

Definition : a law set forth by a governmental authority

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

I know of the meaning of this word but i always think of ordnance instead. Anyway this is another thing i find amusing to think about when paired with the same sounding and almost same spelling word.

follow the ordinances set by your duly elected officials or ordnance, sorry ordinance will be on you



Definition:the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

In the book I found this in, filibuster is described as “talking bill to death”. I only heard this word once before in a game that had nothing to do with government, as we know it.

I now see the futility in that person`s attempt to use filibuster on a person`s agenda , who doesn’t play by any rules.

Eminent Domain


Definition: right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

Many had chosen locations such as the Brooklyn Bridge and various parks and yet few to none had mentioned that many people had to live their homes and shops that were in the way of the constructing the bridge along with roads to connect it to the network. The same goes for parks. Several of hem were built after people had settled there. The could have chosen not to say this because their goal was to persuade people to visits these cites and not resent them.

Eminent Domain is a powerful tool that the government uses for the greater good of the people. However, many argue that the Barkley center was not a need.


Part of Speech-Noun

Definition-An opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence


Encountering of Word-“Why master was so careful of her, may be safely left to conjecture.”

Understanding-I now understand that the author was trying to show that their was no evidence to prove that the master was indeed careful of the woman. I can see now that there wasn’t any evidence.


Part of Speech– Noun

Definition-Something that causes harm or damage like a disease


Encountering of Word-“..she had been in a good degree preserved from the blighting and dehumanizing effects of slavery.”

Understanding-I understand what this part of the text means now. It was referring to slavery as a disease and the passage seems even clearer now that i know what this word means.



Definition: a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

This is a legal term that is used often with wrongfully by many, a lawyer, who did not win a case. Also it is not a word that you would be able to understand out of context or sometimes as with many legal files in context without a minor in criminal studies or being a fan of Law and Order.

I had heard this before and from peoples recantations have been able to gauge people reactions and know know what it means fully.



Definition: one charged with police duties or one who holds a position of authority or command in the armed forces; specifically

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

I always found this interesting due to the fact that the second definition made more seance to me then the first due to it’s nature. An officer is someone with rank and they command those with lower ranks. However a police officer is the opposite of that being on the lowest level of the system.

I wanted to post this to see if other think it is odd that the same word has two polar meanings in every similar systems.



Definition : an auxiliary rocket engine (as on a spacecraft) used in decelerating due to the friction-less void of space where any and all acceleration remains constant along with inertia. Newton’s First Law – An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Source: www.merriam-webster.com

This has been been used from the start of the space race after a stable rocket design was approved ans there was need to now get it back. Before it was mainly a force on getting a rocket in to high orbit without it failing. Now with maned missions that could go on. Orbit the rules of acceleration change going faster increases altitude while going slower decreases it. this happens naturally due to the pull of gravity from the Earth however that takes an much larger amount of time vs a two minute burn because of the inertia from the force used going into orbit.

I know this word but felt that others may not because retro also means old styles and they may have been thinking of old rockets that people drew in the 60’s.

Glossary – Omnipresent


Definition: present in all places at all times.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/omnipresent?show=0&t=1387315292

I came across this word while reading “The Brooklyn Bridge” by Philip Lopate.

I now understand that the author is explaining how something is present at all times in our imaginations.