Awaking in New York By Maya Angelou

‘Awaking in New York’ was written by the astound Maya Angelo. Written on a dull backdrop of what seems to be a rising sun on buildings, my initial reaction to reading this poem is, “it’s about waking up in New York City, and the routine that people working and the living in New York City experiences” but, after reading the poem and analyzing it I realize the meaning underneath the surface that it portrays is much deeper than that. In a somber and what one may describe as a depressing tone, this poem explains the lonely and depressing feeling that people feel from routine and from lack of control in their life. “Curtains forcing their wills against the wind” (lines 1-2) shows the imagery of the curtain flowing as the wind blows. an innocent image it portrays, but what the speaker is actually speaking about I believe is the troubles of life pushing through as the “wind”, and the “curtain” as people is trying to fight against it but is failing.” I an alarm, awake as a rumor of war/ lie stretching into the sun unmasked and unneeded” (lines 8-11)  the comparison to an inanimate object, shows the lack of care the speaker has for himself or herself. the poem is written in the first person, because of the use of the letter “I”, which makes the poem more relatable to subway passengers who might feel that way, because there is no gender attached. I believe this poem shows the robotic life that people inhabit as they make a step into adulthood, the stripping away of innocence and simplicity of life that we normally have as children, is removed and we become a hard surface, lacking the love, and care that we used to have as children.


Poetry In Motion- Train Rising out of the Sea by John Ashbery

I found this confusing mess on the B- Train line. My first initial reaction to this poem was what is the speaker trying to tell me because i am very lost. I had to do a lot of reread, out loud and to myself. I couldn’t really make out who the speaker really was but i believe the subject of the poem is how do we make more use of the day and time. The title of the poem didn’t help me much, in fact it made me more confused and made me wonder why the author decided to make that the title of the poem.  Until i broke the poem down stanza by stanza.

In the first stanza the speaker is trying to say that we don’t have much time in the day. Not being about to conquer the day at full capacity or fulfill the little time we have to become the best us possible. ” We need more night for the sky, more blue for the daylight” (Line 1) , i view this as, if there was more time in the day more can be accomplish.  Sometime the little time we have gets placed else where and that doesn’t benefit us in the long-run or we’re not fully involved in. Losing sight of you and what special gift you bring to the world. ” Like an island just off the shore, one of many, that no one Notices, though it has a certain function, though an abstract one” (Line 9-10) , those lines in the poem make me think that the person uniqueness is being overlooked and being over looked can cause you to lose yourself. The theme I get from the poem is Time and the poem does connect to the title. The train is your life you have different stops and delays but the sea is the world. The train is coming out the sea rising and showing what it is capable of.

Poetry in Motion- Remembering Summer By W.S. Merwin

The name of the poem I found was Remembering Summer by W.S. Merwin; I found this poem on the G train. First read, I was confused because it seemed like the speaker was jumping around also contradicting himself sentence after sentence. After reading more, I then realized that there was a pattern to it, which was that some lines were its own thought and one would get lost if you tried to connect the thoughts (lines) that didn’t go together. As far as the visuals for this poem goes, there’s a minor assortment of bright bright ceramic tiles, and one of the patterns is what appears to be some sort of yellow flower. I think this poem was chosen for subway readers to read because New Yorkers can relate the most to what it feels like to being too cold, while also being able to have a short but very warm summer. The speaker is a boy or girl that is talking to an older woman about what she thinks of the winter and being cold compared to the summer, and how she didn’t remember much of the summer because of how quick it passed by. With the subject being summer, the theme of this poem is that summer was so enjoyable and short to remember if the heat was ever an uncomfortable factor because of the positive distractions nature provided.

Poetry in Motion – Notes on Longing by Tina Chang

I found the poem “Note On Longing” by Tina Chang on the R train. When I first read it, I felt like I was watching a video. The words are like a video player that play the scene into my mind.  It was describing a peaceful night that a family was having a dinner together. The art that goes together with the poem shows a white towel with strips, a pair of green socks with some kind of patterns on it and a white towel with grid pattern are hanging on a red string on a very sunny day. This picture gives me a warm feeling which matches the feeling that the poem gives to me. But, I do not think the art is the best for the poem, because the poem is describing a scene which happens at night. This poem was chosen to be subway reading, I think it is  because the poem can make the subway rides more relax and make people feel like their simple peaceful life is the best. A peaceful after-rain night, duck meal, egg over rice, family dinner and sizzling flounder all makes people want to go home and feel less stress. The poem is exploring the beauty of life. The scene that the poem describes was the dream life that the speaker wants to have. It makes me want to cherish my life more. I think this poem is very easy to read. I can picture the scene very easily.

Poetry in Motion- Notes On Longing

I found this poem on the R train, it is titles “Notes On Longing” by Tina Chang. I did come across this poem a few times and it was interesting to see that on the picture it shows a line of clothes hanged up like socks, towels, and what looks like a shirt. I guess when I saw the picture, I imagined the poem to be about clothing or something close to it. Reading the poem, it was confusing because the poet starts of the first two lines with describing the smell after it rain but then quickly jumps ship by saying “Duck bones, a wounded egg on rice” this line is what made the poem confusing to understand for me. The rest of the poem described a series of phased to go threw and in all that there is a family with a mom that brings food to the family. Over all I think the message of the poem shows that you have a family who is there for you to care for you and help you.


Poetry in Motion-Remembering Summer- W.S. Merwin

In searching for a poem for my blog post #1, I found a poem on the A train titled “Remembering Summer” by W.S. Merwin. My initial reaction to reading this poem was enlightenment at the thought that this poem was here to bring joy to the riders that happened to notice this great piece of literature. All the bright colors and fine lines that flowed around the poems white background was a real attention grabber, but still people just passed it by. I feel this particular poem was chosen for subway riders to read because it is calming and relatable for a New Yorker to long for the summer.

I feel the speaker is a fellow New Yorker, talking about his love of summer and longing for its arrival. This is supported when the speaker says “I can sit here now still listening to it, which is the final line of the poem. This supports the fact that he can still hear this sound that is so pleasant to him at the thought of summer.The poem explores a few themes such as love, Longing, and admiration. The themes are  supported when the speaker says only negative thing about winter and pleasant things about summer. I think this poem is accessible to the general reader because it does not make you think too much about the message. One of the questions I have about this poem is what was the purpose of adding the ninth line “the evenings with the hens still talking in the lane”. How does that line relate to the rest of the poem.
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Poetry in Motion: Remembering Summer by W.S Merwin

Poetry in Motion : Remembering Summer by W.S Merwin

I have came across many poems while riding the A train, but ” Remembering Summer” by W.S Merwin was the only one that really caught my attention and spoke to me.  While reading the poem I noticed there are no punctuation marks throughout the poem, I asked myself what is the speaker  trying to say or why is the poem written this way. The poem  makes a comparison between the season.  In the poem, it says ” in between is the best because you never give it a thought but it goes too fast ” ( lines 3-4)  the speaker is  referring to spring and how with spring the weather is in between not too cold or too warm. The poem is relatable because in new york, we experience different weathers, one day it might be cold, the next is hot and etc, and the speakers mentions how the seasons goes fast and how she can’t enjoy it.   Something else that caught my attention was the background picture that is being displayed. We see a leaf , with different colors and every color represent the season that the other is referring too, for example black, everyone knows winter marks the absence of color and the background displays black.  . ” the evening with the hens still talking in lane and the light getting longer in the valley (lines 9-10) But overall the poem is referring to summer how the weather is warm , the days are longer and the nights are shorter.

“Remembering Summer”

While riding the Lefferts Boulevard “A” express train I came across a poem called “Remembering Summer” written by W.S, Merwin and decided to use it for my Poetry in Motion Blog Post #1. This poem is definitely speaking about the summer and winter seasons because of the title “Remembering Summer”. My initial reaction to this poem was a feeling of warmth and uncertainty as to the speaker`s preferable season between summer and winter. This was because I interpreted the poem as the speaker describing how short the summer season is compared to winter. The poem starts off with “Being too warm the old lady said to me/ is better than being too cold” (lines 1-2). An old lady said to the speaker that she prefers to be too warm than too cold. The speaker says “I think now/ in between is the best because you never/ give it a thought but it goes by too fast/ I remember the winter how cold it got/ I could never get warm wherever I was/ but I don’t remember the summer heat like that/ only the long days the breathing of the trees”(lines 2-8 ). The speaker is saying that the summer is so brief that he/she can’t remember much about it, but the winter is so long that they can almost remember everything because of the difficulties of finding warmth. The speaker feels that if it was between warm and cold, they would be happier and would bring more pleasing memories. The theme of this poem can be the difference in temperature preference. The old lady prefers to be very warm than very cold, while the speaker prefers to be between warm and cold. I think that this poem was chosen for subway riders to get them to think deeper and dissect this poem and look at the true message that’s behind the poem; although it is about weather preference, when you look deeper, I think what the speaker is saying is that the good time such as warm summer days goes by so fast that we don’t even remember the heat that comes with it and because the winter last so long, we can definitely remember all of the days spent trying to remain warm, in other way, in life, one must learn to be in the moment and enjoy the good times for they go by so very fast, then we’re right back to dealing with the challenges and stress that life have to offer. A lot of people ride the subway to  and from many different settings, such as work, school, the hospital and once they get to that setting, they have to deal with so much and therefore that short period of time being in the subway, maybe they can be in the moment and try to have that piece and even meditate because the train ride goes by so fast and many times we forget our ride to school or work but remember the stressors we have to deal with once we’ve reached our destination and depart that train. I think this poem is accessible for general readers because I have googled it and have found it on various webpages. The only question I have about this poem is “Why didn’t the speaker spoke about other seasons such as fall and spring?”.

Poetry in Motion – To the night out by LYFT!

To the night out~LYFT!

Before reading the poem my attention goes straight to the highlighted sentences and the eleven words that are not. It is clear from the start without reading that the poem wants to convey a message, which is represented by the eleven words not highlighted. When I began to read the poem I began to smirk because of how relatable I found it to be. The poem talks about a night out and the struggles that occur with the transport from your location to the next. The poem implies that the subject is a woman on her night out, many women can relate because they have had some sort of experience as such. I can relate, on the weekend I go out with friends and we often dress up not particularly in favor of the weather or our feet. When I go out I always depend on some sort of taxi so that my feet don’t blister and I am much safer.

What I also realized is that this poem doesn’t have verses and the last line “That feeling that you should have taken a Lyft!”,make the audience remembers the service being offered through the poem. All of the obstacles the subject faced on a night out allows the readers to be persuaded to take Lyft on a night out. So they don’t have to experience the long walks in heels or the long wait for the train. It is relatable on purpose so that readers attention is easily captured.



Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: infallible; incapable

Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The word is found in the Claude McKay poem America, in the thirteenth line.

“Beneath the touch of Time’s unerring hand”

He is using the word as an adjective to describe Americas incapabilities and how it makes him feel.