Follow-up from 9/30 for 10/2

At the start of our field trip, I distributed a handout with questions for further reflection. Use these questions to guide you in writing your reflection of your experience today on the walking tour and visiting the Brooklyn Historical Society. Please post this as soon as possible so that your groupmates can reply in comments, since we will not have time in our next class to discuss our reactions and reflections. It was great to hear from so many of you in class at BHS today, and I look forward to reading about your experiences there and around Brooklyn.

On Wednesday, we’re going to the Ursula Schwerin Library, which is the name of City Tech’s library. It’s on the 4th floor in the Atrium building. Please meet there at 11:30 instead of going to Prof. Davis’s classroom. He and I will meet you there, as will Prof. Maura Smale, one of our instructional librarians. To prepare for this visit, please read “Who Knows Brooklyn?” by Ben McGrath. I can provide printed copies on Wednesday.

I also note that your drafts of Project #2 are due electronically at the start of class. Instead, please bring an electronic copy of your draft–as much of Project #2 as you can complete, in as presentable a draft as possible–and I will give instructions for submitting and commenting. Since we’ll be in a computer classroom, you must have your draft with you electronically to be able to upload it during class–either on a flash drive, or in your email, or another way if you have another idea.

Please feel free to ask questions by commenting on this post.