According to the authors of the texts read, they believe that the issue and what was lacking in the art and education system was interest and passion. They have stated that art comes from the mind of people who love to explore and express themselves through the medium. Although many individuals attend schools of the arts, its what the individual can create and expand on from to make it their own.

The affect typography and photography have on their own creates different mediums within art. But joining the both to create a new form of art creates a different feeling. Having the visual aspect of a photograph and the combination of typography creates a unique structure which can bee seen in postcards and advertisement posters.

Language and communication plays a very important role in art. Art has its own form of expressing feelings and words visually. In order for a work of art to connect and portray a message they must be created through the language of art. Whether its through abstract, collages, portraits,etc. To truly enhance your experience through art, we must look for the message being told to us.

the field of art is always mutating, which en-turns creates various new forms of art. As artists its a fear to be left behind, but we must adapt or incorporate the changing industry to our style. Taking bits and piece of the elements of new forms of art and mixing it in with your style.

The academy should take into consideration that art is meant to be experienced through creation and not purely understood through traditional studying such as text books and lectures. Art is one of the few fields of work where people love to get their hands dirty and dive right into creating and experiencing the vast mediums of art.