Tatianna Atkinson: Homework #1

Photography is an art, especially when one can capture a picture at a wonderful angle that makes the image beautiful. Social Media helps millions of people to explore different types of photography. Instagram is a social media platform made for expanding one’s mind. Instagram is made for posting pictures, compared to an app like facebook which has that feature also but carrying’s much more in addition. Instagram’s main goal is for people to post pictures compared to statuses. The food industry uses social media to expand a restaurant, hotel or any business that caters to food in general.

I surprisingly only take photos of food when it’s on snapchat because it only lasts for 24 hours. I don’t like posting pictures of food on my Instagram or Facebook account, because when other people post their images the food kind of looks nasty. So imagine me posting an image of some food, and people have the same review I had on the rest on me. I do look at food photo’s to help me decide what foods I should be eating. For example, when I go to a restaurant and they have foreign words on their menu I search it up on google images to get an idea of what the restaurant is serving.

Danielle Sciarrino HW #1

Photography and social media plays a huge role in the hospitality industry. Great reviews and photographs from guests can help you obtain a lot of business. Since cameras have become more accessible due to advancements in digital cameras and phones more people are tempted to capture and share their meals with the world. Also, the rise of social media has allowed guests to share their experiences and photos easily from anywhere from any device. This is a great thing for the industry, it’s basically free advertising.

Before I came to Citytech, I was a photography director for Spoon University’s University of Central Florida chapter. Spoon University is a website that publishes college students articles about all things food. My responsibility as photography director was to capture and edit photos to go with the writing teams articles. I also was in charge of our chapters Instagram where we posted tons of food photos. It was a great way to inform students on campus about great food all around them.

Today, I pretty much only take food photos when I make something I am super proud of, or if I get a beautiful looking dish from somewhere.

HW #1

In today’s world you see most people on their phones quite often or all the time even. Not only is social media used by young adults to gain likes and followers, now even restaurants amongst with other business use social media to attract more customers. With  all these hashtags, likes, comments and sharing your location with others helps recommend to you what to and not to eat. With all the photos taken by customers, and then them sharing then with their followers helps gain and attract other new customers.

I myself use instagram as a tool to trying to locate other places where I can enjoy a good meal or dessert other than the ones I usually go to. It’s very convenient as well because it would show you places you’re nearby or it also has recommendations based on posts you’ve liked before. I also noticed that now snapchat is also doing this where you can add your location and others can swipe up and it instantly tells you how to get there and what they serve.

As technology advances more people and businesses gain more followers/customers. You can say that almost everyone can gain more from it. Also taking awesome photos is a great advantage because when someone posts something that looks delicious they might just ask you, “Where did you eat that? it looks tasty!”. If I see good reviews or comments on a certain place, I would definitely give it a try.

Camila Fernandez/ HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Pisco cocktail and Truffle Ravioli

Osteria Morini


Vegan Restaurant

Lady Bird

By working in restaurants for few years already I’ve notice many changes on food, style and marketing. In the past 10 years technology made huge advances, it has become part of our lives and actually have made things easier for us. For example now we can send or post pictures on social media and look up the best restaurants in the area just in seconds. Before people rarely took their phones out while dining at a restaurant and if you wanted to know about the food and experience you would’ve to ask someone who has been there before. Now days when people see a beautiful dish arriving to their tables the first thing they do is take a picture and post it on social media, and if you want to know what food is served at any restaurant you can look it up online and see how their food looks like. Chefs now not only worry about their food quality but the visual part of it, they work hard every day to create dishes that will strike people eyes. Restaurants owners think more about restaurant layout and decoration. Employees such as bartenders make their drinks look more interesting and they play with garnishes so cocktails look better on pictures and not only that but themselves promote their drinks by posting photos on social media. I think all the use of technology in the industry is an amazing opportunity for people to learn,socialize and for businesses to succeed. I use instagram everyday to see what are the new trends in restaurants, to see where my friends are dining or having drinks and to also share my own pictures with other people. I discover new places every day using instagram and when I see a photo a dish that looks amazing or a restaurant that looks interesting to me I definitely visit the place. I believe a lot will people agree with me and few others will disagree but reality is that technology makes part of our lives and instead of avoid it we should learn how to make good use of it.

I shared in this post some photos of food from just three of my favorite restaurants in the city so maybe some of you will be interested in visiting them.

Husam Kaid: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Prof. Cheng

Photography has become an essential part of everybody’s life. Cameras are everywhere around us, from phones to laptops to drones and even gaming consoles. Photography and social media have become inseparable especially in the last decade with the rise of Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. The food industry, just like every other industry, has realized that using social media as a marketing tool is indeed a brilliant idea. As humans we are naturally inclined towards beautiful things, therefore, seeing beautiful pictures of food will definitely make us want to try it.

Most of my friends love taking pictures of food but I must admit it can get annoying at times because then I have to go and try that food myself. Often times the food looks better than it tastes, some restaurants tend to focus more on the aesthetic aspect than on the actual quality of the food.


I used to work as a barista at 1982 cafĂ© in Brooklyn, and I can confirm the statement “Even restaurants are designing their menus and decor to encourage the use of social media” the owner literally hired somebody to make the place look like an 1800’s European bar, and although the costumers LOVED the coffee, they were astonished by the interior design and complemented the place as much as they complimented the coffee. New Fork City is definitely an amazing and innovative business idea and it is every teenager’s dream job.


Jubedel Andon HW#1

Photography has never been easier. We just pick up a camera, shoot and repeat. We have the ability to express emotion, empathy, beauty and disaster all with a single click. In the hospitality industry photography is crucial. It can bring in new business or it can be the final nail in the coffin. As an individual you must strive to present the best to the world to succeed. Today, many restaurants are also on social media, keeping up with the latest trend they are able to make an impact on how they represent the company via the internet. When I am looking for something new to eat, I first look to see if the restaurant has a website. After that I usually go on social media and see if people have posted pictures of the place to see not only the food but also how the place looks like. I usually don’t take pictures of the food that I am eating but when I do it is usually because it has a wow factor. I feel like it is only necessary to take only 1 or 2 pictures of food because various pictures of the same thing can dilute the quality.

Kai Yin Lee: HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Social media nowadays spreads every piece of information that goes through it once, all around the world being accessible to anybody with internet access in a matter of seconds affecting all fields of work and study, along with the hospitality field being no exception. I believe that social media is ultimately a great addition to the arsenals of the hospitality business, allowing them to spread and promote what is unique and special about their own business whether it be a new food trend or a new spin on a well-known recipe. Apps like Snapchat for example now have certain feeds that provide information on the newest food trends providing recipes, restaurant suggestions and more food related content update on a daily basis.

I personally think that ultimately social media is mostly a positive addition to the hospitality field as it is healthy for both producer and consumer allowing companies to get their information across to the consumer and allowing them to continue spreading what they want to in order to get people’s attention in a relatively fast manner. I enjoy taking photos of the food that I make and eat and also enjoy looking on social media at what friends and celebrities are eating too, always finding something new that catches my eye and drawing me in.

Kaylah Bilal HW#1

Social media in hospitality has open the industry up to an increasing amount of people around the world, creating more jobs, spreading new ideas, and making a difference on how the world views the world. I think social media and hospitality pairs really well together and has adapted the industry to through technology. Technology is a growing feature in this era. For hospitality to be able to keep up with the new trends keeps the industry alive. I occasionally would post pictures of food/beverages because I want to share my experience at a specific place with others. The feeling when others would do the same is nice because it gives me a personal insight on a particular item or create awareness about a product I would probably never even heard about. I started doing this thing where if I was going to a new establishment, I would search up the menu, to view exactly what to expect. Social media has made this step easier and truthful. I know many have experienced going to a place where they would have set images of what certain meals would look like and once they order and receive their meal, the actual dish wouldn’t match up to that set image, which is truly upsetting at times. As majority establishments in the previous articles have spoken about, social media is a great way to advertise, and for free I might add. At the end of the day social media benefits both consumers and businesses.

Amanda Adams Hw #1

When I go out to eat with friends or family or even myself the first thing I look for is the reviews about the place, not its photos. For me personally, I believe that people are too dependent on their phones when it comes to food. While social media is one of the best ways for restaurants to get free press, I think that it takes away from the enjoyment of the meal. When it comes to eating out with my family we have a rule that phones must go away when food comes, but today’s society has made that idea outdated.

Now don’t get me wrong taking pictures of like a huge black tap shake or a 13-layer piece of cake looks nice but taking a picture of every plate of food that you consume, isn’t that a little overkill? But I also always have to remember that in the field that I am in photography is a must in the hospitality business. Without it, we wouldn’t have the advertisements that we have.

Even though I don’t think that we should take pictures of every plate that we get at a restaurant I really enjoy taking pictures of the dishes I make because I am always surprised at my abilities.