COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Iqra bhatti Discussion 2

what is design?


  1. Sadman Hafiz

    Iqra, you and your father are both very talented and it was very nice to learn a little about your background. Thanks for sharing with us.

    • Iqra Bhatti

      Thank you so much. You are also very talented, and as I previously stated, you have excellent painting talents.

  2. Lin Chao Chao

    Your design showcases your unique style very well. This pure white dress is covered with all kinds of flowers and patterns, just like painting on a white wall. When I was young, I also liked to paint with my cousin on the white wall, but of course, I was beaten hahaha.

  3. Angela Iacono

    I really love the dress you illustrated/designed, the colors are beautiful and each design element stands out and is unique. When you say bad design is a design with no concept, it makes a lot of sense because if you don’t have an idea of what you’re doing there’s no way you can possibly create something good. Great points!

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