location choice

gleasons gym

For project two my location will be Gleason’s Gym. This is a gym only for boxing this gym is located on 77 Front street. You get Here by exiting City Tech through the main exit(Namm) and head up towards Tillary street. Once you get there make a left and walk all Tillarey street until you get to Cadman Plaza E make a right. From there walk stright up all Cadman Plaza E and continue walking up onto Washington St. Keep walking up until you get to Front St make a left and there’s Gleason’s Gym.

I chose this certain place because i have a friend who is a boxer and he goes to that gym. I remember one day he told me and other friends that he was on the finals to get the gold glove tittle. The event was going to take place in Barcleys Center and that if we wanted tickets we had to go to his gym and purchase them there. i wanted to go but i had no idea how to get there so i just googled maped it and head there. On my way there the walk was amazing, great view from the bridge, you saw the park, friendly people smiling, it was great. Once i got there i looked up and you in big letters “Gleason’s Gym” and under a little door. i went up some narrow stairs, then there was two metal grey doors. On the right one it said Gleanson’s Gym so i went inside and it was a pretty big place i thought it was going tp be smaller.

the quote im using for Project two is from City Limits when Colson Whitehead said “You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it.” Im using this quote because while i was looking for Gleason’s Gym i was so amazed just by looking aroung i was creating my own world inside my head.



Just a few steps from City tech across Adams St there is a beautiful park that lets you experience both sides of Brooklyn. While standing on johnson street I could not help but notice a beautiful building facing Colombus park. It was a court house with old architecture, something worth appreciating these days because the big fancy condos with the huge windows are becoming very common in brooklyn. Especially along the coast. Here you have this area with a mix of historic buildings and modern condos. The same goes for the residents, theres all kinds of people from broke college students to full time office workers in expensive suits. The area seems to be flooded with luxury buildings the brooklyn natives are rare but still around, walking down cadman plaza I started to really notice how modern this area is and how the big pillars from the brooklyn borough president building add historic value to the neighborhood. The thing that really stands out about this area is how history and present mix and it shows that its a thriving neighborhood with a growing economy and diverse community.

The quote from ‘City limits’ which is “You start building your New York the first time you lay eyes on it. I think walking towards park also made me realize that just coming to School for classes is not what I should do. Instead I should wander around the area to find out magnificent architecture work around City tech.

The other quote I want to talk about is ” Maybe we become New Yorkers the day we realize that New York will go on without us.” I would interpret it like history stays there forever no matter what happens. The columbus park and the two great sculptures in there will stay there as a historic landmark for our coming generation.


A Walk In New York

The last time I had a good walk was last week September 19th, it was a Thursday. Sitting in the library bored and overwhelmed with stress from doing homework I decided to call one of my best friends. We came up with the idea to take a stroll on 86th street until we found something good to eat.

We started from the number 4 train station where we decided meet up at. As soon as we stepped out of the train station on 86th street you can feel busy city vibe from the vibrations of the pavement. You could here the music coming from the H&M clothing store as soon as you walked passed it then my stomach started rumbling. The delicious smells of burgers and fries was flowing through the air made me crave as we walked further down 86th street going 2nd Ave. Then that hunger when we came to a construction site on 2nd Ave, all you could smell was metal and gases. We made a right on that corner passing pizza shops where you saw what looked a like a rush our because people were flowing in and out so fast. But my friend said she wasn’t in the mood for pizza, I started to think she was purposely passing these restaurants just to spite me. There was a place where adults went for drinks, the outside appeared to be vintage and you smell the alcohol though the wooden doors. We finally came to a stop on 2nd Ave and 82nd Street where we encountered the most delicious burgers I had in my life at a place called BurgerFi. Right next door was the place that made us feel young again. 16 Handles, a ice cream shop, it had a kiddie atmosphere. After that stroll in the city my day was complete.

Grup D City Limits

In City Limits an excerpt from The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead, the author expresses his look on the city of New York. Whitehead uses various examples and interesting forms of diction to express his message to the audience. His important message was that every person living in New York builds their own private version of New York. He states that the first time you start building your private New York is the first time you lay eyes on it. He talks about his time when he first started building his own New York. He started building his own New York in the 1970′s which he looks at in a dirty way. He calls all of the “facts” stated on documentaries about New York, hokum. This shows how he feels that New York is misrepresented by outsiders.

the author later states “there are eight million naked cities in this naked city they dispute and disagree” this mean that each person has their own version of what New York City really is. It is up to us on how we want to see these changes, for example in the future like in 10 years people are going to see the Freedom Tower. But to everyone that was here before the tragedy, we are all going to see the Twin Towers and not the Freedom Tower. After a while buildings will change but they will always remember you as you remember them. Whiteheads main point of view is that you are a New Yorker when what was there before is more real and solid than what is here now.

“City Limits” Summary

“City Limits” is a story from “The Colossus Of New York”  written by Colson Whitehead. He starts off saying that he was born in New York and how the city makes your home town look really “drab” and “tiny”. Colson states that you start building your own New York once you’ve laid your eyes on it. That first glimpse you see of the city is that “first brick” into growing your New York City. One thing that Colson said that was interesting is when he refers the Met Life Building to the Pan Am. Of course he is wrong, but at the same time who is to tell him what is what? Whitehead’s New York is different from everyone else, because you are a New Yorker when what was there before is more real and solid than what is here now.

Summary of City Limits

In the story City Limits by Colson Whitehead, he talks about New York. He says how New York is so great that he doesn’t need to go anywhere else. He also states how everyone has their own view of New York and that people start to build their New York when they lay their eyes on it. Since New York changes over time and people come to New York in different times whatever they see is their New York for them. For example, he says that the Pan Am Building is now the Des Moines but in his view of New York, it will always be the Pan Am Building because it was there when he started building his own New York. Also as New York is changing over time places like the pizza store, newsstand, restaurants, movie theaters etc. have changed into new stores, buildings etc. but for him they will stay in their in his eyes. He says that things change so fast that buildings which are gone don’t even have a chance to say goodbye.

Summary City Limits

In City Limits an excerpt from The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead, the author expresses his look on the city of New York. Whitehead uses various examples and interesting forms of diction to express his message to the audience. His important message was that every person living in New York builds their own private version of New York. He states that the first time you start building your private New York is the first time you lay eyes on it. He talks about his time when he first started building his own New York. He started building his own New York in the 1970’s which he looks at in a dirty way. He calls all of the “facts” stated on documentaries about New York, hokum. This shows how he feels that New York is misrepresented by outsiders.

The author later states “There are eight million naked cities in this naked city–they dispute and disagree” this means that each person has their own version of what New York City really is. He claims how we tend to forget about our past but then mourn on how we miss what used to be there. He uses personifications when he talks about the apartments having a conversation of the people living there. His main point is when he states “Maybe we become New Yorkers the day we realize that New York will go on without us” this is important because that’s key to his point of the excerpt which is what makes each New Yorker different.

City Limits Summary

In Colson Whitehead’s opinionated essay City Limits he believes that once you have been to New York you are ruined for anywhere else. New York makes any other hometown “look really drab and tiny”. You start building your own New York with your first experience there. Everybody who has been to New York has there own perspective, how they see New York. He calls the first New York experience the “first brick” and that’s when you start building your own New York.

No matter what others tell him about New York, Whitehead says he is sticking with what her first saw and experienced. It does not matter what other people tell you about New York you will always see it how see it. Nothing can change Whitehead’s mind that the Met Life Building still says Pan Am. Anything someone tries to tell you about how New York used is to be is hokum. Your bricks then start to add up as you go along. As a New Yorker you will move to different places from time to time. All the different buildings you lived in can represent a time in your life. They hold memories that you may not remember about yourself. If buildings could talk they would remind you of your past and all the experiences you had at that time. Over time you will remember those places as you saw them. After a while they will change but they will always remember as you remember them. Whitehead thinks it is important that you remember them because one they will be gone and you won’t get the chance to say goodbye.


Homework from class on 9/18

For homework, write a summary of “City Limits” in a blog post. That means it should be roughly 250 words. Use the handout on writing a summary to help you decide what belongs in your summary and what does not. Choose the category “Homework” and add any tags you think are appropriate for your post. Also choose the tag for your group–I’ve added them all for this post, so you can just choose it from the list of tags. Publish your post by the end of the day on Friday.

Before class on Monday, comment briefly on the summaries of each of your groupmates. You can find them easily by clicking the tag on the right-hand sidebar of our site. Your comments might include suggestions to improve the summary, aspects of the summary that you would like to incorporate into your own summary, comments about the style of the writing, or questions you have about something they’ve included. Remember that we want comments to be encouraging, and that any comments should be respectful and helpful.

Additionally, you must revise Project #1 based on the comments I made in class and in my letter to you.

I look forward to reading your work!