Journal #3 Josephine Woods

Monday was my first day of work at New York App Designers. The company has different locations and the I reported to the Brooklyn location on Nostrand Ave in the Restoration building in the  College of New Rochelle. The first day was introduction to my fellow interns who also happened to be in BTTIP. This is also the day I meet my supervisor Mr. Khalidi Lawson for the first time in person,  he showed us a power point presentation of what the company does and what our roles are going to be as the designers.

Tuesday was my first day of research on finding a non-profit organization, and look through their website and see if there was any way to create a mobile app to help get their information out. I choose to create an app for Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce,  which is a site that gives information about Brooklyn. Where to go, what to see, what to eat, and  events and news about the borough of Brooklyn.

After I choose the non-profit organization I carefully clicked through the site to see if I will be able to incorporate the information in to an app. As I was clicking each link I was thinking “If I wanted to more about Brooklyn what information would I like to read in an app?”. The truth is I’m still working on deciding which is more efficient on a mobile app.  Should I choose quality over quantity? .

I decided to leave that content for later and work on the appearance of the app. I used their pictures that was on their website, so now all I have to do is drip it in Adobe PhotoShop and resize and maybe add a filter.  I have to try to fix the pixelation and try not to make it looks so stretched out. I ran out of time yesterday at my internship, I left off with images needed to be fixed, buttons (taps) are set, and that’s it. I’m so excited I feel like I’m a super hero and my powers are designing and excitement.

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