COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Discussion 6b – Guen Fung


  1. Ebony Derrick

    You chose an interesting Campaign design since it’s something we’ve been seeing for two years. I agree that the designer used a lot of yellow, which I think is very eye catching because the train station and other places where the designs pop out compared to the surrounding colors. It’s very illustrative where anyone can view and understand the what’s going on, there’s no language barriers.

  2. Sadman Hafiz

    Great Fung!
    I always see this on subway and think how simple it is. It’s the simplicity of this design that makes it work so well.

  3. Lin Chao Chao

    I see this a lot when I do subways. I clearly remember that there is a design about how to wear a mask. Can not be lower than the nose, can not be placed on the chin without. In short, the picture is very simple and easy to understand so that everyone knows the meaning of the picture.

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