City Limits Summary

In Colson Whitehead’s opinionated essay City Limits he believes that once you have been to New York you are ruined for anywhere else. New York makes any other hometown “look really drab and tiny”. You start building your own New York with your first experience there. Everybody who has been to New York has there own perspective, how they see New York. He calls the first New York experience the “first brick” and that’s when you start building your own New York.

No matter what others tell him about New York, Whitehead says he is sticking with what her first saw and experienced. It does not matter what other people tell you about New York you will always see it how see it. Nothing can change Whitehead’s mind that the Met Life Building still says Pan Am. Anything someone tries to tell you about how New York used is to be is hokum. Your bricks then start to add up as you go along. As a New Yorker you will move to different places from time to time. All the different buildings you lived in can represent a time in your life. They hold memories that you may not remember about yourself. If buildings could talk they would remind you of your past and all the experiences you had at that time. Over time you will remember those places as you saw them. After a while they will change but they will always remember as you remember them. Whitehead thinks it is important that you remember them because one they will be gone and you won’t get the chance to say goodbye.


Poject 1

Hi my name is Obediah, I’m a freshman here at City Tech so this is as new to me as it is for any of you. I graduated from DeWitt Clinton high school in Bronx, New York.  My nickname is Obie for those of you that don’t like or have trouble pronouncing my name. I’m not that active, you may know that if you know me and if you’ve seen my physique. But I LOVE basketball and football, watching and sometimes playing. On my free time I like to play video games like NBA 2K and Call of Duty. If you get to know me you will find out I have a good sense of humor (I’d like to think so) and I can be a very fun person, but I do have my flaws (as everybody else). One out of three of my life passions is to become a sports analyst. Whenever I watch sports (basketball and football) I find myself knowing a lot about what’s going on and I feel that my insight on the game is something everybody should know. My second life passion is to become a game designer one of the reasons I came to City Tech. My other passion is to become a computer engineer and my reason for that is because my Xbox 360 broke and I’m determined to learn how to fix it.

My avatar is a quote, “Tell the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile” and I chose this for a specific reason. It caught my eye because it reminded of the moment when I told my best friend I didn’t think she was beautiful because she asked for my honest opinion. In conclusion to that LONG story, I chose that quote as my avatar because I feel the truth is always the right way to go.

Someone may interpret my avatar differently by thinking they can get anything out me. What I mean by that is people think just because I say I’m an honest person they can ask very personal or inappropriate questions and I’ll answer them. That is not true, I answer what I feel is appropriate and if I don’t answer that means your question was too personal or I just didn’t feel like revealing that truth. That is where most people get me wrong, if pleading the fifth amendment in a life or death situation will guarantee me life I will do it.

My profile will tell people that I prefer to be honest rather than dishonest. My reason behind that is because I feel that the truth always catches up to you in life. One lie can change how a people see you more importantly how you see yourself. When you lose yourself as person you start to question yourself more and that could be bad mentally.Also, that my major department is Computer Engineering Technology. At this point I don’t know what my major will be, but I thought I’d just go along with something that interest me.

Forte Greene Dreams

In the memoir Forte Greene Dreams, music and cultural critic, journalist, and filmmaker Nelson George speaks about his experience of moving from Queens to Forte Greene. Immediately George pointed out the differences between his old and new apartment. The contrast between two was so great he mentioned that his upstairs was so spacious that you can fit his whole Queens apartment up there. The only reason he was able to afford the place was because of the crime that surrounded the neighborhood. During his seventeen years at 19 Willoughby he wrote five books, one was his breakthrough work The Death of Rhythm and Blues.

When walking out to pick up some soul food from a basement spot on Dekalb, George mentioned all the creative energy he adored in his neighborhood. He mentioned people like filmmaker/actor Spike Lee, and many other artists of different types. Despite all the inspiration the neighborhood still had its crime. He noted the only time he was robbed was when he mistakenly left his door unlocked. The thief took his VCR, but most of all his satin Soul Train jacket with his name embossed on the label; he says that still bothers him till this day.

While living in Forte Greene George learned what kind of what kind of writer he was. He wasn’t just a inspiration he realized that he was mentor and a teacher. Later he became a hands on mentor collaborating with younger artists and critiquing screen plays, essays, or recordings. At the end he tells us his important life lesson to not to measure yourself by sudden success or rapid failure but by the body of your work.



HW: Reading Images Photo 2

Observations and interpretations: Photo 2
1. Three women dressed formal.
2. They are sitting by a lake.
3. Having a picnic.
4. They are aware that the photographer is taking the photo.
5. This was taken during the day because the light is reflecting off their bodies.
6. Looks like the fall season because they are sitting on dead leaves.
7. They are sitting under a tree for shade.
8. They are eating sandwiches.
9. The purpose of this photo may be to show that you can have a good time at parks or local areas around you.
10. This photo was taken in 1899.
11. Without looking at the date I can tell that this is a old photo from because of the way the women are dressed; Also the photo is colorless