Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Uncategorized

Final Statement – Jesus Pena

My theme is neighborhood Portraits; I want to tell the story of a neighborhood in the Washington Heights area which seems like a good place to explore for commuting reasons especially. I would commute to this area throughout my childhood, and I want to portray the neighborhood through my perspective using some of many photographic techniques I learned. The subject matter will be the importance of exploring and learning about our neighborhoods. This exploration has helped me to pay more attention to my environment and make self-discoveries in my area that I would have taken a longer time for me to make because of me prioritizing other things, as many of us do. I will take pictures of the streets and the parks, as a way of comparing it to other neighborhoods I’ve visited, in New York City, like in the Bronx and Brooklyn. I will be taking pictures during the day and evening to capture the beauty that may be overlooked. As someone who prefers only leaving home for work and school, it was hard to find the confidence and joy in exploring my neighborhood. It was intimidating for me to want to travel in my neighborhood but seeing the work of Photographers helped to inspire me since most of them are taking similar risks that we will, and it made me interested in experiencing photographing things. Once I was able to travel around my neighborhood, it allowed me to better be part of my community by becoming more educated about my surroundings.  It can be hard finding inspiration to learn about one’s neighborhood, so I hope to promote the importance of building confidence in one’s community. I will use the techniques, “Depth of field control, combining perspective and Depth of field, blurred, freezing motion and Angles of view.”   


Images from

Lab: Week 12 – Outdoor portraits

Take portraits of your classmates in outdoor diffused light using reflectors and fill flash.

Start with using a reflector. Have your model stand with the sun to their back. use the reflector to reflect light back into their face. Hold the reflector higher for a more pleasing result.

Then try fill flash. You don’t want to cast any shadows on the face just brighten it.

Use your widest aperture. You may need to use a fast shutter speed to compensate. When using flash, make sure to set it to High Speed Sync (HSS) in order to be able to use a shutter speed faster than the sync speed.

Put your 20 best outdoor portraits in an album on Flickr and send the best two to the class group.