Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Category: Student Posts (Page 2 of 6)

Final Project Statement – Chris H.

For my final project, I want to take pictures of popular Asian cuisines. Specifically, I want my theme to center around popular noodle dishes from Asia. The story I want to tell is how Asian countries can prepare the same dish in many ways while still providing a variety of flavor. Specifically, my subject matter will include noodle dishes from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. My shots will take place inside the restaurants for aesthetic purposes and to also capture the restaurant’s design language. With the restaurant’s aesthetic in the background, it can bring out the dish and help the audience better understand the culture behind the food. Shooting will likely take place in the morning to allow natural light into my photos.

There are many photography composition and techniques I can use when doing food photography. For example, Close up shots can bring out the intricacies of a dish and show some of the ingredients used. High angle and bird’s eye view are popular angles used in food photography because it also captures the theme of the restaurant. Simple things like the table and utensils can allow people to better understand the culture behind the food they’re eating. A high angle of view can show the entirety of the dish and allow the audience to see some of the ingredients used. Bird’s eye view can also capture other side dishes that pair well with the main dish. For some shots, I would like to experiment with freezing motion as noodles like to slip out of chopsticks often. By freezing motion, I can capture soup droplets coming off the noodle or the steam emitted by the hot soup. Overall, framing and angle of view will be some of the fundamental techniques I’ll keep in mind when shooting food photography.

Final Project Statement

The theme that I have chosen for my project is a portrait of a neighborhood, most likely in a city. In my project, I would like to tell the story of a person whose life is constantly in motion, whether they are going somewhere or completing a task. Most of us do not even take the time to appreciate what is around us for a few seconds. I feel like that sucks because there’s so much to see in this world. While sure, our surroundings are probably things we’ve seen a ton of times and eventually don’t care about, that can also lead us to miss out on magnificent scenes. If someone feels sad, confused, stressed, etc., they may feel an indescribable feeling when looking at these scenes, which could change their mood as they can witness how beautiful our world is. Also, I feel like pictures can really affect a person. This project is going to show pictures of a neighborhood that is filled with life and color and show people what they can witness with their own eyes if they just take a few seconds to admire their surroundings. My pictures will be taken in Manhattan near Times Square. I would like to take these pictures around the afternoon as well as maybe some at night. I really want to take pictures that are filled with people that are expressing joy or any other feeling. Also, I want my pictures to catch colors that just make the scene look beautiful and interesting. A few techniques I would use will be the long and medium shot rule of thirds, leading lines, and frame within a frame.

Link to milanote:

Final Project Statement

I decided to include a series of lifestyle portraits in my final project. This concept appeals to me because I want to capture every moment, such as life situations. Lifestyle portraiture is all about telling a story and capturing the subject in their natural environment. The main goal is to make the person feel comfortable in their own environment so I’ve been planning a trip to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for the past several days. It’s cherry blossom season, and the cherry blossoms have begun to bloom, so I’m going to take my family to explore the garden this week. I’m planning to use a close-up shot and a medium shot for this concept, among other techniques I’d like to try on this trip. On the other hand, my family is excited to go to the trip and will have the moment to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the cherry blossom festival. Some of the elements that I’ve been planning is to make the photography more elegant and beautiful. I’ll try and experiment with the aperture and the ISO and see if the photos can become detailed with the concept.

Jessica Li Final Project Statement

 For the final project, the overall theme is neighborhood portraits. The story that I want to tell the viewers is New York City can be a beautiful place even though it’s a busy city and also what it is like to spend the day in New York City SoHo. I want to show viewers what New York City is like during the daytime and nighttime. The location I will be shooting at is SoHo New York City also known as South of Houston Street. SoHo has very interesting architecture and has become a high-end neighborhood with a lot of shops. This neighborhood is known for high-end boutiques and cast-iron architecture. The subject matter in my photos is people outside and building structures and streets in the neighborhood. For example, people eating, walking around, and shopping. Capturing people and cars in motion with the unique architecture in SoHo. These photos will be taken during the daytime and nighttime when there will be many people walking around and shopping or walking around. For the nighttime pictures, I will be capturing the nightlife and what it is like at night in the neighborhood. I chose this theme to show what it is like in SoHo and where I grew up shopping. Showing the interesting building structures and streets. Some techniques that I will be applying to my photos are the different angles of view, depth of field, motion shots, and other photographic compositions. Also, applying the techniques on how to use a camera that I learned in class. To conclude, this is what and when I will be shooting for my project and where I will be shooting for my project. Revealing what SoHo is like to viewers that may have never been to that neighborhood. When doing this project I will be using different techniques and applying them to my project.

Link to milanote(mood board):

Final Project Statement

For the final project I have decided to take photos of the greenery and flowers of Central Park. There are many statues and other landmarks that represent Central Park as well as a variety of forest and trees. Although this will be my main focus, I will also try to capture some people walking in the park. I want to show the different trails one can take and how different it is compared to the city we live in. I will mostly shoot in the daytime but would also like to see if I can take some shots at night as not many people visit during the nighttime. For the nighttime pictures I plan to shoot where there is more landscape in order to capture the light of the lamp posts. I will use different techniques such as depth of field and composition. I want to do a variety of shots that go from a worm’s eye view to a long shot. I want to mostly do closeups with flowers and longshots on landscapes. For the final pieces that I choose I hope to capture the landmarks of central park as well as show some sights that people might not know are in central park. Seeing how it is a giant park I will mostly focus on the south and north of the park and shoot around the areas that have the most greenery. 


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