COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Discussion 3b – Yiqiang Wang

I chose Budweiser’s ad. This advertisement is very interesting because Humans didn’t say a word and the text also rarely appears. Only Budweiser’s logo appears at the beginning and the slogan appears at the end, but it still makes the audience understand the meaning of this advertisement. At the beginning of the advertisement, the running horse can represent football players or someone who works hard, while the dog next to the horse represents the audience or friends. When the horse is about to cross the fence, the camera does not depict whether the horse has successfully crossed, but depicts the broken wood. This shows that the horse did not cross the past, which also means that the horse’s leg may have been broken. In the middle part, the scenes is obviously darker, scenes with bad weather and people’s sad expressions, which further shows that the horse’s injury is very serious. In the latter part of the advertisement, there are many scenes of the horse trying to stand up, which creates an atmosphere of “Hope” for the audience. Finally, the horse stood up and ran. The slogan of the advertisement “in the home of the brave, down never means out” appeared on the screen. This step highlighted the theme of the advertisement.

I think it is very difficult to shoot an advertisement without language or with little language, because people often understand a thing through language. If there is no language to tell a thing, it may become very vague. However, Budweiser’s advertisement was shot very well. The director metaphors horses and dogs into athletes and friends without directly telling them in language, which can make the advertisement have deeper meaning and make people more impressed.


  1. Ebony Derrick

    The ad is like a silent film that uses camera angles, lighting, and emotions through music to help promote Budweiser.

  2. Shayne Coley

    I agree with you the lighting the music and the camera angles was excellently used in the ad

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