

Definition: of or resembling a serpent (as in form or movement); having many bends and turns


from the article “Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan”:
“the haunting shadow of the bridge on water; the serpentine plunge of the span’s railing, like a roller coaster descending into the high-rise city.”

I understand the vantage point from the author, which the bridge is like the shape of serpent, with many bends and cross the water.



Definition:of or relating to the end of the world


From Philip Lopate’s Waterfront:A Walk Around Manhattan:
“compared the structure to a dinosaur, one of thous’huge giant lizards’ from which future geologists could re-create out world, and whose bones alone would survive the apocalyptic twentieth century.”

I understand the author want to say that the structure of Brooklyn Bridge is strong, huge and will be last forever, to the end of the twentieth century



Definition: very strange or ugly in a way that is not normal or natural


“How to Tell a True War Story” from Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried:
“it can be argued, for in stance, that war is grotesque. But in truth war is also beauty.”

I understand O’Brien said that war is ugly, this is a common sense for all the people (who had not been in the war); however, for the soldiers who witness the war, they understand the beauty, like O’Brien use beautiful words to describe the death of Lemon. For them, this is the truth.



Definition:loud and unpleasant to listen to


“Reading Lucy”: “In the first day without her raucous writing voice and her panoramic gaze, I felt a little lost.”

I understand that Egan really like Lucy,her characteristic and her life, she cannot stop reading letter and understand her “friend”, even though Lucy’s writing is kind of noisy and most of the people will unpleasant to listen.



Definition: the ability to keep something

Prof. Rosen used this word during English class on the 16th of October.

I now know that Prof. Rosen was talking about remembering information when she said the word “retention.”




Definition: ludicrous (adjective)-very foolish.


From article “A Literary Strolls in From the Airport”: “in term of my longer walk, starting in London, I’m already halfway, and I can say that I am ludicrously happy. I am in a state of almost absurd satori.”

Because he is in the halfway of his goal,he is happy his situation right now, peace, no rush. Although he said his happiness is foolish, but think that is what satori should be.



Definition: amazing or wonderful : very impressive


McGrath’s ”A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport”: “He used to be a prodigious drinker and drug-taker,famous for late-night altercation, not always coherent public appearances and marathon hours at trendy spots like the Groucho Club..

Mr. self is a unhealthy person, but he is the only one who walk to New York City from the airport, he is impressed, and knowing how to understand a city.



Definition: medical : a medical condition that causes your body or part of your body to shake uncontrollably


Whitehead’s “City Limits”:” my first city memory is of looking out a subway window as the train erupted from the tunnel on the way to 125th Street and palsied up onto the elevated tracks.”

The new view of New York City surprise him, he cannot control himself. (he can only refresh back his memory in his mind)