Le Guin – Luis Comori

Ursula Le Guin is VERY good at describing the setting to the reading in both short stories “The Day Before The Revolution” and “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”. The clearly describes every detail of the character’s surroundings and ambience noise in the background. I was able to quickly depict how the character or object looks like. By using a huge array of descriptive words i was immersed into the story and almost feel as if I was  in the room myself. As seen in “The Day Before The Revolution” a description was given to every character and object that the main character interacted with. I felt like I was this elderly woman and Le Guin beautifully narrates it in a third person view , as if you were behind Laia the whole time.With the use of flash backs to past events I was able to create a relationship with Laia , as if I knew her all along. Le Guin , the author,  made you relive Laia’s past and gave me a decent understanding of what she has been through to have reached where she was now. The author described characters who I thought was a bit pointless but none the less kept adding more information about Laia and her being old enough to not be able to fully take care of herself.She musters the strength to walk around the streets only to become ill and weak.I believe this reminded her how it was when she was young and living in poverty.I did not understand this part at all and was quite lost about its significance. I was able to sum up the fact that she missed her husband dearly , Taviri , and found herself to be an annoyance to others and I believe she does pass away at the end of story as she walks up the stairs. I wasn’t able to comprehend the link between this story and to a utopia.

“The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” had a very colorful and happy setting , almost as if it was impossible or unattainable. There seemed to be no sadness but only room for what made sense to have. The people of Omelas did not have the need for fancy necessities such as fancy technology but only need the essentials ( such as a train station). Every one was happy and dancing and celebrating , I want to say they were celebrating an anniversary of peace and prosperity. But they had something that reminded them that its not always been a happy and perfect world. They held a young child in a closet to remind themselves how the world can be . I feel like they used the boy as a way to keep them clear minded and to continue doing good in the world unless they want to end up like this defective and unusable person , who had nothing to contribute to this perfect city. Other had ideas that maybe if they were able to help the young child that they could help others as well and make the world a better place.

Reading Response #1: Le Guin

The first page of  “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” had very vivid imagery, almost as if one was there, almost too good to be true. Once I finished reading the first page I didn’t see how the title related with the story, if I were the Le Guin I would have named the story something else, a more obvious title. As I continued on reading, the second page to me felt as though I was reading nothing. After reading one line I felt as though the next contradicted the first, a lot of questions were being asked but none answered by the narrator or characters in the story. “Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive. In the middle category, however—that of the unnecessary but undestructive, that of comfort, luxury, exuberance, etc.—they could perfectly well have central heating, subway trains, washing machines, and all kinda of marvelous devices not yet invented here, floating light-sources, fuelless power, a cure for a common cold” (pg2). This part to me felt as though it went against all the imagery in the first page, I think because we today take these things for granted. The first page has such rich detail and this scene is portrayed as though the people of this town think it’s the best day to look forward to in their lives. Everything in the city seems so peaceful, until they get to the basement and start talking about the child who’s locked inside. Now I must admit, the imagery was very peaceful and relaxing to read but I wasn’t into the story until this part. The town seemed to not have anything wrong with it but in fact according to them it did, this problem was the child, whom they thought might have been born defective. Sadly, in today’s world there are still people who would prefer to have people with certain defects locked away somewhere. Although, I think there is nothing wrong with being different at all, intentionally or not. Mary Temple Gradin, http://www.templegrandin.com born autistic but yet she contributed a great insight to animal science and she was also an author, even though many people thought she was not capable of doing anything remotely to this. As they described how people in the city came to this basement to see the child the question that comes to my mind is “ If everyone is so interested in seeing the child, why not let the child live amongst those same people? What is the purpose of hiding the child that everyone wants to see?” The fact that people are so moved by the “imprisonment” of the child to the point where some people even leave the city. “Delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed,”(pg6) if the child were to be let out, why this would be I’m not too sure.

I liked the “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” more then “The Day Before the Revolution” only because I felt this story was all over the place. I also felt as though the story was way too long and pointless. I understood she was in a home and that she is an “important” figure of a movement, but she (the old lady) refers to a lot of people from her past some who were in prison but now dead.  I really didn’t understand why she referred to these people, or what was the significance in the character Noi.  When she was in the bathroom before Noi arrived she was worried about her hair and upset about the stain on her shirt, the way Noi was described made it seem as though she was some what attracted to Noi.  What I got out of the story was that her and her husband were activist in a movement, her husband died and all she had was a folder, Noi helped her write response to people who wrote her letters, she made a trip to see the outside world, the one she considered herself a part of. When she went outside she saw all these different things, feeling dizzy someone who lived in her house helped her back, for her to then find out once getting there that there was going to be a march the very next day, when everyone asked her for advice she said she wouldn’t be here, im guessing she knew her time was coming. Im assuming she dies because of the way the story ended. She was old and fragile, she felt very tired, very weak, once the march for the revolution came, I take it as though now she can finally get real rest. Everything that made her tired, everything she worked for was now being accomplished and carried on by the younger folks to whom she spoke and wrote to. After reading this I think I’m missing the bigger picture or the actual reason/purpose as to why the story was written.

A short intro about Alejandro Reyes

Hello everyone! My name is Alejandro Reyes I am 21 years old and living in Elmhurst NY. Currently I am a junior; majoring in Computer Engineering Technology at City tech. I am currently doing an internship with CUNY Citizenship NOW! I got this internship by joining the CUNY Service Corp. Sadly my internship isn’t too involved with my major but I do enjoy learning new things and more than anything gaining some work experience. As a future goal I would like to have a job which revolves around my major, live a comfortable life and most important have a job which I can enjoy. Hopefully to be able to work with a team and create new things like projects which solve daily issues, robots, etc. would be great.

IMG_8134   (Taken at Central Park)

Overall it has been pretty good lately, but doing school (especially all the projects involved with my CET classes) and work do take a small toll on my free time. Whenever I have a chance I hang out with friends, play soccer, relax or spend time with family.

 I spent most of my last summer break here in New York, I love to travel but sadly I was unable to. I did get to go paint balling for the first time which was really fun. Play soccer and be able to catch up with friends which I had not seen in a really long time.

A weakness as a writer would definitely be my grammar and spelling. I would say that a strength as a reader would be finding a book that I’ll enjoy reading, I literally find it hard to stop. Although sadly I haven’t found a good book or better said the time to sit down and enjoy one. I love technology and anything that is involved with its aspect, and studying computer engineering helps. In regards to having knowledge of utopia, dystopia and science fiction I don’t really have much, although when I hear of the word utopia I do think of a world in which everything is perfect and standardized. I am currently taking this course since it is a requirement, yet I am looking forward to this class.   


Hello! :)

My name is Jessica but I prefer to be called Jess for short 🙂 My parents are from El Salvador but I was born and raised in New York City. My major is Communication Design and will strive to open up my design-related business in the near future. I have three major goals for the semester: 1) practice drawing any chance I get (I am a horrible illustrator at the moment haha!) 2) manage my time wisely (I HATE it when I am unorganized with my time) and 3) learn to breathe more haha! (seriously, to not stress over everything as far as assignments, work, relationships etc. Just overall, enjoy life at the moment and just breathe in and out 🙂 ) Sometimes at night, I like to walk around my neighborhood and reflect. It helps me appreciate all things around me and helps me become less stressed. 

The usual path I walk to reflect :)

The usual path I walk to reflect 🙂

My strengths and weaknesses as a reader and writer varies.

I personally believe that my strengths as a reader is identifying the elements within a story and analyzing the concept of each piece. As a writer, I feel confident writing in first, second and third person. I can express myself well through writing and can gather all my thoughts on paper. The only weakness I feel that I have as a reader is when I encounter a piece of literature that does not capture my attention at all. When I am challenged to read anything that does not interest me, my mind wanders to different places and no matter how many times I read it, I could not grasp the main idea of the story. Because of this weakness, I have practiced to overcome it; I now visualize the stories as I read them, and try my best to visualize them as if it were a movie. I am a visual artist after all. My two major weakness in writing are grammar use and correct use of punctuation marks. I try to overcome this weakness by reading more, but it takes a day at a time.

I feel comfortable with technology. I can alternate between a PC and MAC computer and am proficient in illustrator, photoshop, dreamweaver and indesign.

I have very little knowledge on the topic of utopias and dystopias. As I grew older I perceived “Utopia” as a place where perfection is located. Of course, I do not believe in anything being perfect so the idea of Utopia never developed pasted that. I am taking this course (ENG 2000) because it is a required course but although that is the main reason why I enrolled, I am pleased to learn more on Utopias and Dystopias 🙂 I hope to learn the history of Utopia and how Dystopia was developed, what was the perceptions on both topics at the beginning and now in history? Also, I am very pleased that we will be writing a lot in this course as it will help my writing skill to develop more.

Best, Jess 🙂


Reminder: Le Guin reading response posts due tonight, W 2/5

Hi everyone:

Many of you have joined our OpenLab site and made your Introductory posts already … that’s great! Keep them coming, and don’t forget to read/comment on one another’s posts!

Just a friendly reminder that, as we discussed in class and as is listed on our Schedule (where you should always go to find all reading/writing assignments), all reading responses are blog posts (minimum of 500 words) to the readings for that week, and are due the night before class (so on Wednesdays, by 11:59pm). The content, length, grading, expectations, requirements (etc.) for these blog posts are explained, in detail, in the OpenLab Composing section of our course site.

Blogs should not be summaries of the readings, but rather should be your critical analysis of the texts (you can use the elements of fiction and/or the utopia/dystopia framework to help you ask questions about the text, dig deeper, and start to generate critical responses).

Don’t forget to categorize this week’s reading response post as “Le Guin,” and to print out the PDF of the two short stories and bring them (annotated with your notes, comments, questions) to class.

See you in the morning!

Professor Belli

A little bit about Nicole <3


My name is Nicole Valencia, I’m FINALLY 21 years old (as of yesterday). I was born and raised in Elmhurst, Queens but come from Colombian parents.



The picture I posted above is of my parents and I before leaving on a trip to Mexico last summer. I have an older brother which is 27 years old, he’s a firefighter.  My main interest consists of salsa music in general, either listening to it or dancing it. Ever since I could I remember dancing has been my thing. It’s the one thing I can actually find a passion for. I would’ve loved to have joined a professional academy but 1. they’re extremely expensive, specially when you have to perform shows 2. the practices take too much of your time. As of now I just dance for fun, I like to learn new moves, watch videos of professionals that dance in Cali, which is the city in Colombia that specializes in salsa dancing.

This is my second year in City Tech and I’m currently finishing my pre-requisites for my Nursing major. Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamt of a career in the medical field. Originally I wanted to be a doctor but as time passed by I realized nursing was more the career for me. I love helping others, whether it’s being able to physically help someone feel better or emotionally. Other than doing something that would make me feel happy and useful, I also found it to be a more economically stable job. I love that the medical field is a rare field where you’ll find yourself without a job, so that’s one of the main reasons why I went down this path. Dancing is my passion but I realized it wasn’t the smartest choice to make over Nursing, since it’s not a stable career. I hope to one day be able to dance professionally, even if it’s a second job or just a hobby.

My strength is mostly as a writer, I’m great at grammar and spelling. Writing essays also tends to be one of the things I do best. As a reader my main weakness is that I tend to skim through what I have to read and rarely get an understanding of what I just read. I mostly enjoy reading non-fictional books, I usually go for biographies of young adults who have gone through tragedies in their lives. I dislike having to read about ancient history, I personally find it boring. My background with using technology is pretty good, I tend to do everything from shopping to paying my bills through either my phone, laptop or IPad. I didn’t know anything about utopias, dystopias, or science fiction before our last class meeting. I’m taking this course because it is one of the pre-requisites for the Nursing program I plan on transferring to in another school. I hope to gain better reading and writing skills through this course. Mainly reader since it is one of my weaknesses. It has been a while since I last read a real book!

About me.

My name is Gisell. I am 20 years old. Something interesting about me is that unlike many i was born at home because my mom didn’t make it to the hospital on time. I come from a colombian background. I live in queens with my mother and my two dogs.  I am an only child love animals. I love to play sports. When i was in high school i was in the soccer, indoor and outdoor track team. This is my second year at City tech. Originally my plan was to join the airforce but my plans changed. Although my plans changed, my goal of becoming a nurse have stayed the same . I enjoy knowing and learning about the human body. I also like that a career in nursing can offer economic stability and give me many options within the career itself. My path towards nursing hasn’t been easy itself. I have struggled with some classes ,competition  and discouragement from others. Over all i always set big goals and standards for myself. I love to travel and try new things especially new foods. I hope one day to be able to visit many different places around the world. Normally during every end of semester i try to go on a trip with my mother. I am very close to my mom. She raised me on her own and due to this I am a strong believer of women being equal to men. I am very opened minded. I like learning about new ideas concepts and mentalities of life.


My two biggest weaknesses in writing are spelling and grammar. I have always had trouble with this, but i try my best an revise my work many times before handing it in. I have to admit am not a big reader. Although when I do read I enjoy fictional stories, one of my favorite books is The Great Gatsby. A weakness in reading would definitely be reading things in old fashion english, it just bores me to death. Its very confusing for me, it makes me feel like I am not even reading english. It hard to enjoy something you really don’t understand.  My technology background doesn’t go any further than using a phone or the basic computer. Even though my mother is big on technology and my house is full of it sometimes i like things old fashion.  What i know about Utopia is that its a world considered to be “perfect”. Its where things are very organized and controlled. In Utopia there is no individuality because everyone is the same. I also read the book The Giver when i was in high school. Many of my ideas of Utopia come from what the book demonstrated. In my opinion a Utopia is never going to word and end up in distopia due to the fact that we all thing differently and believe different things. What may seem perfect to some can be horrible to others.  I am taking this course because it is a requirement.





A Little Bit of Me


Hello my name is Kali Mai, I am 20 years old . My major is Hospitality management  I  am in my 4th semester here in the New York City  College of Technology.  I am hoping to get my bachelors in Hotel Management.

The reason I choose this major is because  it allows me to interact with  alot of  people of  different backgrounds and learns things I never knew before.  It also holds a key to the things i love whether its my love for food or to travel it gives me great insight of things i would like to do with my life.

Currently I work at Starbucks in Manhattan  as an Barista in hopes to not only get experience but also to learn about coffee which I have a passion for.  My Hobbies includes cooking , baking,  surfing the net, listening to music and also reading.  One of the things i wish to be able to do one day is to travel the world . I haven’t really been to much places so it would really inspire me to learn new things whether it is language, culture or history.  I like to visit places such as going to museums, and  parks just to look at the arts and scenery and even learn a few things.

I Strengths and weakness when it comes to reading and writing is the i can read really fast  but  it really does take me to have an interest in the topic for me to really want to continue on .  If its  a topic i normally don’t like i get bored of it so i tend to never finish it.  I am honestly not that great of a writer,  i have a lot of mistakes  when it comes to writing. such a vocabulary and grammar . I like tyo read in general with topics that help open my imagination to think about the storyline in  which  keeps my curiosity to continue reading in hopes for it to turn in to the way i want it to be. My knowledge for technology is a little bit higher than average because i do like to surf the net so while I do that i tend to learn a lot about things i could do whether its software or things I cud do with certain programs. My knowledge on Utopias aren’t that great i have learned about it a bit in middle school as a concept of the perfect world, a way in which everyone is seen as equals in a sense everybody almost  even look the same. On the other hand I’ve have never learned about Dystopias at all.  The reason im taking this corse is because it is  a required class as an L/A/P but this  class has caught my interest with the way we learn about the different topics in literature

My Name Is..

Long Island City

Long Island City, Summer 2013

Iliane Soriano and I am from Ecuador. Yes, I was born there but I’ve been living in the U.S. since I was one. This is my third year at city tech and my current major is Liberal Arts/Sciences. My career goal is to finish here at city tech and then go on to medical school to become a doctor which has been my life long dream. One of my desires is definitely being able to manage my own practice one day. Two of my favorite hobbies are reading and going to the gym. I love doing both but sometimes there isn’t enough time when one is both working twenty four seven and going to school. My summer break was a blast I went to the Dominican Republic with a few friends. The only upsetting part about my trip was when I lost my sunglasses when riding the banana boat. This semester I plan to excel in school as well as at work. I hope to learn a lot from the classes I’m taking even the ones I’m only required to take. I also have a trip planned to Thailand for spring break. I am definitely super excited and looking forward to that!!

When I have the energy and I am able I believe I am a very strong reader. I do love to read. That doesn’t mean I love to read everything. I think my favorite genre of books would be non-fiction. I do like to read fiction as well but I find it harder to be interested in. As a writer I believe I’m an alright writer. I like to write essay’s it helps me clear my mind whenever I’m stumped about someting. I also like free-writing but not as much as I like having an outline and a specific topic to write about. I love technology it’s also one of my main interests. When it comes to all the new gadgets I probably know about them. I love reading about any kind of new technology that’s coming out and what it provides for the consumer. I’m also certified in computer repair. I studied computer repair in high school where I learned mostly about the hardware of a computer. As well as how to build one, which I think is very convenient. The only word that comes to mind when I think about Utopia is that its a perfect world. Once you get a perfect world in mind you think about that not being possible. Dystopias sounds like the total opposite of Utopia which makes me think of a bad universe, not perfect, and maybe even possible. I am taking this course because it is require for my degree but I’m also very intrigued to see what it’s all about. The reading that we’re going to do sounds interesting so hopefully it’s a good class. I hope i’ll be able to understand utopias and dystopias more in depth.

Who is Anna Norris?



I am an ambitious young woman who came to the United States from Russia.  Ever since I have been learning and growing in various ways, especially in understanding myself and my goals for the future.  Although I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Travel Industry Management, but I feel that I need to explore my potential as a graphic designer. Graphic design appeals to me on many levels and I am hoping that the classes I am taking at the New York City College of Technology will help solidify my career goals. I am very open to learning as much as I possibly can from other professionals and developing my skills and talents in this area.

In fact, art and artistic expression has always been something close to my heart. My love of museums only increased when I moved to New York several years ago. For the first time in my life, I was exposed to an entire spectrum of museums that were well financed, well rounded and spectacular. I found myself returning to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa many times over. In my years there my parents would take me to different museums and art museums and I was always fascinated with the exhibits.  I found myself returning to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa many times over. Frankly, in my early visits I tended to enjoy the nature of the Met more than MoMa, it was easier to understand and identify with some of the more traditional exhibits on display at the Met. The more esoteric nature of the MoMa exhibits would sometimes leave me grasping for the deeper meaning of the artist. However, this started to change significantly when I started studying Graphic Design at CUNY. The artistic requirements that are required to be a good graphic artist translated more closely to the modern art at MoMa. I found that I was able to identify with the concepts of abstract art much more closely than in the past. I was developing true appreciation and admiration for the creativity required to create a piece of abstract art. In fact, I found that I was starting to bring a more “abstract” approach to my work at University. I was truly developing a more abstract and creative thought process in my work.

Also, I am also very interested in Broadway performances and various cultural events around town. Gallery openings are also events that I frequent often.  In other words, I enjoy art and see its importance in our world. I feel strongly connected to art on a personal level and also see myself as part of this industry.

My weaknesses is writing . I enjoy reading books, specially history and art books, but I have difficulties to organized my thoughts in writings. I am taking this course, Perspective in Literature,  because is required and thursday class fits my schedule.  However, I am hoping this class help me become a better writer and improve my writings skills.