COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Discussion 4a

Manifesto for designer’s in today’s society look very different due to the boom of technology. Nowadays, designers can showcase their works through many different platforms. For example, they can make a pdf, an illustration, paint, architecture, film. There are many different ways in which a manifesto can be presented and all of this options can be printed, mail, share, airdrop and many more. As oppose to the way that manifesto’s were created in 1910, these days a poster can be share everywhere. I think that we can say that the future of design is changing a lot and is easier nowadays to share your work and present it in many different ways. A manifesto from these times that I think is a great representation of where designing is heading is; “The image object post-internet” by Artie Vierkant and it shows how much the internet has change the way things are shared, stored and everything becomes copies and images. I think 3 ways that design will probably go are:

1. I think that is going to be more digital.

2. NFT’s, metaverse.

3. Design that is pleasing to the eye because people are more inclined to share and like things by the way they look.

1 Comment

  1. Ebony Derrick

    I agree with your third statement. When something is too busy, the purpose of it is lost and it becomes confusing for the viewers.

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