

happening or beginning now or in recent times, or happening, existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of time.


on my field trip to BHS  our tourist guide was keep asking my class this question ” does this building or thing look historical or contemporary? ”

now that I know the definition I would answer that the building looks historical, it cant be contemporary because the BHS was built in 1881.



Yesterday instead of having Speech and English in a classroom we went and had a little field trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society. The BHS was only like 3 blocks away from City Tech, but we went around to explore the neighborhood. I can say that it was pretty fun walking around looking at all the building that I never seen before. We learned about the Post office that it is across the street from the school, and we also learned about a monument of Henry w. Beecher a famous preacher.

Once we arrived to our destination to the Brooklyn Historical Society, I was pretty amazed of the building appearance. The color of the building is like dark faded red, and when you looked up you see heads sculpted. These heads are called busts, and they represent famous explorers, philosophers, and writers. We learned that the BHS was built in 1881 and how some people use to live here and thy were called caretakers. Going inside was another great experience! everything was made out of wood that had nice designs engraved on the wood. The stairs would creek when we would go up, and the library was great! I was never amazed in seeing a library before. There are big wooden shelves for all the books, and its crazy to think that the library contains original historical documents. Which may explain all the important rules for being in the building that we went over at the end of our visit. I cant wait to come again and visit this historical place and have the chance to read books from the library.

location choice

gleasons gym

For project two my location will be Gleason’s Gym. This is a gym only for boxing this gym is located on 77 Front street. You get Here by exiting City Tech through the main exit(Namm) and head up towards Tillary street. Once you get there make a left and walk all Tillarey street until you get to Cadman Plaza E make a right. From there walk stright up all Cadman Plaza E and continue walking up onto Washington St. Keep walking up until you get to Front St make a left and there’s Gleason’s Gym.

I chose this certain place because i have a friend who is a boxer and he goes to that gym. I remember one day he told me and other friends that he was on the finals to get the gold glove tittle. The event was going to take place in Barcleys Center and that if we wanted tickets we had to go to his gym and purchase them there. i wanted to go but i had no idea how to get there so i just googled maped it and head there. On my way there the walk was amazing, great view from the bridge, you saw the park, friendly people smiling, it was great. Once i got there i looked up and you in big letters “Gleason’s Gym” and under a little door. i went up some narrow stairs, then there was two metal grey doors. On the right one it said Gleanson’s Gym so i went inside and it was a pretty big place i thought it was going tp be smaller.

the quote im using for Project two is from City Limits when Colson Whitehead said “You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it.” Im using this quote because while i was looking for Gleason’s Gym i was so amazed just by looking aroung i was creating my own world inside my head.

A Walk in New York

“New York is the city that never sleeps” i never understood this quote until i witnessed walking NYC in daylight and night. New York is the only place where you see people walking all over the place they’re either running to work, trying to catch the bus or train before it leaves, or just trying to get home.

i remember one night i came out early out work around 1am, so i decided to go to 42nd street Times Square one of the most places that New Yorkers know. When i arrived there all i saw was the big beautiful bright lights everywhere! Times Square looks so amazing at night nothing compared in the daylight. I love going to Times Square at night now, just watching the lights glowing in the dark night sky is so incredible! I was surprised that there were still so many people walking around, running, bumping into people etc, like if it was during the day. That when i understood that NYC never sleeps because there’s always people walking around, the people is what keeps NYC so alive!

Grup D City Limits

In City Limits an excerpt from The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead, the author expresses his look on the city of New York. Whitehead uses various examples and interesting forms of diction to express his message to the audience. His important message was that every person living in New York builds their own private version of New York. He states that the first time you start building your private New York is the first time you lay eyes on it. He talks about his time when he first started building his own New York. He started building his own New York in the 1970â€Čs which he looks at in a dirty way. He calls all of the “facts” stated on documentaries about New York, hokum. This shows how he feels that New York is misrepresented by outsiders.

the author later states “there are eight million naked cities in this naked city they dispute and disagree” this mean that each person has their own version of what New York City really is. It is up to us on how we want to see these changes, for example in the future like in 10 years people are going to see the Freedom Tower. But to everyone that was here before the tragedy, we are all going to see the Twin Towers and not the Freedom Tower. After a while buildings will change but they will always remember you as you remember them. Whiteheads main point of view is that you are a New Yorker when what was there before is more real and solid than what is here now.



Full Definition:

concerned with the individual rather than society, or limited in outlook or concern to one’s own activities or needs.


Leading your audience pg 56.

“one way to understand how speakers approach the public speaking process is in terms of egocentrism and audience-centeredness.”

now that I know more clearly what this word means, I understand what the sentence is saying. What the sentence is saying how the audience should understand the speaker the way he  or she  expresses him or herself as a person.


City Limits

In this passage of “City limits” by Colson Whitehead, he states that he was born in NYC and that it is the greatest city of all and that he in ruined to like any other place. You can clearly see his love and pride he haves for NYC by saying he cant love other place that is isn’t New York.

Colson says how anyone can love New  York and that the person can create their own New York when they first see it. Colson talks about how his NYC from when he first saw it, now theirs new buildings that people see. But what he sees are the same old buildings that were there before. that’s why he says to not believe anything that anyone tells you! its just hokum. To just believe the events or anything when you are present at the time not other people in their time because that’s not your New York.

Its all true what Colson is saying every and each one us have our own New York, NYC is changing everyday in every way, buts its only up to us how we want to see these changes. For example in the future like in 10 years people are going to see the Freedom Tower, but everyone of that was here before the tragedy we are all going to see the Twin Towers and not the Freedom Tower. Everyone has their own NYC and  I love my New York, and like Colson said I am ruined fir any other place because New York is the only place for me.

Fort Green Dreams

“Fort Greene Dreams” is a personal narrative written by Nelson George a music and culture critic, journalist, and filmmaker. This Narrative is about when he moves from Jamaica, Queens to Fort Greene in Brooklyn. He tells us his experience in Brooklyn while achieving his dreams, and how he discovered himself as a writer, lover, son, mentor, etc all by living alone in an apartment in Fort green, 19 Willoughby Avenue.

What i like about this autobiography is how he uses imagery though out all this story. The precise details give us a picture on our head of what is he going through while living in Brooklyn. One descriptive paragraph he wrote about that gave me a good image in my head, is how he witnessed thief getting arrested in his backyard! this is on page thirty three in the second paragraph. How just one night he was sitting in front of his laptop probing for inspiration, when just out of no where a guy climbed over the fence to Nelsons backyard with a television. He was about to call the cops, but two other cops jumped the fence and arrested the thief. Nelson said how he felt he was watching a reality show of Cops, which gives me a picture in my head how it happened.

Nelson also talks about the pros of living in Fort Greene like the transportation was good only a few stops away from Manhattan, had plenty of time to focus on his work, but most important how he discovered himself as a writer and how he was in general. living her he published five books! like i always say it doesn’t matter where you start but where you end up!

Project 1

Hi my name is Gabriel Perez-Ponce. Even though people think i am old because of my appearance i am actually 18 years old. I work at a bar/lounge in Columbus Circle called Stone Rose, i am a Food runner and sometimes a busboy. When ever i have time i like to go to the gym and workout. This is my first year in college as a freshman, i am pretty nervous because i do not know what to expect! But i know this is my future so i am going to try hard an achieve my goals in life. since  i am the first one in my family to go college i  want to make my parents proud, and be a role model to my little sister who is 13.

I have one main goal and that is to succeed in college. In the future I see myself receiving my bachelor degree on Criminal Justice and working as a Custom + Border protection officer (homeland security) . Many people ask “so why are you in City Tech?” Well It’s my for my lack of research  of every school i chose to attend. I was rejected by John Jay and City Tech was the only 4 year school that accepted me. I told myself to not attend a 2 year college(which was a big mistake) and just attend City Tech. i should of gone to Kings borough to work on my associate degree in criminal justice then go to John Jay and go for my bachelor degree. Like i always say it doesn’t matter where you start but where you end up.

The picture in my avatar is me during the this summer. The background is at night in the fountain in Columbus Circle. in my Picture you can indicate that i am a happy person who just likes to relax and enjoy life especially the summer. You can also see that I’m looking straight at the camera which mean that I’m determined of looking ahead of me and move forward.

People may interpret a lot of things of my picture. that i like going out at night, that it is a nice pic, or that I am just a happy person that likes to smile a lot. from my brief description of myself above, i hope people can see how i am. just a person who is open mind and humble if you treat me nice then ill do the same. Overall i just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to everyone who is a Open Lab member.

Photo #2

  • the year of the photo is 1899
  • three women enjoying the weather at the park with a picnic
  • they are next to a lake
  • must be a sunny day since they are all wearing a hat
  • they are eating like little finger sandwiches
  • the woman on the right side is not aware of the picture being taken since she is not looking at the camera like the other two are
  • must be the season of Fall since there is a lot of leaves on the floor
  • the women are in some type of social group (club,school,church) because they are wearing the same dress code/uniform.

To me i can see these women enjoying the weather with a picnic at a park, maybe after a long day they had. I can assume that they went to an important place, by the way they are dressed. They are wearing long skirts, long sleeve white shirts with a tie, and they wearing fancy looking hats. Perhaps they went school, church, a meeting, or they just want to relax after a long day at work.

I looked up the picture and it is three ladies having a picnic in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. I found this amusing because i live like 10 min away Prospect Park and i like going there to go jog or just for a walk at the park and sit by the lake. Instead of picnics i be having bbq’s with my family, it is definitely a good place a to have a picnic these women chose a good place.