English Class Summary on 10/30

On Wednesday’s English class, we discuss Jennifer Egan’s “Reading Lucy” and go over how Egan incorporate the source material in her article. At the beginning of the class we talk about how did our experiences in BHS are different with Egan. Most of us agree our goal, the purpose in the BHS are different. Then we discuss about incorporating source material.

The block quotation rules:

1.Started a new line.

2.Indent it on inch on the left, not at all on the right.

3.Keep the spacing the same. If it is prose paragraph, use regular formatting.

4.If it is poetry or something that takes a particular form, maintain that form.

Look at the example on page 22; we see there is a list, which quoted without quotation marks.  It gives us a sense of what the source material look like on the page. Moreover, we use colon (:) to set off a large quotation.

(Colon: signals an example)

If you only want to use part of a passage, use an ellipsis to indicate that something is missing; be careful not to miss leading the audience, and moreover at the end of the sentence, there are 4 dots, because one is the period.(for example: “xxoo##….”)

When a quotation inside a quotation, we use single quotation mark inside the quote and the double quotation mark for the outside.