Week 7

Today will be one of the busiest days on the year from what my manager told us last night. I work later on today & it’s EMH night.  I’m prepared because yesterday was an intense crazy day at work, we had Automatic Power Disconects, Signal 25, loss of audio & even a code yellow.

I’m prepared for whatever comes my way at this point.  The temperature has increased….. A LOT! Our leaders try to make sure we stay hydrated from time to time, as well as receiving out breaks on time.  I have grown very close to my co-workers and we all help each other get through our long day shifts.

Only two months left, will start counting down days soon.


Maria Gonzalez


Mission Space

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2 Responses to Week 7

  1. Dear Maria,
    Thank you for always including your position and work location, it is helpful. Please encourage your classmates to follow this standard.

    Please clarify your post, what is EMH, signal 25…?

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