Out of no where I have been deployed from Animal Kingdom and to be part of the new DISNEY ART OF ANIMATION RESORT opening crew! 😀

I cannot believe I was nominated to be part of the opening crew for the new resort! I am so happy! I will be part of history! . But let me start from the beginning on how I found out about my deployment.
Last week I had notcied that CDS didnt post up my schedule for the upcoming week, so it showed that I was off 11 days staight in a row. I spoke to one of my Managers Melissa about it and she told me she will see whats going on. As the following two days passed by and I had classes , I never had the chance to talk to my manager regarding to the situation!
As I checked on CDS once again my schedule had been posted but the hours were ridiclous . I was so shocked at the fact that it said that I was working until 1am everyday. I called Disney , they were so confused about the situation that they transferred me to 5 different people. Finally the deployment center were finally able to tell me what was going on. They had told my managers the day before that I was being deployed to the new resort that is opening up. I was in shock , I didn’t know how to react . I was so confused on what I had to do . They sent me my schedule through my email and everything.
For the following three weeks I will be training at the All-Star Music Resort to get a sense of quick food service in a resort environment. It is so different from what I used to do in outdoor food service. I am just going to continue being open to learning new techniques and getting to know new people.

Excited for the next upcoming weeks! Cant wait until the new resort opens up! 🙂


Jennifer Medina

Quick Food Service at

All-Start Music Resort for training

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4 Responses to DEPLOYMENT! :O

  1. jbeverett says:

    Congradulation Jen ! That is a great opportunity for you and that will look good on your record. I hope you like it and gain great experience from it.

  2. Fiona says:

    Congratulations!! This is definitely an awesome opportunity. I have a few managers who’s preparing to transfer to AOA. So far, they love it! I heard each front desk has their own ‘pod’ so that it lets the guests communicate with them better, which I thought was a very interesting and considerate idea. And you’ll be a part of that magical opening before coming back! Awesome! I’ll be looking forward to your future posts about your experience there!
    Caribbean Beach Resort

  3. Susanna Li says:

    Being part of an opening crew is definitely something you should be proud of. You will be the first group of cast members to see the new resort and it’s amenties. I’m quite jealous of what you’re going to experience cause these chances don’t come often. I have been on the look out for any updates on the new resort. It’s a resort filled with family suites. If you have the chance post up some photos while you’re there. So we may be excited as well. This kind of experience is worth calling magical.

    Susanna Li
    Disney Campus Representative
    New York City College of Technology

  4. WOW, this is a City Tech first. I am thrilled for you. Make sure to take detailed notes of what you are doing to ensure you can use the training and training techniques in the future. This will look GREAT on your resume.

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