COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Maria Iacono – Discussion 2 – What is Design?

  1. Design to me is how something looks and what message it conveys. What is this design portraying to you and is that something you connect with? Design is universal and usually it can be used or seen by anybody around the world. It is something that people can connect with.
  2. Design is especially important because it is such a huge field with various different people and various different opinions.
  3. Good design for me has to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, have good typography, and have a clear message. Good design portrays it’s message well even without words sometimes. It’s often done through different graphics or even illustration. I think that whichever medium you are using the message has to have an impact or at least stick with you in some way or another. Having good typography though can definitely catch a person’s eye and look at type a way they haven’t seen it before. Good design doesn’t necessarily always have to be some inspirational message but as long as that piece of work sticks with you, whether you remember it for its beautiful graphics or its eye-catching typeface, then I think you’ve achieved successful design.
  4. Bad design for me is something that doesn’t stick, something that’s maybe too harsh to look at, and has a message but it’s completely battered because of the bad design. You want your design to highlight your message, not distract it with huge unnecessary graphics or a typeface that doesn’t fit at all. Bad design can be improved however by maybe getting feedback on one’s work or just with experience in general. Bad design may also be good because then you can learn from your mistakes and never make that ugly brochure ever again!


  1. Sadman Hafiz

    Very nice points Maria. I completely agree that design is universal and is a method of creating connections. Also, I agree how you said that bad designs are usually harsh and hard to understand because of their complexity. This reminds me of the face mask design campaign on the subway, they are very simple which makes them very effective.

  2. Guen Fung

    Message in the design is something we all can work on, an example of what Sadman replied to with the face mask design campaign on the subway is an important one. You see Grubhub on the subway ad and you can rely on that back to food. Even if you can’t read English, the standard ad on Grubhub has multiple different foods, making it clear that it is about different food and not one specific item such as pizza for example.

  3. Ebony Derrick

    I agree that design can be opinionated, it’s a fun way of understanding how someone else thinks of situations compared to your own thoughts of the same topic.

  4. Faye Wang

    “Good design portrays it’s message well even without words.” This point of view reminds me of minimalist design, which uses the fewest elements to achieve maximum creativity. I think this should be the goal that good designers should pursue.

  5. Shayne Coley

    I agree with you I think design is very oppionated it have can ultimately be used to convey a message.

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