Utopian Dream

My perfect world, my Utopia, would for one be a peaceful place. Wars wouldn’t exist because people would be honest with each other and work together to resolve conflicts through speech and coming to understandings. Technology would continue to thrive, making things much easier for people but also encouraging people to go forth and meet with one another, have discussions, and be social without the help of technology. Society would have given up on categorizing people and all prejudice would be eliminated. Not one person would ever have to feel left out or alone, as we would all be able to get along with one another without feeling hate or any sort of malice towards one another.

I imagine the world green and sunny. The environment taken into account even with the amount of technology being used. I imagine something along the lines of The Shire from Lord of The Rings. Rich green hills, with houses built into them, sheltering people but not destroying the luscious landscapes. Warm light from the houses would cast a comforting glow across the hills at night, welcoming and inviting. Everyone would have their own little niche to call home, and none would remain homeless.

Work would be available for all, and poverty would be eliminated. Everyone would be on the same level as one another, and no one would have more. Greed would be a thing of the past, and ultimately eliminated. People would always have the urge to better themselves, and stray away from any path that would ultimately lead to crime or causing one another any pain or suffering.

I also think manners would be heavily enforced, I feel like our world right now is severely  lacking in that. I think if more people practiced manners it would lead  the world towards a more beautiful place.

I think all of this would create my Utopia. Unfortunately I do know that there is always two sides to each coin, and it never goes as planned, but this to me would be a Utopia I would love to immerse myself in.


My Utopia

In my ideal world, it would be warm all year round.  Not too hot and not too cold, the type of weather we call “hoodie season.”  People would strive off of peace, happiness and love.  There would be no war, it would be a complete hippy town.  The people in my utopia would still go to school and get an education, but instead of tuition being thousands of dollars, tuition would be affordable to everyone.  There would be a cure to every disease known to man, and everyone would have equal rights.  There would be more then enough time in a day for me to be able to go to school, go to work, hang out with friends, and have alone time.  There would be no poverty and no economic differences between people.  The people would not be rich, but then again the people will not have to struggle with financial issues.  There would be no murderers and people would only die from natural causes (excluding the curable diseases.)

In my ideal world, there will be tunnels connecting my house to my friends houses so therefore we would always be able to hang out whenever we want.  We would kick back and listen to the songs of The Weeknd, because his music always puts me in a euphoric mood.  I’d be able to wake up when I want to, arrive to school when I want, and also work.  I would own my own business and work for myself.

In my utopia there will be art museums on every corner and they would all be free.  Jazz music would play in the museums and the dinner would be free.  My wardrobe would be amazing because I would be able to virtually shop and my clothes would appear in front of me with the push of a button.  I would drive a nice car and not have to worry about traffic all the time, and when I feel like taking public transportation, MTA would be free.  No more monthly metro cards!  Flights to travel the world would also be free in my utopia.  I would be able to get out of bed and hop on a plane to Italy without worrying how I would pay for the ticket.  I would live in the most amazing condo that oversees the city and I would have the cutest little dog to keep me company.  I’d have a machine to do all my cooking and cleaning so all I would ever have to worry about is being happy and enjoying myself.  My utopia would be a place where everyone got a long and everyone would be happy.  They would strive off of making others happy and making the world a better place.

Here’s a link to The Weeknd’s Youtube channel if you want to check his music out (:


My Utopia

 I couldn’t really think of a story of a utopia to write, so I am just writing about my own life, as my utopia.My utopia would be a simple world. I would be working with a job that I love doing to support myself and my family for the rest of our lives. I’d have a comfortable life, living in a nice house. I would be living somewhere with a tropical climate, where there is no winter. The weather around me would be 75-80 degrees. Nice weather everyday and nothing but days laying on a beach with the sun shining down on you. There would be no such thing as rain or cold weather and there would be happiness surrounding everyone everywhere. 


In my utopia the world would be a better place. There is no violence, no crime and no pollution. All people everywhere are equal and treat each other with respect. There would be no such thing as someone living with hunger, poverty and there would be no one that is homeless. My utopia would also consist of all stray animals having a home. 


Education would be available to everyone and everyone has a fair chance of getting any type of job they would want. Nowadays college education is expensive which makes it hard for many people to attend college which stops many people from getting the educations they should have and need. I would make getting a college education more easy for the average person because everyone will have the ability to attend college. There would be no limits on what a person can do with their lives. Even if one person is not as smart or educated as someone else they will not be looked down on.  All people would be happy with their career choices, unlike modern times where many people are unhappy with their jobs. Money would not be a problem, which is a problem for millions of people across the world. Everything would be reasonable for people no matter how much money one person makes. 


There would be no such thing as sickness. All people would live long, happy and healthy lives. There would be cures for all sicknesses and diseases. There would be advances in technology and medicine everyday. People all over the world would be doing everything to better their communities, lives and make the world a better place. No war, no fights and no bad feelings towards others. People help out one another. 

I think that my view on a utopian society and world will be similar to a lot of people’s ideas too. Many people want peace, money, education, health and happiness. With these things I think that the way the world is right now if all people are working together we can achieve my ideas of what a utopia really is.  I don’t think it will be too hard to achieve this utopia because it is just a normal life with positive things around everyone.




A Perfect World

Imagine a place full of green. Where instead of buildings, trees are what soared to the sky. Mountains and hills housed humans and the concrete which grayed up our streets did not

Housing in a small mountain

Housing in a small mountain

exist. Everything was all natural so pollution would never risk life on earth. Transportation was normally made by foot. Horses and other animals helped with that, they would give them rides and help pull wagons or carriages for them.

Humans, they did not know greed or envy, they disliked but they did not hate, no judgement was given. Everyone was friendly they greet each other one way or another, either with a kiss, a hello, or a welcoming smile. Every village had a source of water many of them had wells but there were also lakes, waterfalls and rivers. Vendors would gather near their source of water, picture it like a farmer’s market or a fair. While going to get their water they would pick up their necessities as well. People here didn’t use money in fact they didn’t even trade. Knowing that people were happy with their produce and products the vendors were content, more happy if they were given a compliment.

Animal Mark

Now what would this place be without a special gift? In this place humans had a special connection with animals. Ancient tribes believed that animal spirits would help as a guidance and over time the magic connection with animals grew. At the age of 8 children would go and stay with the town priest or priestess for a few day. During this time, they would meditate and find what type of animal would help them and give them guidance. When the animal was found, the spirits would surround the child and mark them with their image. This gift allowed them to speak with their animal in a meditation state or not.

imagesCan you imagine finding a rabbit on your way home and being able to communicate with it? Ask it questions. Animals over time grew wise, they observed humans and learned the type of advises they needed in order to be happy and to continue the flow of positive energy that was everywhere. Like humans, animals weren’t selfish other’s needs were their priority and when they were needed they would be there.

With happiness people recovered quickly from sickness. They did not damn pain, they saw it as an experience, not to do a silly mistake twice or as a message, when something was wrong with their bodies. Death was seen as a celebration, to be released from one’s body and having the freedom to roam the earth and skies. When someone was release their friends and family would wear white to represent the freedom given to their relative, this was the only time one wore white and a gathering would be held by their watering hole where dancing, singing, drinking, and eating were present.

Having everything and everyone working together is what made this perfect world. Having respect and not taking advantage, sharing with everyone is what kept this world together.

No more pain and suffering

I believe at some point in time everyone tries to imagine a perfect world, with the idea of world peace being top priority. I have thought about a particular world but have never expressed my insights on it since it’s guaranteed not to occur since the world revolves around challenges (challenges people face on the daily basis).

My idea of a Utopian world is not far of from the world we live in today. I imagine a world where pain and suffering would be abolished. To wake up every morning and not worry about meaningless things such as bills, problems, money and all materialistic things. To wake up and take in the fresh air, to close your eyes and be thankful for another glorious day, to enjoy life and what it has to offer.

In my opinion, pain is an emotion that triggers your mind, heart and soul to break down and have a melt down whether it is a small or drastic melt down. In my world, this would not exist. Pain is categorized in many different levels: emotional, mental and physical. Pain can be shown by tears in someone’s eyes, the decision to self harm because of a particular pain one is experiencing, the loss of a loved one, and the list goes on and on. My Utopian world will abolish the idea of “pain,” pain in my world shows a level of defeat, the citizens of my Utopian world shall always rise no matter what obstacles they will face, what problems that my occur. By abolishing pain, it gives us all the mental, physical and emotional strength to strive and come up with solutions to move on and be strong.

With pain comes suffering. I personally believe being a witness or a victim of suffering can really deteriorate one’s life, heart and soul. Suffering is losing hope and I feel that is the worst feeling to have; knowing that there is no solution to end the suffering. In my Utopian world, there shall ALWAYS be a solution. No one shall suffer in any way, whether it is the struggle to make ends meet, a health problem and other predicaments where we experience pain and find no solution, we suffer.

My Utopian world doesn’t consist of materialistic things or live in a world that is considered “perfect.” But take a second and imagine, with the current world we live in today, imagine waking up one day and not have the slightest pain to worry about. Imagine you can live a day without you or the entire world suffering. Didn’t you notice how fresh the air really is? Now imagine, a world like this. A world without pain and suffering. People can work minimum wage, others are becoming rich by the second but at the very end everyone is doing well, not worries about money, any level of pain and suffering? A peaceful world you can say.

This is my idea of a Utopian world. Yes, there isn’t much of a difference in today’s world, but if you subtract pain and suffering from the original equation, we shall all become a powerful, strong, driven world where we all can live in peace.

Imagine it.

My World?

In my ideal world everyone would be at the same economic level. There would be healthcare for everyone. Poverty would not exist. There would be and even amount of supply and demand. Nobody would want more then they already have. Everyone would have a home designed exactly the way the want it. They’d be able to choose where in the world they want to live. Anyone who commuted a crime would be sent to prison. They would never be let out and the death sentence would not exist. Happiness would exist everywhere and everyone would be polite. Everyone would greet each other and speak to each other kindly. Being rude would not exist in this world. Everyone would go to school and school would definitely be interactive.

The education system would involve taking kids on trips to workplaces as well as to museums and different countries. There would be levels to school and once children knew what they wanted to do they would choose. They wouldn’t have to spend years learning at a school to then start their career. They would be allowed to go to this workplace and have a mentor who teaches them everything. Everyone would get together with their family every week. They would plan events together and it would be wonderful.

A person in this world would die of old age. No one would be sick or have any deathly disease. No one would be able to smoke as smoking causes disease. The people would truthfully have a decision to everything. They would decide what, when, and where they did everything. What someone wanted to do at the end of the day would be their decision and money wouldn’t be an issue. The only thing that people wouldn’t be able to choose to do is something that would harm others. No one would be discriminated against. There would a penalty against anyone who discriminates or does anything to harm someone’s self esteem. Bullying in school would not exist.

Technology in this world would be advanced. Whether people wanted to use this technology was solely up to them. Technology would be a helpful device in this world but not essential. People in this world would be able to create whatever they felt the need for both artistically and mentally. One of the things that wouldn’t exist would be cars, they would be a thing of the past. People would need to walk everywhere to enjoy nature. Everyone would also be environmentalists. They would care about nature and the planet we live on.

Animals would play a big role in this world. They would live in a vast area where each of them would have a section. Everyone would help the animals and they would go visit them. There would be no animal abuse. People would be able to have as pets the animals we have now including some others. There would be no war everyone would live in peace. All countries and nations would help each other with anything they needed. I call this My World or is it?

If I could have my own specific Utopia I imagine that the buildings and cities would all have a nice and vibrant feeling to it.  There would be no dirty or broken down buildings and the city would be clean. The different cities have different feelings to it and diversity in the buildings, culture and food. I’m pretty sure this is contradictory as everyone and everything is supposed to be equal, but I think that it shouldn’t mean making everything (especially building structures) exactly the same. Everyone is equal but there can be different variations in the feel of the cities that the people live in. This is due to the fact that everyone can be creative and the different architects that build the different cities do have different views and visions on what they want the building to look like. That the chefs in each city can make different types of food from a different city, due to having different ideas. Everyone is encouraged to think outside the box and create something that all of society can enjoy. Anyone can go anywhere to enjoy and experience the variation in the different cities, and no one is denied the right to explore the other cities. So even though there is variation, everyone is still equal because everyone can experience what each and every city has to offer.

Technology has expanded rapidly, and people use all the different types of technology on a daily basis. However, unlike in the story “The Machine Stops” people have not isolated themselves due to it. Everyone knows the consequences of becoming too dependent on technology because everyone is wise and educated. Everyone knows the consequences corruption and crime could have on the city and everyone works together as equals for the well being of the city. Being creative is encouraged as this allows for more innovation and progress for the city and its people. The people aren’t oppressed and the society works as a whole, allowing for easy communication with anyone.

Since everyone is equal no one is denied the right to education, they could be what they want, and being financially stable is experienced by everyone . Crime is non existent, and people can go anywhere at anytime without fear of other humans like in the world today. People are open to each other and know each others boundaries. There are no hidden agendas in the reasons of why people do things. Yes, everyone has their own boundaries and secrets, but there is no ill intent in their reasoning. Work hours are reasonable and everyone has a break in the middle of the day so that when they get back to work they can be just as energized as they were in the morning. No ones expenses go over the amount they make and no one has to worry about things like money or rent. This results in everyone being able to try anything they want and go anywhere they want. This is my view on Utopia even though I’m positive there are contradictory elements to it.

“Everybody’s happy now”

Beginning “A Brave New World” the first and second pages immediately caught my attention. The story begins with the a sort of “walk-through” of the facility, including detailed descriptions of the attire and of the people working here – “The overalls of the workers were white, their hands gloved with a pale corpse-coloured rubber.” (15). We also get introduced to the first character which happens to be the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning or D.H.C for short. This character walks around a group of students introducing the different areas of the facility and describes what is done in specific each area. I found it very interesting the way Huxley describes these areas in such a futuristic manner and so convincing; It made me believe that this place was actually real. This way of using the characters and create a situation in which it seems that the students are being shown around but in fact it is the reader that is being shown around the facility. I felt as if I was on that same tour, learning and being fascinated by this state-of-the-art “hatchery” as they call it. Learning about how they’ve managed to advance and improve the reproduction cycle using the “Bokanovsky’s Process” was remarkable. “One egg, one embryo, one adult- normality. But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety-six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full-sized adult. Making ninety-six human beings grow where only one grew before. Progress.” (17). I was thinking to myself if only this was something scientifically possible today! Reading along I start to get familiar with the several rooms and the exact purpose they served in the growth of these embryos. For example the “Decanting Room” was a dark room in which the embryos would develop according to their designated caste. Each embryo or caste group were set at a specific revolution and were given certain liquids/chemicals to enhance or discourage certain traits made for that specific caste. Which then brought me into recognizing the classes of caste this society had. Caste were named after the greek alphabet, these caste (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, & Epsilon) were in a hierarchy format. Alphas being the strongest, more attractive, and more intelligent. Down to epsilons which were seen as the lowest yet still usable for the dirty work. When these humans were being created designated a caste, they were already  “predestined” by the facility. Meaning, as young embryos they were being programmed to be exactly what was needed. For example “But why do you want to keep an embryo below par?. . . . Hasn’t it occurred to you that an Epsilon embryo must have an Epsilon environment as well as an Epsilon heredity?. . .The lower the caste the…the shorter the oxygen” (24). This quote was in regards of how the facility creates a sort of retardation in Epsilons by shortening their oxygen supply just enough were they still can function proper; by function they mean work.

Aside from the hierarchy in mental and physical attributes, they were also segregated by clothing color: Alpha-Grey, Beta-Unknown, Gamma-Green, Delta-Khaki, & Epsilon-Black. To further separate the caste from each other they were conditioned through a recording instilling the desired moral values played during the child’s sleep; a technique used by the facility from an old story about a young polish boy that recalled things said from a radio station that was played on accident in his sleep. They realized this wasn’t useful for intellectual training but rather moral training.

After Huxley introduces us to the facility and the way things are created and why. He begins introducing us to more characters that carry on the story. We notice some relationships and interactions. My attention was brought to a character named Mustapha Mond. He is the “Resident Controller for Western Europe; One of the Ten World Controllers” (40). This character is shown a tremendous amount of respect from the time he enters the story, he also seems to know a lot of the history of Ford before it became what is shown today. In the first paragraph on page 41, Mustapha gives a major detail about knowledge of our (the reader) worlds history; everything from Bibles to Poetry. He also gives some insight on how parental figures used to be; During this, some students from the group felt sick. As if these ideas were so repulsive it made them sick to their stomachs to even think about it. Although we don’t know much of this character I feel he will definitely be our only connection to the past via the “Controllers”.

Some values of this society are exposed during the introduction of Mustapha Mond. For example “No pains have been spared to make your lives emotionally easy – to preserve you, so far as that is possible, from having emotions at all.” (49). From this quote I realized that the people were made in laboratories and raised exactly how they “The Controllers” wanted and providing them with everything they need to survive (stability) to prevent them from ever have emotional ties to anyone. This made it easy for them to concentrate on the work they were given to do. Another value is the “every one belongs to every one else” (48). This society believed in polygamy and were very open about sexual acts with one another, anything else was seen as abnormal. Many examples are shown throughout pages 46-49. Also seen, was that the society knew they they were all different in terms of the caste hierarchy but “All men are physico-chemically equal”(76) and even in death “even Epsilons perform indispensable services”(76)

Another character that caught my attention was Bernard Marx. Bernard is an Alpha, yet barely has the features of one. An example is shown in a conversation between Lenina and Fanny: “He’s so ugly!” said Fanny. “But I rather like his looks” “And then so small.” Fanny made a grimace; smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste.”. Also “Benard’s physique was hardly better then that of the average Gamma. He stood eight centimetres short of the standard Alpha height and was slender in proportion (69). Bernard knows he looks like an outsider “Contact with members of the lower castes always reminded him painfully of his physical inadequacy. . .his self-consciousness was acute and distressing. . .he felt humiliated” (69). This would cause him to isolate himself from every one. I also notice he is very defensive and thinks differently of people but does not show it. Although Bernard does not show rebellion against Ford, he does seem like he will be a troublesome character and may cause internal conflicts. An example of this is in his thoughts, overhearing a conversation about Lenina between Henry Foster and a coworker: “Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat.”. Bernard ground his teeth. “Have her here, have her there. Like mutton. Degrading her to so much mutton. . . “Oh, Ford, Ford, Ford.” He would have liked to go up to them and hit them in the face – hard, again and again. (51). What we do know is that what Bernard does not have in brawn he has in metal excess. As well as Bernard’s good friend Helmholtz Watson, another Alpha. Watson is a lecturer at the College of Emotional Engineering and is the prime example of an Alpha but yet is having trouble finding pleasure in the usual sports and communal activities.

I’m definitely eager to find out what happens in the upcoming chapters.

My Utopia

I never really put a lot of thought into what my utopia would be only because I know it will never happen. Everything would probably be different shades of orangeorange-modern-art-wallpapers and everyone would have the freedom of being creative. Everyone would be able to go around and draw anything and everything anywhere. Its weird that I say everyone would be able to be creative, because in my world you would be able to become whatever you want in lifeo-BASQUIAT-JAY-Z-570, but what if someone wanted to be an artist, they wouldn’t really be able to because everyone can do what they can. Everyone would be viewed as equal and everyone would be very blunt like me. There wouldn’t be any poverty, because everyone would be equal. Everyone would go to school for free without having to worry about how they are going to pay for school. The reason why I would have this is because people wouldn’t be financially unstable. By allowing people to go to school for free it’s a guarantee that they will become productive members to society. I would eliminate animal cruelty and crime over all. In my utopia jail would be pointless, although people are entitled to have emotions and thoughts. There wouldn’t be abortions and same sex marriage would be allowed. The slogan I would put for my utopia would probably be “If it doesn’t affect you, why do you care?” mostly because I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want, at the end of the day it’s there lives and they should do as they wish, if that’s what makes them happy.  Suicides would be no such thing; there would be no secrets because everyone would be honest. Just because there aren’t any secrets that doesn’t mean that everyone needs to know your business, just keep what you tell people short and simple, if someone asks you something answer it, but don’t go with excessive details if you don’t need to. Everyone would have a home and food to eat, there wold be no such thing as winter, it would only snow on Christmas, the lowest temperature would probably be 35 degrees. Only certain day in the summer would be super hot, for beach and pool days, but it would mostly be spring/fall weather. People would take picture of almost every little thing, that way they always have memories captured. Being different wouldn’t be frowned upon, if anything it would be encouraged because that’s what makes people different and interesting, instead of everyone being the same and boring. Sad days wouldn’t happen so often because being sad is boring; everyone would wake up in a great mood everyday. Getting the things one wants wouldn’t be so hard, traveling would be something people do on a regular basisWorld_Travel___Tourism_Traveling_around_the_World_034435_, and adventures are always something one should always look forsky diving. That’s all I can think of for my utopia, but I’m pretty sure there are some glitches with some of the things I came up with.

My Utopia:

dew-drops-on-grass-25590-1920x1080     It is early morning and I could feel dew drops on the end of the leaves and the grass, there is light fog surrounding, yet you could hear the joy of the town resonate through the wilderness portion of the park. The park is enormous and divided into many parts, a wilderness to escape from technology and daily routines a place to relax and discover new abilities lost through time with the advancement of technology. Then there is the area for children all made from recyclable material just like some of the materials used throughout the city, the city is huge on protecting mother earth and trying to discover new ways to fix the mistakes done by our past generations. A couple of miles away you will begin to see the tall skyscrapers and the diligent lives of the people. Every individual is responsible to complete their designed task and to try their best at their job positions but every year they can decide whether to learn new trades or try a new job position for a couple of weeks. This concept has been implemented to allow individuals to expand their knowledge in various professions and allowing for brighter and concrete ideas to form, but most importantly to try to avoid the boredom which sometimes jobs and routines can have on the long run.

                Upon entering the city you will notice many of the buildings having the same construction and everyone living in harmony and talking with each other. Sure, there are some which are always in front of their computers or on their phones but still aware of their surroundings. Walking down the street the sun shines begin to radiate a delicate touch of heat and the children are on recess having fun and playing some soccer before they return back to class. The children are blissful and sometimes even happy to return back to class after having a moment to relax and free their minds. The children’s grades have vastly increased as well as their social and intellectual aspects. This has begun to be implemented at my job, they give us one to two hours of break (depending on whether your tasks have been completed), mine usually consist of meeting up with friends and co-workers and going to play a quick game of soccer on one of the many fields around the city or just meet up during common breaks. Honestly I find this new implementations to work as heavenly this allows me to step away from the computers at the office get some fresh air and relax, basically to recharge my battery for the rest of the hours I need to work. I won’t complain about my job since it is not always boring and it is for the benefit of humanity and the city.      

                Towards late Friday afternoon everyone begins to prepare for the festiveness of the weekend. This weekend will be the semi-annual event in which the city throws a huge festival consisting of concerts, food and some private parties all in the benefit of the people in need and to help the cities programs for the citizens of our town. Once Friday night comes you can hear joy all over the air, and the smell of authentic international food from miles away making even the people on diet to have a cheat day, music surrounding you from all corners of the city. Your heart beats to the sound of music, music is life so this is a very important concept in our festival to the point in which even artist beg to be part of our events so we have constructed various stages. You can say that this semi-annual event can sum up our values which are peace, progress, innovation, unity, love and care.        Â