06. The Second Visit in Vinegar Hill: Site Report #2

The Second Visit in Vinegar Hill-Site report 2

Site Report 2 – Troy Sieusankar

Good morning Prof. Almeida:

How are you? I hope that you are well. I noticed a few minutes ago that you had commented on OpenLab that I should submit my Site Report 2 as soon as possible. I will do this, but please remember that I had technical trouble submitting it on OpenLab, so I had attached it to an email with a subject heading: “Site Report 2 – Troy Sieusankar” that was concerned about the issue (the date proves on-time submission).

Please click on the link to access my Site Report 2 on OpenLab: CopyofLearningPlacesSiteReport2

Thank you very much for your time, and have a very pleasant day.


Troy Sanjai Sieusankar, B.E.E.T.
Technologist/Engineer/Educator/US Army Iraq War Veteran
Cell: 1 – 347 – 553 – 4749
Professional Profile: www.linkedin.com/pub/troy-sieusankar-b-e-e-t/a/80/635/

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” – Elbert Hubbard
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin

Robert Moses Papers

The Robert Moses papers are organized not as a biography of his life. The papers are organized by the series of different projects and campaigns he participated in and benefited in throughout his life, as well as speeches and photographs. These include the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, Emergency Public Works Commission, and the Long Island State Park Commission, etc. Most of them overlap with each other, showing that he was involved with more than one thing at a time. These documents can be found in the Annex section of the New York Public Library Rare Books and Manuscript Division.

05. Using RECAP to evaluate the reading – Eamon Loingsigh The Power of Family Lore: Uncovering Brooklyn’s “Auld Irishtown”

The things that Eamon talks about in this article are relevant to my topic since he is giving information about Irishtown that later on became Vinegar Hill. This source helps on the research of my assignment but doesn’t fill all my needs. The author and the publisher are trusted sources. The author is a dedicated writer and researcher of this neighborhood.
Eamon comes from the Loingsigh family that has witnessed the history of this neighborhood, the changes area’s names, and the tough times that Americans gave to Irish. The currency of the source information is pretty reliable even though it was published nowadays, the content of it was taken by trusted sources like history books and family personal experiences.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle website is up-to-date source since it is dedicated to write the Brooklyn’s history and everything else that has to do with this borough from 1841. Eamon comes from an Irish emigrant family that moved to Irishtown, Brooklyn, New York in 19th century. His parents and grandparents told him stories about Irishtown, he read books about it and did research online. I looked up some of his sources like the book Gotham and I did verify them.
In that part of Brooklyn were known the neighborhoods like Dumbo, Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn Heights and Navy Yard, but Irishtown wasn’t recognized as an actual place in official records. This made the author to write about it. Creating this source came down to his family, they told him stories about Irishtown. Nobody knew much about it at that time since the computers and internet didn’t exist, so it wasn’t easy to look things up.

04. The First Visit in Vinegar: Site Report #1

04. The First Visit in Vinegar Hill – Site Report #1

03. Shirley Li – WikiGalaxy: A Visualization of Wikipedia Rabbit Holes

The name WikiGalaxy is beautifully given to the site and that is very true. I always end up clicking one of those blue highlighted words/links and like many of us I become dependent of the Rabbit Holes. The latest that I was captivated by the Rabbit Hole was when I was reading about Vinegar Hill and Brooklyn. I kept clicking on the highlighted words and it took me by surprise somewhere completely different from what I was supposed to be focused on. So that’s the funny part, that for that first assignment it took me a lot more time then the two preceding assignments combined. The time was longer but worth it since I got to learn stuff that I never heard before or stuff that I always wanted to read about. So my conclusion is that if you have a deadline you should force yourself not to be prey of Rabbit Hole, otherwise open your horizon by clicking those links that interest you.

02. The Whiskey Wars That Left Brooklyn in Ruins

Based on the reading I noticed that Brooklyn distilleries issue was very important to the merchants of vinegar hill and to the government as well. This caused several wars between them when the government raised their taxes, closed and destroyed their illegal activities. The corruption somehow always finds the way through by bribing revenue officials and infiltrating into the government institutions. Even nowadays this corrupted activities still exist but they are very well hidden from the public, and people find out about this stuff after centuries in history books. This issue became harder to get rid of after the Brooklyn distilleries expanded a lot and became a huge method of income. After the distilleries stopped completely their activity vinegar factories popped up, and maybe that’s why the area got the name Vinegar Hill since it is located in a hill as well.

Hw # 7 GIS post

This article definitely gives you an appreciation for the growth of technology. The birth of the Geographic Information System (GIS) has been a tremendous help in urban planning and design. There’s so much one can accomplish by using this amazing technology. It allows one to gather data from different sources to get all types of work done. I must admit I have never heard about GIS before reading this article nor did I know what GIS meant. This article has given me a better understanding of GIS and the types of companies that benefit the most from using it. Research institutions, environmental scientists, health organizations, land use planners, businesses, and government agencies uses GIS to develop and enrich our communities making it a better and safe environment for everyone.