 3 or 4 statements for your new manifesto. Feel free to place them in an image, compose a concrete poem, or just type them up. Then put them into a new Post.

Please also comment on at least 3 of your peers’ posts.

Discussion 4a: Manifestos

Here is the asynchronous video for this week. Once again, you are not required to comment on this post. But you are encouraged to comment, especially if you have any questions or concerns from the readings. There is a lot to process in these texts – certainly more than what I was able to cover!

Week 3 Checklist

February 14 – 20
Here is the checklist for Week 3. Once again, please try to complete these tasks in the order listed below. Please also check back on step 5 throughout the week to follow-up on the conversation.

Asynchronous Class Materials
1. Watch the presentation for Week 3: Language and Linguistics
2. Comment on that post if you have any questions.
3. Consider the questions posed at the end and review the prompt in this POST
4. Create a new Discussion Post with your ideas and answers – remember you can type this, include images, design it, or talk it through in a video
5. Comment on at least 3 of your peers’ Discussion Posts

Assignment / Homework:
6. Read the three excerpts listed in this week’s Assignment
7. Respond to the prompts in a new Post, categorized as Response.
8. Post any questions you may have by commenting on the Assignment Post. Feel free to comment on your peer’s responses as well

9. Please, if you have any questions about weekly tasks and requirements, using our OpenLab site, expectations for the semester, or anything else, email me – I’d like to schedule individual Zoom calls with everyone in the coming weeks. If you’d like to meet sooner than later, I’ll be more than happy to do so.

Assignment for Week 3

Our third reading assignment includes three short manifestos written by avant-garde artists in the early decades of the 20th century. They are as follows:

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism (1909):

Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Aleksei Gan, Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group (c. 1922): 

El Lissitzky, Our Book (1926): 

Here are some questions to consider as you read:
What sort of possibilities did these authors envision for their immediate futures? What role did they imagine technology would play in shaping those futures? In what ways did these artists anticipate the art and design that would follow? What common views do these authors share? Where might they disagree? Which elements of these texts are relevant for the present? Which elements are problematic?  

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