Summary of Projec#4

Fulton Street is named after a successful business man, Robert Fulton, who own a monopoly steam ferries business. And two streets linked with the ferries are called Fulton Street. Although the monopoly business did not exist now, the monopolistic businesses still continued on the Brooklyn Fulton. From the past century, there are plenty of retail stores along Fulton Street; it is a successful economic model to the local African Americans. However, Fulton Street recently moves to the next step. Because of its fantastic transportation, attracting thousands of visitors a day, Fulton is no longer a market place for local retailer, but also a mix market with both national chain stores and local retail stores. The joining of national stores attracts more visitors to Fulton mall, and also the fresh, new renovation make Fulton more international. On the other side, because of the national stores are too powerful and rich, many poor local stores are defeated by the high rent, and out of the market. Some people worried about the change of Fulton Street, but according a survey by Vicki Weiner, deputy director of the Pratt Center for Community Development, the construction of Fulton still function like traditional market place where people socialize as they shop.

Advice to incoming student

To the incoming student:
Before talking about the class, I want to tell you an equation, college student is equal an adult. When you are a college student, people expect you are responsible and knowing what to do. Therefore, the excuse that you used in high school is not so useful at the college anymore. Grow up, guys.
As a freshman, I feel lucky I have this class. I live in Manhattan five years since I move in New York; and I never step out of my bubble. ā€œBeing in Brooklynā€ really gives me a new vantage point of New York. You can learn more about the Downtown Brooklyn, the new environment, and learn how to give your school life more color. As a new student, you might have a problem that no friends from your old high school have the same class with you. Yes, this is the problem I have at the beginning of the class, but now, no more. Since you have same classmates in both Speech and English class, you can meet new friends, chatting with them at that 15 minutes break. When God makes time, it makes plenty of it, so use that time.
If you want me to rate this course, I think it will be nine out of ten. So where does that one point go? It probably the speech and the Open lab; personally, I do like speech, and I donā€™t like to use computer to do the daily homework, because the computer is always distract me. So if you cannot bear that temptation as I did, I suggest you to open another account on your computer, with icon of Microsoft word only. Do not miss any assignment, not matter how small percentage they are, it still have power to affect your grade at the end. More importantly, DO NOT ABSENCE, because more than four absences, you cannot take you final test; and you if fail your final test, congratulation, you have to take the same course again.
Hoping you enjoy this class, and gain a good grade.

Student in fall 2013

Fulton Timesā€”the change of Fulton Street

Since I came to New York, I always walked to school; I never take any trains or buses to school, so it is so difficult to me to find the way out of the station and the way to my college. I still remember that was the first day of my school, I took the A train in Fulton Street and stopped at the station at Fulton, Jay street. I thought I lost and never left the Fulton Street in Manhattan, but the train did move in the same direction and pass through a stop. Therefore, I got out of the station and finally I found out where am I?
Brooklyn Fulton Street, the same street name in Manhattan downtown. It is named after Robert Fulton, who owned the monopoly business of steam ferries. In that time, the only way traveled to Manhattan and Brooklyn is by the steam ferries, and these two Fulton Street is where the steam ferries linked with. So as we can see Robert Fulton is the huge character in hundred years ago and his name still remain on today local history. Even though Fulton’s monopoly steam ferries business is no longer exist now, the monopolistic business along the Fulton Street still going on; the national chain stores vs. small local retail stores, and who will be last longer?
On Fulton Street, the 17-block corridor stretching from Boerum Place to Flatbush Avenue features a mix of national retailers like Macy’s, H&M, and the Gap; local chains like Brooklyn Industries, Cookie’s, and Shake Shack; and independent shops like Heart & Sole and Mirage Boutique. The retail business along Fulton Street cannot go without its transportation. From the past century, the road structure has great change and influences the area efficiently. Fulton Street has been a marketplace since early 19th century, ā€œthe street is full of pedestrians. A trolley track line was next to the (Orpheum) Theater and an over pass train track as wellā€ (Afo). Today, there are no more train tracks, the MTA subway trains and buses replace the streetcars. And it easier for people come to Fulton Street and shop along the street. The great transportation gathers lots of customers to this street, the store owners have more chance to sell their products; however, too much customers also give the land lords an opportunity to increase the rent.
From the last century, people are more flavors to the local stores on Fulton Street, like the shops that sell hip-hop fashion, cellphone, sneaker and gold jewelryā€¦ however, in recent years, those local and independent shops are disappeared, since they cannot afford the high rent in that area and the competition with national chain stores. An associate director at Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Retail, Hymie Dweck said, ā€œrent on Fulton Street were always around $150 to $200( square foot), but they are pushing past that nowā€ (Julie Satow). Rent is one of the important factors that they cannot compete with the national stores. The owner of Stellar European Design, Sam Yung Kim said ā€œdriving up rents beyond $200 a square foot that may make it impossible for him to remain when his lease comes up for renewal in a yearā€ (Berger, Joseph). Since the small retailers cannot earn as much as the national chain store did, and they still need to pay the same high rent, many stores closed, in this cruel competition, rent is like the salt, putting on their open wound, and make their situation worse.
The disappearance of those local stores make some people worry that Fulton Street will lose the African-American and Caribbean-American customers, since they like the unique style and bright color clothing, which make them show off their figure. On the other hand, ā€œsome small stores are pleased with the chainsā€™ arrival. ā€˜They bring more people in this area and itā€™s better,ā€™ said Frank Flower, an Egyptian immigrant who owns a hole-in-the-wall shop that sells gold chains and earringsā€ (Berger, Joseph). Do the national chain stores join in Fulton Street really change the peopleā€™s visit? Vicki Weiner, deputy director of the Pratt Center for Community Development who also worried about the unbalance between national retailers, local retailers and the independent shops did a survey in 2006, asking the architectural significance of the mallā€™s buildings, testing if the new stores in the mall did change the customers visiting. At the end, she found out that street is still ā€œfunctioning like a traditional marketplace, where people see people they know and come to network and socialize as well as shop.ā€ Weiner believed Fulton Mall (on the center of Fulton Street) has not lost its character (Berger, Joseph).
From these two stories, we understand the factor of rent influences the competition between the local retail and the national chain stores; and also the view from people about the national chain stores joining in Fulton Street. Because of the great transportation along the Fulton Street, many retailers want to join in this fantastic market; however, on the other hand, the more retailers want to join in, the higher rent they have to pay. And as we know only the large national stores can afford this high rents with ease. In the customersā€™ views, Fulton Street is still the same amazing shopping pedestrianized mall; but, it is a little painful to the small retailor.
In this monopolistic market, the local stores seem weaker than the national chain stores; however, generally, Fulton Street stills the unique place for the people, a mix of national stores and local retail stores. Even though the national chain stores joining did hurt some of the small businesses, and push them out of the competition; with the loss of some loyal local customers, Fulton Street still stands, continued to expands its fame, and attracts more new customers to here.

Cited Work
Afo (Aqbere, Dawuda), ā€œVaudeville Project-Orpheum.ā€ What is Vaudeville? The Brooklyn Experience. OpenLAB AT CITY TECH, November 7, 2013. Web. November 20, 2013
Berger, Joseph. “On Fulton Street, Worries about Change.” The New York Times Online 20 September 2013. 20 November 2013.
Downtown Brooklyn. . Historic Downtown Brooklyn Walking Tour. Web. 28 November 2013

Satow, Julie. “National Retailer Discover a Brooklyn Mall.” The New York Times Online 28 August 2012. 20 November 2013.



Definition: (Slang) Diddly-squat ——the least amountĀ :Ā  anything at all


“They head down the mountain, back to base camp, and when they get there they don’t say diddly. They don’t talk. Not a word, like they get there they’re deaf and dumb.”

I understand that soldiers are scared, so they done something crazy and do not know how to explain it to the others, and ashamed to talk about that.






Definition:Ā to hide (something) by covering it up or making it harder to see


“How to Tell a True War Story”:

“what happens is, these guys get themselves deep in the bush, all comouflaged up, and they lie down and wait and that;s all they do, nothing else, they lie there for seven straight days and just listen.”

Even though the soldiers are cover up themselves, but the mysterious sound follow them, I can tell the music come from their heart, their mind.



Definition: to penetrate into every part


“Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan”:

“Three-quarters of the way across the bridge I saw the skyscrapers in the deepening darkness become slowly honeycombed with lights until, before I reach the Manhattan end…”

I understand where is the vantage point from author, how the darkness join to the light, the city become glorious.




Definition: of or resembling a serpent (as in form or movement); having many bends and turns


from the article “Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan”:
“the haunting shadow of the bridge on water; the serpentine plunge of the span’s railing, like a roller coaster descending into the high-rise city.”

I understand the vantage point from the author, which the bridge is like the shape of serpent, with many bends and cross the water.



Definition:of or relating to the end of the world


From Philip Lopate’s Waterfront:A Walk Around Manhattan:
“compared the structure to a dinosaur, one of thous’huge giant lizards’ from which future geologists could re-create out world, and whose bones alone would survive the apocalyptic twentieth century.”

I understand the author want to say that the structure of Brooklyn Bridge is strong, huge and will be last forever, to the end of the twentieth century



Definition: very strange or ugly in a way that is not normal or natural


“How to Tell a True War Story” from Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried:
“it can be argued, for in stance, that war is grotesque. But in truth war is also beauty.”

I understand O’Brien said that war is ugly, this is a common sense for all the people (who had not been in the war); however, for the soldiers who witness the war, they understand the beauty, like O’Brien use beautiful words to describe the death of Lemon. For them, this is the truth.



Definition:loud and unpleasant to listen to


“Reading Lucy”: “In the first day without her raucous writing voice and her panoramic gaze, I felt a little lost.”

I understand that Egan really like Lucy,her characteristic and her life, she cannot stop reading letter and understand her “friend”, even though Lucy’s writing is kind of noisy and most of the people will unpleasant to listen.