Song’s HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

(Not a real representation aside from the rice and turkey)

Food photography is a really trendy and people use it to share their food moments. The food moments would likely be showing the food at this certain restaurant so more people would come or just show friends and families how good looking the food currently on my plate is. I for one don’t take pictures pictures because it feels weird to me but i don’t mind looking at other people’s picture and start feeling hungry towards it. Over the the holiday week, my family will be eating half a turkey which was given by my grandparents along with Chinese side dishes.

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A.Z. HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Related image

Over the holiday week, my family will be having hotpot. I personally think that food photography is useful in certain ways because you can share the photo on social medias for others to see to receive likes and comments and also it can serve as an advertisement for the food. Food photos might attract certain people and make them want to try them out, especially food that they never tried before.

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HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Food photography is influential as the pictures are used to be seen by people that would want to go to a place to it. The pictures usually convinces people to eat at the same places where the picture is taken. Also, the idea of getting paid to take food pictures sounds fun especially through apps like Instagram.

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HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Food photography on social media is something I am fine with. The tasty foods make it much more interesting when you scroll through social media and helps you explore the restaurants that might be near you. In my opinion, the reason there is profit for posting food is you are advertising especially when you have a lot of followers. The followers might also go get the food you post or go to a specific restaurant.

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HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram

Photo of picnic table with food on top

William Eggleston, photo from the series The Democratic Forest

Happy Thanksgiving! This week seems an appropriate time to consider color photography and the art of photographing food. Color is very important to creating an appetizing photograph but color photography was not accepted as an art form until the 1970s. William Eggleston is often labelled the “Grandfather” of color photography because of his groundbreaking work in this area. He achieved this status using the labor-intensive dye-transfer process (btw, you will not be tested on processes for the final) to produce luscious colors in photographs of banal subject matter. Read about Eggleston’s color photography and look through his photographs in the link below (the photograph of the red ceiling aka Greenwood, MS will be on the short list for the final). In addition, skim through an article about how some are people are using social media to earn money from their food photographs.

Submit a short post with a photo of something you’re eating/cooking over the holiday week and share with your classmates what you think of food photography on social media.

Read about William Eggleston and color photography here.

Learn about how some foodies are turning their social media into profit here.

Please make sure you only check off the category #studentHW.

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HW #2 Food & Coffee–Civil war

Baked Salmon and Fried Rice

Baked Salmon and Fried Rice

One thing I found amusing about a soldier’s diet during the civil war was the hard track crackers. The hard track is an inexpensive cracker made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. The fascinating part of the cracker is how it can be made and stored for many years for soldiers to eat without decomposing. If I had to choose between food and coffee I would choose food because I dislike coffee due to its bitterness. Also, the amount of sugar I put in coffee is very bad for my health. I love food because I love cooking and coming up with new recipes. One of my favourite things to eat is baked salmon. I sometimes eat it with fried plantains or my version of fried rice. It’s one of my healthy dishes because it does not contain a lot of fat. I started making this last year and I haven’t stopped ever since.

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Hw #2 Food and Coffee during the Civil War -Shanieya S.

When looking at what the soldiers diets were in the civil war I was not surprised at the lack of food in which they were given. I don’t know how they lived off of just basically a big cracker and some coffee. I would have not been able to be fulfilled or even have energy with only that source of food or those small rations. A food I cannot live without personally is steak and potatoes. It’s an addiction to me at this point and is my favorite dish to eat if I am out.

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HW #2: Emmanuel Casseus

I was honestly surprised by the fact that soldiers were forced to eat hard tacks biscuits in order to stave off hunger. I personally couldn’t possibly have survived very long on such a treat, it’s a bit terrifying to think about. From what I read, Hardtack’s was made of unleavened flour & water and all I could think about is how unappetizing that sounds. Like, if I had to choose between giving up food or coffee I would 100% give up on coffee. I only have a particularly bad memory that sticks with me forever when it comes to coffee. I like Iced Coffee and some other types, but I can definitely live without it. And when it comes to food, I’m a hard sucker for Lasagna, I love the way it taste and I’m pretty addicted to it. I don’t get to eat it very often, so when my family cooks or brings some home I’m quite ecstatic about eating some!

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HW#2 Fausto Llapa

It is amazing how soldiers can maintain enough strength and stamina to continue fighting on the battlefield while having little rations of food. Hardtacks are good too. I find it every interesting that they can live off eating a large cracker. Also, coffee on a soldier’s diet seems very reliable as it helps them stay active during the war as they would get tired. It is kind of crazy how coffee plays a big role during the war for the soldiers during the Civil War.

I can’t live without eating dessert. I enjoying eating lots of different dessert but mostly cake since it is the most common dessert that I eat. Cake has been around for me a lot since I sometimes end up being at parties where cake is served and also since my family enjoys cake as much as I do.

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HW 2: Ana Perez

What I found most interesting about the Civil War soldier diet is the hardtack. It looks like a giant thick cracker.  It was so cheap and easy to make which made it made more popular and reliable. I was shocked on how long the cracker has survived as it is. If I had to choose between food or coffee I would choose food and give up coffee. I personally don’t like coffee as it is. I drink water a lot. However when it comes to food, I love food and trying new things. I can’t live without a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich from a corner store. It is like the crown jewl of NYC. I been eating it my whole life and it so quick to have made, cheap and the perfect breakfast sandwich. Sometimes I like to make them myself and when I do I add more stuff in my sandwich then what they people do at the corner store. A bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich is the one thing I can always eat and never get tired of.

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