The theme that I am choosing is plants growing in unexpected places. I am a very detail orientated person and I enjoy observing my surroundings. I’ve been told by plenty of people that I point out observations that they other wise would of never knew was there if I haven’t brung it up. I see beauty in plants growing in the most unusual places, it being the cracks in the concrete to growing out of a dead tree stump. The way I view these blooming and growing plants are, no matter how uninhabitable, and terrible your environment is, you can still rise up, grow and live on. Plants growing in concrete cracks is a concept that is typically forgotten and or simply ignore due to their abundance. It’s viewed as a norm, although I would love to change this viewpoint by highlighting its beauty.
The photograph styles that I will use will be shallow depth of field, fill within a frame, I have a couple of places that I know will work will with this. I also include a couple of extreme close ups, as well as leading lines. Overall, I hope I can enlighten the audience’s thoughts and feelings about plants sprouting in unexpected places.
I think you can make this work if you really concentrate on composition and light. My concerns is that you will simply catalog what you find and you won’t show off your talents as a photographer.
In terms of the sample photos you submitted, none are particularly striking visually. Look for some other samples of plants or urban landscape that are stronger visually.