20 pts.

The goal of the Final Project is to create a series of 10 related images on a theme.

You may choose to do either:

A series of portraits OR

A portrait of a neighborhood

OR another theme that you are passionate about: dogs, skateboarders, flowering trees.

Decide which assignment(s) you most enjoyed. Then consider: do you have people to work with? What is your schedule like and what is practical?

Deliverables and dates:

Due Week 12: April 27 – a 300 word final project statement posted to Openlab with a mood board

Due Week 13, May 3: Shoot 1 – minimum of 30 images in an album on Flickr

Due Week 14, May 8: Shoot 2 – minimum of 30 images in an album on Flickr

Due Week 15, May 17: Shoot 3 -minimum of 30 images in an album on Flickr PLUS

  • final 10 images selected, adjusted in Lightroom, and posted to an album on Flickr
  • a presentation to the class of the final images.

Final Project statement: Describe your project. What is your theme? What is the story you want to tell? What will the subject matter be? Where will you shoot and when will you shoot? What kinds of techniques will you use?

Use the app milanote to create amoodboard of a minimum of 6 images by 6 different photographers that show what you want your project to look like. Include the link in the final project statement.

Category on OpenLab: Final Project Statement

Grading Rubric


Christopher Adams – LES


Ilda Medel- A Neighborhood Portrait

IMG_0127 (1)

Rezwan Haque


Jennifer Humala – Portraits