
emboldened : to instill with courage


Thus emboldened, I scrambled down a ladder as cars and trucks whizzed by my head, walked through a dirt trench and a doorway cut into a brick wall, and took a step back in time, into the arched tunnel.

The author was filled with courage and he decided that he will go down the ladder and into the tunnels of where Bob Diamond discovered.


retention:noun: the ability to keep something


“Visual aids are used to aid in retention, aid in clarity and aid in interest.”

The word retention is used in this context to say that visual aids are used to help people maintain their interest and retain it.


afflatus: noun  :  divine imparting of knowledge or power

source: m-w.com/dictionary/afflatus

“The afflatus of the city’s bowels — now we’re getting into the real body of the city.”

Mr. Self was explaining how after going through the city, he is finally getting to the real body of the city or where the  city is most beautiful.


Altercations : noun: A noisy heated angry dispute

source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/altercations

He used to be a prodigious drinker and drug taker, famous for late night altercations, not always coherent public appearances and marathon hours at trendy spots like the Groucho Club.

The author used to be a very heavy drinker and he would always get into fights or heated disputes at the bars and clubs.


Vice : noun : a bad or immoral behavior or habit

source : Merriam dictionary : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vice

“Smoking is Mr. Self’s only remaining vice.”

Mr. Self used to have a lot of bad habits but he has quit them all except smoking and that is his only remaining bad habit.


Anecdote (Noun) – A short story about an interesting or funny event or occurrence

Source : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anecdotes

“Amid the news, anecdotes, and political and cultural observations that Lucy somehow managed to pack into these daily missives, I learned the basics of her : she and Alfred were Jewish.”

Because of these story stories that Egan were able to read from Lucy & Alfred , she was able to piece together that Alfred & Lucy were indeed Jewish.



Flustered:: to make (someone) nervous and confused (Verb)

Source http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flustered?show=0&t=1386688017

“I found these letters deeply absorbing; not only did hours pass without my noticing,  so that I often found myself huffing, flustering to pick up my son, but often it felt like sixty-two years had passed without my noticing–such was the ringing immediacy of Lucy’s voice.”

This shows just moving the letters of Lucy and Alfred were. They were moving Egan and making Egan nervous and confused that she often went to pick her son to  get a clear of mind.


Oodles (Noun) – A great quantity

source- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/oodles

“We’re approaching Pacific St. again- (wish I had a longer ride)” was a typical sign-off, accompanied by  endearments: “Oodles of love and about 7 little kisses””.

This sentence is said to display the affection between Alfred and Lucy during their exchange of letters

Project 4 Summary

Hurricane Sandy can be said to be one of New York City’s greatest storms and it affected many people all around the city. People were left homeless and people were evacuated from their homes into shelters. One of these shelters is Brooklyn Technical High School. Brooklyn Tech took residents at Chai Home and Surf Manor and shelter them in the school for over two weeks.  These patients were greatly affected by the storm. They lost their homes and most of these patients were of special needs. This storm turned out to be a disaster for these people. However despite the devastation of the storm to these people, students of Brooklyn Tech were given a blessing by this storm. Students got over 11 days off from school and when they returned the period and class times were shortened. To the students at Brooklyn Tech, this may be more of a boon than a tragedy.  Students were even given an extension to college applications because of this storm. This storm helped most of the students at Brooklyn Tech more than it hurt them. Despite this storm hurting and badly affecting the lives of the patients at the adult homes, it affected the students of Brooklyn tech in a positive way.

Letter of Advice

Dear whomever it may concern:

By now you should know this is a course that requires you to take both speech and this specific English course. This course will focus very heavily on Brooklyn itself and almost every project you do for both classes are going to be on Brooklyn. The best advice I can offer you is actually walk around the area when you get that assignment. Walk around and find something you are actually interested in. This will help you so much because you can use that one place that you picked out for every piece of work you do for the semester in both classes. It will become twice as much work if you pick a place last minute and a few projects in, you decide you don’t want to do that specific place anymore. It’ll be a waste of research because you will have to do a final paper and a very important speech regarding that topic. Besides picking out a place early, the next best advice is to read the stories that Professor Rosen gives you. There is alot of in class discussion regarding these stories and if you don’t read them, you will have nothing to contribute to the discussions. There are quizzes and hand outs to do for these stories, so just read it. Some stories are pretty tedious but they’re not very long. The stories are usually stories about places in Brooklyn, the course is heavily revolved around Brooklyn hence the course being named “Being in Brooklyn.” You also need to learn how to write summaries. In this class, you literally write a summary for everything. You will be writing summaries for each story you read and you will even have to write a summary for the things you did in class that day. The final for English class is also a summary based essay and a thesis driven essay. With all of this said, Professor Rosen is one of the best professors you can get for this course and I wish you all the best of luck.