Journal #6 Josephine Woods

The week of March 2nd to March 6th wasn’t really moving forward as fast as I would  have hoped, however  it was still very productive.

On Monday March 2nd, I was still working on the creative  part of my stomp out bullying donation landing page. I had to start over because  I thought the week before I saved my work however, came Monday I found out I saved something else over my work. It was fine because I actually  saved the image I bought  (I didn’t want to be sued nor did I want the non-profit organization to be sued either) and saved it on my Google drive. I did start over and my landing page came out better this time, with a button I designed that went with the actually website.

On Tuesday March 3nd;  I worked more on the layout and placement of content. I took out some of the unnecessary content on the navigation menu and deleted pages.

On Wednesday  March 4rd; nothing new , I was still trying  to get my app to look professional and look like it took me months to create.

On Thursday March 5th ; I was still  working on the overall  look of the app.

On Friday March 6th; I didn’t work on my app at all, because  I couldn’t  long on to a computer because I intern at the College of New Rochelle and I didn’t have the log in username and password . I had to wait for a student who is also in the internship program and goes to the school to log me in, and she came in later that day.

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