Cumulative Summary For “City Limits”

In the essay “City Limits” taken from The Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead, Colson expresses his idea of New York City through out his writing. Starting by the first paragraph he tells us that he was born in NYC therefore, he was ruined for anywhere else. By This he means  that like his born in NYC it already ruined the chance of him  liking any other place. For him the city is that  great that he knows for a fact theres no other place like his.

He also says New York is always changing into new things and new places but whats important  to you is how NYC is at the moment you first lay your eyes on it. That’s why you shouldn’t believe what no one tells you about the history of new York because they just telling you was THEIR New York City like not what your is. We see things as they were in our experience while others see it as they remember from their experience. His love for New York makes him see his version of New York Even though NYC is always changing it would stay the same way to you but as new people come to NYC the new places would be  their different NYC. Colson Whitehead expresses his sorrow by telling us that when places change unexpectedly you don’t get to say goodbye to them because you don’t really know when is your last time sitting on that place. That’s why is very important to remember this places before they’re gone because they are   very   important to you and is part of what makes YOUR NYC so special.

9/30 Homework

The place I chose for project 2 was the Fulton Ferry Landing. As I was walking around the neighborhood of City Tech I came up with this beautiful place were I was able to watch the Brooklyn Bridge and also a splendid view into Manhattan. To get to this place was very simple. When getting out of the main entrance of the Namm Building turn left and go straight staying in Jay street. Then you make a left going to Prospect Street. Lastly turn right to Cadman Plaza. From there you keep on walking straight and you get to Fulton Ferry Landing.

“One day the city we built will be gone, and when it goes, we go.” This quote from “City Limits”. Through out this project we learning about new places that exist in New York. theres going to be a time were this places are going to change to new places way different than what we saw the first time we looked at it. That’s why we should appreciate when the place we picked is still here because when is gone is would be like if a part of our life was erased.

‘You start building your New York, once you lay eyes on it”. This quote also from “City Limits” also relates to my writing because I think that  when I first saw Fulton Ferry Landing that was the starting point of my interest towards Fulton Ferry. Now I know this place and it became part of my life and the way I first saw this place is going to stay in my memory regardless of any changes it makes in the future.



A walk in New York City

In the summer of 2011 my family and me decided to go to Manhattan to go to the museum. I had went to this museum a lot of times in my school trips but never with my family before. We had no idea how to get there and we ended up walking a lot! It was a long walk but it was totally worth it. It was worth it because like the city is filled with a lot of  attractions so we got to see interesting places. For example, we went to central park and it was enormous! but very beautiful. we also went in the zoo that the park had and it was very entertaining watching all the different animals they had there. when we got to the museum we saw a lot and learned some fun facts as well. We went in the globe to see how the universe was created in 3D and it was pretty impressive. Even thought I had seen it everything of the museum all before I felt it was all new to me because I shared it all with my family.

The long walk to the museum was a awesome experience because even if you walked for hours if there’s interesting things around you that you getting to see it makes the walk less tiring than what it really is. I’ve lived in New York city for long now but I really hadn’t seen the city much until that day that we got lost.

City limits Summary

In “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead, Colson expresses his idea of New York City through out his writing. Starting by the first paragraph he writes he tells us that he was born in NYC therefore, he was ruined for anywhere else. By This he means  that like his born in NYC it already ruined the chance of him  liking any other place. For him the city is that  great that he knows for a fact theres no other place like his.

He also says New York is always changing into new things and new places but whats important  to you is how NYC is at the moment you first lay your eyes on it. That’s why you shouldn’t believe what no one tells you about the history of new York because they just telling you was THEIR New York City like not what your is. Even though NYC is always changing it would stay the same way to you but as new people come to NYC the new places would be  their different NYC. Colson Whitehead expresses his sorrow by telling us that when places change unexpectedly you don’t get to say goodbye to them because you don’t really know when is your last time sitting on that place. That’s why is very important to remember this places before they’re gone because they are   very   important to you and is part of what makes YOUR NYC so special.

Fort Greene Dreams

Fort Greene Dreams was a memoir written by a music and culture critic, journalist, and film maker named Nelson George. He was a man who achieved success overcoming life difficulties that presented to him on the way. He tells his story beginning when he moved to Fort Greene, Brooklyn from Queens, Jamaica. This moving was convenient for him because it took him off the stress of having to take long E and F train rides to the city. He use to live in Brooklyn before when he was a child but it was nothing like Fort Greene.  He was content with his new apartment because of how spacious it was.  He lived there from 1885 through 1992, which was the most important years of his life. Even thought Fort Greene was not in a good nor safe neighborhood  (in fact he experienced a police arresting a robber in his own backyard, and he got robed himself in his apartment) moving to this apartment never became a mistake in his life. For the contrary, he gained a lot of success by this decision. During this period he wrote five books including The Death of Rhythm and Blue Eyes. Also, he invested in a couple of movies like Shes Gotta Have It.

George mentions how his ambition  grew in his new apartment. This new era like he mentioned made him realize a lot of things. By seeing all the inspiring artist that moved to Fort Greene he saw how some had the talent but weren’t brave enough to stay and fight for their success. George started to realize his true talent which as to be a mentor. He related himself to his mother that was a teacher. He helped young artist to succeed in their career. He even said he was like a “one man network” for people because he helped them an introduced them to contacts he had that would benefit the artists he was mentoring. George learned a lot about him self because according to him “achieving sustained excellence is what I preached to others and sought to myself.” By this quote he means that  achieving your own success with out giving up in life is what he did and what he hopes everyone will do.

image# 2

  • There are 3 woman enjoying their picnic.
  • Two of them are smiling looking at the camera and the other one is looking at them, which seems like they are having a really good time.
  • They look like they wealthy because they are wearing  a formal shirt and a tie, with a long black skirt. It makes me completely sure they are wealthy by observing their black hats with a feather on them. The hat makes them look fancy.
  • the picture looks like its taken in the afternoon. Probably because picnics are planned in the afternoon because in a picnic you eating lunch.
  • its taken in the year 1899. Therefore, it was in the progressive era when women started to stand out and “have a voice” in this country
  • its taken in a lake. The woman are sitting besides the lake on grass.
  • it looks like theres no buildings or houses just grass that expands everywhere surrounding the lake.
  • The photographer maybe was a journalist from the progressive era that took the photo to show how woman were   standing out and doing as they pleased with no containment.
  • The message in this photograph may be that little by little woman are gaining freedom in society.

Project#1 Introducing Yourself

My name is Andrea Encalada. I recently graduated from Forest Hills High School on June 2013. Now I’m a  present student attending  to City College of Technology majoring in Accounting . The  accountant program is only for two years, therefore I plan to do my best this two years to be able to continue my studies in another university. My goal is to get my masters degree on this major, and I believe I can achieve it with dedication and fortitude. I’m a very friendly person but at times I really enjoy to be alone because it helps me think about my future and what are good options and goals to achieve .

The avatar in my profile picture it’s me. In the  background there’s numerous trees surrounding me. This image  represents me because it shows how I’m alone and instead of being surrounded by people or in a place where it’s likely for people to be there, there’s only the trees and me. By me being alone it shows how I am shy and feel more comfortable in a environment that is peaceful and with little number of people. Also by me looking straight at the camera it represents  the determination I have to move forward in life and do the best I can to have a good future. Finally, by my smile in the picture it shows that I am a happy and humble person. Even though am shy at first once I get use to people I’m a good friend to be around.

Even thought my avatar has one particular meaning to me, am sure people can interpret it in many different ways. Everyone has their own opinion of things and may misread my avatar. For example, in my picture I see it as representing how shy but determined I am. For someone else that image of me may represent someone that is antisocial or doesn’t like people at all. There’s many ways a image can be interpreted but is only important how you feel about it.

My profile would convey that I am a person that is shy but when I get comfortable am a great person to be around. It will also convey that am really determined to be someone in life so I won’t stop until I accomplish my goal as an accountant. It’s important that my profile shows this because this way it would show others the determination I have which makes me the person that I am today. It’s also really important to have a bio in my profile so it would show people details of me that only with my avatar they cants see. Lastly, my profile will also convey the hope I have for this college years to be a great experience for me.