Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Course Activities (Page 2 of 9)

Week 12 – Painting with Light

Painting with light is drawing with light over the course of a long exposure.

Inspiration: Atton Conrad

Sprint Campaign: 

Tripod use

  • Spread the legs out and make sure the tripod is stable. Use the height from the legs before using the neck of the tripod. Put one leg forward and the two legs on your side.
  • Put the plate on the camera and make sure that the lens arrow is pointing towards the lens. Insert the plate into the locking mechanism and make sure that the camera is secure.
  • Use the camera timer and DO NOT TOUCH the camera or the tripod during the exposure.

Considerations for painting with light: 

1. Use a tripod 

2. Use Manual as the shooting mode.

3. Set the ISO to 100

4. Set the aperture to f/11 as a starting point to get a wide range of depth of field. 

5. Set the shutter speed to 2″ as a starting point.

6. Use manual focus. Make sure the subject is in focus. To do this shine a light on the subject and use auto focus. Then flip the lens back to MF. Remember that if the distance of the subject to the camera changes, you need to refocus!

Mixing Strobe Lights or Flash with Painting with Light 

The aperture controls the exposure of whatever is lit by the strobe lights. 

The shutter speed controls the illumination of the background. 

Lab 11

Painting with Light


Final Project

Class Schedule

May 8: Outdoor Portraits

May 15: Quiz 2, Lightroom and Final Project support

May 22: Final Presentations

HW 8. Human connection with Nature.

 The neighborhood park as it consists of multiple sections which cater to different groups of people and different activities for example skateboarding nature, basketball soccer, and baseball to a few different people from different backgrounds come here to socialize and communicate with each other which I believe would be an amazing place to take pictures, also this park has amazing views, and is surrounded by nature, which helps the theme of humans bonding with nature and socializing. I chose this park as it reminded me that sometimes we as humans need to go outside and be one with nature. The park also hosts local community gatherings, which I believe could help me get some amazing photos as we are entering spring break and a lot of people would tend to go outside around this time so my focus for the project is to get amazing shots, sunlight, nature, different sections of the park as well as the connection between human and nature, as I hope to get  more shots with humans bonding with nature. The part also changes and gets upgrades over the years so I hope I could capture the wear and tear within the park as it shows that people are going there and not just abandon it as nowadays less people are going to parks and spending more time indoors so I feel like this would be an amazing project and a chance to get beautiful shots. I also want to show how humans bond with nature and even though we destroyed at times we often always come back to it and see it as this park is one in a few that actually has a lot of nature and trees which I believe, makes it very special to the community and the people that inhabit for generations to come.

Photography Final Project Statement

Photographs by: Christopher Sadowski, Alex Kent, Danny Arensberg, Kevin Wu, Jason Alpert-Wisnia, Dan B.

My final project will be pictures of people in New York City Parks; people in Washington square park, in Union Square Park, in Central Park, in parks near the Hudson River piers. I want to take pictures of people doing various activities in the park because I feel like that will capture very nicely what people in New York City do when they’re out in a public space meant for gathering. So the theme of my final project will be “Activities in New York City Parks”. The subject matter will be people doing various activities; playing instruments, giving performances, singing, dancing, skateboarding, playing basketball, hanging out, smoking, trying to sell their merchandise, eating on the grass, playing frisbee, sight seeing, protesting etc. I want to do these photo shoots on sunny or cloudy but bright days to get the best lighting on the subject as possible. Maybe even photography at night to get a wider range of people doing various activities. I will be shooting with my 24-50mm lens for pictures of faster moving subjects like skateboarders and people playing basketball with shutter speed somewhere around 1/250 to 1/800. For subjects like people playing instruments or street vendors, I will be using my 75-300mm lens because I really want to get nice shots of their expression of them doing what they’re doing in the moment without needing to enter their personal space. 

HW9: Space and Focus

4 pts. Due May 1, 12 noon. 30 photos in an album on Flickr.

Shooting outside during the day at a location of your choice:

Take at least 10 DIFFERENT long shot photos that use perspective to depict deep space. This can be either converging lines or diminishing scale or both. These photos should use extensive depth of field meaning everything from near to far should be sharp. This may not be possible in dark indoor spaces but should be possible outside or in bright indoor spaces.

Take at least 20 DIFFERENT close up photos that use shallow depth of field to isolate the subject from the background. The subjects of the photo need to be at varying distances from the camera.

If you are shooting with a camera phone, you can get real shallow depth of field vs blur created by an App by getting very close to the subject and having actual space between it and the background.

Put your 30 best photos in an album on Flickr. Send your single best photo with deep space and perspective to the group as well as your best example of shallow depth of field.

Lab 10: Aperture, Depth of field and Perspective

Today, we will visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Look for Daffodil Hill, Magnolia Plaza, and the many different kinds of cherry blossoms. When you are photographing see if you cn figure out waht is unique about each one.

On our field trip:

Take at least 10 different long shots that use perspective to depict deep space. Look up at a tree or along a path. Use either converging lines or diminishing scale or both. These photos should use extensive depth of field meaning everything from near to far should be sharp.
Using the shooting mode Av, set the aperture to f11. Use auto ISO.

Take at least 20 close up photos of individual plants that use shallow depth of field. There should be something in the foreground and something in the background. Don’t shoot from an aerial or bird’s-eye view for these photos. Sometimes the foreground should be in focus, sometimes the mid distance and sometimes the things in the far distance. Use the shooting mode Av, set the f-stop to f/4 with auto ISO. Make sure that your shutter speed is faster than 1/60 th of a second and that the blur in the photo is shallow depth of field and not motion blur.

Put your 30 photos in an album on Flickr. Send your best example of perspective and of shallow depth of field to the class group.

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