

Definition: a musical or dramatic performance or social or public event held in the daytime and especially the afternoon


French matinée, literally, morning, from Old French, from matin morning, from Latin matutinum, from neuter of matutinus of the morning, from Matuta, goddess of morning; akin to Latin maturus ripe.

I found its origins very intriguing becaus eof its very diverse source which keeps jumping form one language to another, from one form to the next.


Part of Speech-Noun

Definition-An aggressive or truculent attitude,atmosphere or disposition


Encountering of Word-In a reading, i read “British belligerence withered the cause of reconciliation with congress and the colonies.”

Understanding-I know see that this meant that the British people’s aggressive attitude prevented them from making amends with congress and the colonies.


Part of Speech-Noun

Definition-A situation in which people do not have enough food to eat


Encountering of Word-While reading a textbook i came upon: “White immigrants were fleeing lives torn by famine, warfare, and religious persecution.”

Understanding-I see that the authors were stating that the lack of food was one of the causes to why the white immigrants had to flee from their normal original lives.


transitive verb

Definition: to make a false spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone


Most celebrity magazines slander celebrities in order to make a very shocking story, so more people buy their magazine VS another.

I already knew what slander was from seeing it used in school environments, however, I always thought that it was more like gossip or straight up lies.


Part of Speech-Adjective

Definition-Made up or done without special preparation


Encountering of Word-We learned that being extemporaneous was an effective way of public speaking. This was said to be conversational.

Understanding-Now i understand that we were actually learning that to be effective we have to be conversational with the audience instead of reading straight off manuscripts during speeches.



Definition :a wealthy or influential supporter of an artist or writer


I first came across this word when studying the Italian Renaissance and then multiple times when going to various different plays and operas in the Metropolitan Opera.

From context I understood what patron was, however, I didn’t know the specific requirement to be called a patron VS supporter of the the arts.


Part of Speech-Adjective

Definition-Not using or giving a lot of something


Encountering of Word-I was reading a history book about Frederick Douglass and came upon this: “..he dealt sparingly with his words, and bountifully with his whip,”

Understanding-I know understand that he was using this word to characterize the character as someone who didn’t use his words a lot, instead he used his violence.


Part of Speech-Adjective

Definition-Too great, powerful, beautiful/ to be described or expressed


Encountering of Word-“The hearing of those wild notes always depressed my spirit, and filled me with ineffable sadness.”

Understanding-I know understand that the author was saying that the sadness was too great to be describe or expressed. It was basically unexplainable.