Journal Entry 7 – Latimel Rodriguez

This week coming into the internship site was an interesting one, I was asked to come in on a day I would otherwise not be interning. When I get to the site Al was already gone. The receptionist greets me and confirms what I already knew. She says, “Al told me to tell you to head to the Namm building”. So without hesitation I drop my bag and head on down. Getting there I wasn’t to sure what to expect the last couple of shoots were at the radiology lab at city tech. This one shoot was at the new workout room they have by the cafeteria, it was nothing like the other photo shoot Al’s conducted. He’s always professional but the atmosphere at this photo shoot was a bit more laid back. Everyone was laughing and music is playing in the background. It was all around a neat experience.

To explain how the shoot went, Al asked the students to stand at a predetermined spot he had marked ion the floor. He the asked the students to face 45 degrees from the torso up and keep the lower half facing straight. To many, even the students, this posture feels extremely uncomfortable. When you see the outcome you understand that sometimes the most uncomfortable position give any artist the best results.

The set up was as follows, excuse me I still haven’t learned the names of all the camera lighting equipment. Theres a fill light right in front of the model. and then theres the snoot lighting right behind the model pointing at his head. The reason being, the fill light obviously gives the model lighting in the face and body and  the snoot lighting adds a rim of light behind the model. My job in this shoot was to grab the reflective circle and stand next to the model opposite the fill light. What this giant, lightweight contraption does, is reflect the light from the fill light on the left of the model, to the right side of the models face. The final being light being positioned on both sides of the models face with the light only coming from one source.

The entire project took about two hours, which I loved. It just makes the day go a lot faster. We packed up and headed back to the studio, where Al asked me to finish the remainder of the event and print it out. Luckily I had done it the night before. Al then asked me to do A 17′  cutout saying #CITYTECHNEWS. After the corporate school colors were picked I completed the project using the type font, Trade Gothic Condensed Oblique, and went to go show it to Al, but he was gone for the day on another project.

One thought on “Journal Entry 7 – Latimel Rodriguez

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Luigi,

    I’m glad to see how much information you’re giving to the reader. However, you still need to focus on writing in the past tense to describe events that have already happened. Also, I’d suggest, looking up the names of lighting equipment before informing us that you don’t know what they’re called. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with admitting it, but given the choice, it’s more professional to sound knowledgeable about your subject. As always, you can bring in hard copy to my office and we can review your writing in greater detail.


    Professor Mason


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