Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1

Author: Alex Acero

Final Project Statement

The theme that I have chosen for my project is a portrait of a neighborhood, most likely in a city. In my project, I would like to tell the story of a person whose life is constantly in motion, whether they are going somewhere or completing a task. Most of us do not even take the time to appreciate what is around us for a few seconds. I feel like that sucks because there’s so much to see in this world. While sure, our surroundings are probably things we’ve seen a ton of times and eventually don’t care about, that can also lead us to miss out on magnificent scenes. If someone feels sad, confused, stressed, etc., they may feel an indescribable feeling when looking at these scenes, which could change their mood as they can witness how beautiful our world is. Also, I feel like pictures can really affect a person. This project is going to show pictures of a neighborhood that is filled with life and color and show people what they can witness with their own eyes if they just take a few seconds to admire their surroundings. My pictures will be taken in Manhattan near Times Square. I would like to take these pictures around the afternoon as well as maybe some at night. I really want to take pictures that are filled with people that are expressing joy or any other feeling. Also, I want my pictures to catch colors that just make the scene look beautiful and interesting. A few techniques I would use will be the long and medium shot rule of thirds, leading lines, and frame within a frame.

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HW #1 Composition Alex A

The photographer that I’ve chosen is Thomas Holton and the photograph that captured my attention was Chinatown Surface #6. In the photograph, it shows a person’s eye and you can see what the person is looking at because it’s being reflected in the person’s eye. As for the location I feel like it was taken inside of a room. For me, the mood that this photograph is giving off is a calm and peaceful mood, and the reason I say this is because there isn’t much going on in the photograph it just shows a person probably in a room using their laptop and watching videos and maybe this after a long day of work. This person is probably trying to relax or trying to into their own world for a while before they call it a night. I feel like the intention of this photograph is probably to show the life of a person what they do after work or school. The elements that were used in this photograph are the rule of thirds, filling the frame, and figure to ground. The way the photographer uses the rule of thirds is because there isn’t anything in the middle of the photograph the eye is at the bottom left corner and at the right you can see yellow lights and eyes. There isn’t anything in the middle because I think the photographer didn’t want the people to focus on one single thing in the photograph, for example, is the eye whereas in the middle then that will be the center of attention and people would probably pay less attention to what’s around the photograph. The way he uses to fill the frame is by showing just the eye he doesn’t show the full face or the room this person is in it’s just the eye. For me, the reason I say that he uses the figure to ground is because of how around the eye there’s this red light showing on this person’s eye and when look more to the left all you see is just black pure darkness and this could also be said about the right side of the photograph. The way these elements help show off a calm and peaceful mood is because they show us what this person is doing there in a room the lights are off and the light you see is coming from this person’s laptop. It almost makes you want to feel how this person in the photograph is feeling.