Category Archives: Pre-Site Visit Reflection

Pre-Site Visit Reflection 2

Since I have already took my very first trip to Vinegar Hill and that anticipation is over, the next thing is what area my focus will be drawn to. We have visited a lot of interesting and great potential places to dig into the history of, yet I’m not all that quite sure about what space I want and I know that soon I have to be sure of what I will be doing my semester project on. I hope to use this next visit as an opportunity to make a decision on what particular area my attention and interest draws to the most. I am looking forward to our site visit tomorrow.

Pre-Site Visit Reflection 1

I have never knowingly been to Vinegar Hill, although in the past year I have been downtown Brooklyn many times, and over the course of my short lived life span. I am a little anxious to go, and after reading the some of its history I am very interested. I am however trying to not set my expectations so high for what the sight may look like, so I am trying to keep my mind as open as possible until we actually visit the site. I do however hope that the places looks very cool and has some type of visual history but I will definitely be waiting until I see the site in person before coming to a conclusion about my thoughts.